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    The Apollo Hospitals Center for Assisted Reproduction offers world class infertility treatment in India with advanced procedures and equipment has been achieving high success rates. The Apollo Infertility treatment team consists of expert doctors who specialize in Reproductive medicine, Nurse-counselors, Ultrasonographers, Embryologists and Andrologists. Apollo hospitals India has indeed made a name for itself as a Centre of excellence, integrity and successful outcomes in the area of Infertility treatment.


    How is infertility investigated?

    Apollo Hospitals, India offers several specialized investigative procedures for infertility for men and women. Both the partners are expected to come for the first visit wherein a detailed history and previous reports are reviewed.

    Investigations for the Male Infertility

    Apart from necessary basic blood and urine examination, semen analysis will be done.

    Investigations for the Infertility in Women

    Routine investigations such as CBC, FBS, urine routine, TSH,/ FSH / LH / Prolactin (Day 2 of the cycle) VDRL, Hepatitis B, HIV and Blood grouping and Rubella IgG levels will be done.

    The following tests could be done as per the doctor’s requisition:

    • Serum FSH
    • Serum LH
    • Serum PRL
    • Serum TSH

    The above tests are to be done on day 2 or 3 of the menstrual cycle (First day of the period is counted as Day 1). Other procedures that may be done include:

    HSG (Hysterosalpingogram)

    This is a procedure where X-ray pictures of the uterus (Hystero) and fallopian tubes (Salpingo) are taken. A dye is injected into the uterus and pictures are taken to identify abnormalities in the uterine cavity and the tubes. An alternative method is Sonohysterosalpingogram where ultrasound is used instead of X-ray.

    Trans-vaginal Ultra Sonogram

    This is done to check for abnormalities in the uterus, tubes and ovaries. This is best done around the 13th day of the cycle. Follicular tracking and monitoring of follicle development in patients who are undergoing treatment with ovulation induction drugs is also done through a trans-vaginal scan.

    Laproscopic Hysteroscopy

    This is visualization of the interior aspects of the uterus with an endoscope. This helps in:

    • Identification of pathology in the uterine cavity
    • Release of adhesions inside the uterus
    • Resection of fibroid/ polyp which protrudes into the uterine cavity
    • Cannulation of uterine end of tube if blocked
    • Resection of uterine septum


    This is direct visualization of the peritoneal cavity with an endoscope. This is useful for:

    • Visualization of the uterus, tubes, ovaries and structures adjacent to it
    • Performing the dye test to check tubal patency
    • Operative interventions if necessary

    All these investigations will be individualized as per the doctor’s decision.

    The doctor would review the results of the investigations and depending upon the cause of infertility, treatment will be initiated.

    UPDATED ON 20/01/2025

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