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    HomeDisease and Condition

    Diseases and conditions

    A Diet to Work with if You have Anorexia

    Anorexia nervosa or anorexia is a sever

    Apollo Hospitals
    A First Aid Guide to a Concussion: Alway...

    A concussion is a head injury that affe

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    A Guide to Cervicitis – Symptoms, Caus...

    Overview Cervicitis is an inflammati

    Apollo Hospitals
    A Guide to Chlamydia: Symptoms, Diagnosi...

    Overview Chlamydia is a sexually tra

    Apollo Hospitals
    A Guide to Deal with Menstruation

    Overview Menstruation is a process w

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    A Guide to Philophobia: Causes, Symptoms...

    Overview Falling in love or the abil

    Apollo Hospitals
    Abnormal Gait : Symptoms, Causes and Tre...

    Overview The way a human being walk

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    Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

    Women have menstrual cycles from the age of 11-12 years to about 50 years. In...

    Apollo Hospitals
    About Colorectal Cancer!

    Ignorance is bliss. What you don’t kno

    Apollo Hospitals

    An abscess is a tender mass, also called a boil which can appear anywhere on...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Absence seizure- Symptoms & Causes

    Absence seizures are characterized by t

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    Acanthosis Nigricans: Causes, Symptoms, ...

    Overview Acanthosis nigricans is a s

    Apollo Hospitals
    Achalasia: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention,...

    Overview Achalasia is a rare disorde

    Apollo Hospitals
    Achilles Tendinitis

    Achilles tendinitis is a condition that causes pain on the back of your leg...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Acid Reflux? Here’s How You Counte...

    Are heartburn and acidity the bane of your existence? Even a mildly spicy or an...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Acne – Risk factors, Diagnosis and Tre...

    Acne is a skin condition that many people experience during their lifetime. It...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Acoustic Neuroma: Types, Symptoms, Cause...

    Overview A person may experience one

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    Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS...

    Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a disease caused by human...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Actinic Keratosis (AK) : Causes, Symptom...

    Overview Actinic keratosis (AK) is a

    Apollo Hospitals
    Active Surveillance of Prostate Cancer &...

    Active surveillance of prostate cancer

    Apollo Hospitals
    Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES) –...

    AES (Acute Encephalitis Syndrome) is a critical public health concern in India....

    Apollo Hospitals
    Acute Heart Attack – Causes, Sympt...

    Cardiac emergencies are life threatening. They can arise due to various causes....

    Apollo Hospitals
    Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML): Sympto...

    Overview  Cancers are of differ

    Apollo Hospitals
    Acute Renal Failure

    Acute Renal Failure is a rapid condition (almost less than 2 days) when the...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Adapting to Dyslexia: A Guide for Parent...

    Our brain controls the learning process

    Apollo Hospitals
    Addison’s Disease

    Addison's disease, also known as 'adrenal insufficiency' is a rare disorder...

    Apollo Hospitals
    ADEM: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Di...

    Overview Acute disseminated encephal

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    Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Di...

    Adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is also referred to as 'adult...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Adult Still’s Disease: Causes, Sym...

    Overview Adult-onset Still's disease

    Apollo Hospitals

    AIDS is a serious condition caused by the infection Human immunodeficiency...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Albinism is a genetic disorder when there is little or no production of pigment...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Albinism: Types, Causes, Symptoms and T...

    Overview One can say a person has Al

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    Alcohol Intoxication

    Alcohol intoxication is a condition in which the alcohol consumed by a person...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome

    Alcohol withdrawal occurs in people who have been drinking heavily for years,...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Alcoholic Hepatitis

    Alcoholic hepatitis is a condition which leads to inflammation of a person's...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Alcoholic Liver Disease

    The liver is the largest organ in our body which plays a central role in...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Alcoholism is also called 'alcohol use disorder' and 'alcohol dependence'. It...

    Apollo Hospitals
    All About Appendicitis

    Overview  The appendix is a fin

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    All About Athlete’s Foot

    Athlete's foot, also known as tinea ped

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    All about Basal-Cell Cancer (Carcinoma)

    What is basal-cell Cancer (Carcinoma)? A

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    All about Cervical Cancer – Types,...

    All You Need To Know About Cervical Canc

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    All About Colon Infection

    The colon is a long, coiled, tubelike or

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    What is fatty liver disease? Fatty l

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    All About Menopause

    What is menopause? Menopause refers to t

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    All about Penile Cancer

    Men, pay attention to genital hygiene! W

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    All about Sacral Fracture

    The sacrum is the lower part of the spin

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    All About Scoliosis

    Overview An abnormal curve in the spine

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    All About Sensory Overload Causes and Ef...

    Overview  Everyone may have exp

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    All About Shingles

    What is Shingles? Commonly known as shin

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    All about Sickle Cell Anemia

    Overview Sickle cell anemia is an inheri

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    All About Skin Cancer

    Skin cancer is not just a cancer of the

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    All About Squamous-cell Cancer

    Squamous-cell Cancer, also called Squamo

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    All About Trigeminal Neuralgia

    What is Trigeminal Neuralgia? The trigem

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    All About Turner Syndrome

    Turner syndrome is a chromosomal abnorma

    Apollo Hospitals
    All About Wheat Allergy

    People with a wheat allergy have an abno

    Apollo Hospitals
    All You Need to Know About Adenomyosis: ...

    Adenomyosis is a medical condition where

    Apollo Hospitals
    All You Need to Know about Atrial Fibril...

    Overview Atrial fibrillation (Afib), is

    Apollo Hospitals
    All You Need To Know About Blepharitis

    Blepharitis often affects both the eyes

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    All You Need to Know About Brain Fog

    Have you ever faced a situation where y

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    All You Need To Know About Hernia & ...

    Overview: Hernia is a condition that occ

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    All You Need to Know About Ischial Bursi...

    People who lead a sedentary lifestyle a

    Apollo Hospitals
    All You Need to Know about Waldenstrom M...

    Overview Waldenstrom macroglobulinem

    Apollo Hospitals
    All You Want to Know About Encephalitis

    Encephalitis is an inflammation in the

    Apollo Hospitals
    All You Want to Know About Osteoarthriti...

    Arthritis is the inflammation and swelli

    Apollo Hospitals
    All You Want to Know About Periodontitis

    What is Periodontitis? Periodontitis

    Apollo Hospitals
    All You Wanted to Know About Alzheimer...

    Alzheimer’s is a slowly progressing neurological condition. It results in...

    Apollo Hospitals
    All you wanted to know about Fragile X S...

    Fragile X syndrome is an inherited condi

    Apollo Hospitals
    All You Wanted to Know About Omicron Cor...

    What is Omicron COVID-19 Variant? 

    Apollo Hospitals
    All You Wanted to Know About the New Del...

    Overview The Delta Plus variant, fir

    Apollo Hospitals
    Allergic Asthma

    A person suffering from allergic asthma is sensitive towards certain allergens....

    Apollo Hospitals
    Allergic Rhinitis

    Allergic rhinitis, commonly known as hay fever is caused by certain allergens...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Allergic Sinusitis

    Sinusitis can be defined as the swelling or inflammation of the tissue lining...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Altitude Sickness

    Altitude sickness, also known as mountain sickness, can be defined as a feeling...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Amenorrhea: Lack of periods and how to t...

    Amenorrhea mainly refers to either miss

    Apollo Hospitals
    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): Typ...

    Overview Amyotrophic lateral scleros

    Apollo Hospitals
    Anal Fissures – Causes, Symptoms a...

    What is anal fissure? A small tear in th

    Apollo Hospitals
    Anaphylaxis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment...

    Overview Certain people have a genet

    Apollo Hospitals
    Anemia – Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis &...

    What is Anemia? Anemia is a condition in

    Apollo Hospitals

    Angina is not a disease but usually a symptom of a lurking Coronary Heart...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Angiosarcoma : Symptoms, Causes and Trea...

    Overview  Cancers are of numero

    Apollo Hospitals
    Ankylosing Spondylitis

    Ankylosing Spondylitis is in inflammatory disease which affects more men than...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Ankylosing Spondylitis – Types, Sy...

    Overview  Spondylarthritis comp

    Apollo Hospitals
    Anorexia Nervosa

    Anorexia nervosa or anorexia is a complex eating disorder characterized by an...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Anosmia – Loss of Smell

    The medical term for loss of smell is A

    Apollo Hospitals

    Anthrax is caused by a spore-forming bacterium bacillus anthracis. It is a rare...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Anthropophobia : Causes, Symptoms, Treat...

    Overview The dread of people is know

    Apollo Hospitals
    Anti-Social Personality Disorder

    Anti-Social Personality Disorder (ASPD), also referred to as 'sociopathy', is a...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Aphasia – Types, Causes and Treatm...

    Aphasia is a common condition that affec

    Apollo Hospitals

    Appendicitis is the inflammation of the appendix which is a finger-shaped pouch...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Aquagenic Urticaria : Symptoms, Causes, ...

    Overview Water is essential for huma

    Apollo Hospitals
    Are You Prone to High Blood Pressure?

    Overview About 60 percent of your health

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    Are You Suffering From Painful Periods?

    Pain During Periods. Is It Normal To Hav

    Apollo Hospitals
    Areflexia: Definition, Detrusor, Symptom...

    Overview When a person gets a gentle

    Apollo Hospitals
    Arnold Chiari Malformation: Types, Cause...

    Overview When the skull is smaller t

    Apollo Hospitals

    Regular heartbeats occur because of internal electrical signals that cause the...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Arterial Embolism

    An embolism is a clot that obstructs blood flow. An arterial embolism can be...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Arthritis – Causes, Symptoms and T...

    What is Arthritis? Arthritis is a seriou

    Apollo Hospitals
    Asperger Syndrome

    Asperger syndrome (AS) is one of a group of neurological disorders known as...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Assistive Technology for Spinal Cord Inj...

    Assistive Technology for Spinal Cord In

    Apollo Hospitals
    Asterixis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, ...

    Overview Several neurological proble

    Apollo Hospitals

    Asthma is a pulmonary (of the lungs) condition in which your airways narrow and...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Atherosclerosis is the deposition of fatty materials on the endothelium (a thin...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Athetosis: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis a...

    Overview  Movement disorders ar

    Apollo Hospitals
    Atrial Fibrillation

    The normal heart has four chambers and they work in a steady, rhythmic pattern....

    Apollo Hospitals
    Atrial Septal Defect

    Atrial septal defect can be defined as a hole between the walls of the two...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Overview Autism is a neurodevelopmental

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    Autoimmune Disease: Types, Symptoms, Cau...

    Overview The human body is like a fo

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    Avascular Necrosis (Osteonecrosis) ̵...

    What is avascular necrosis?  Av

    Apollo Hospitals
    Avascular Necrosis of Femoral Head ̵...

    Avascular Necrosis or Osteonecrosis (bon

    Apollo Hospitals
    Avoidant Personality Disorder

    Avoidant personality disorder, also referred to as anxious personality disorder...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Back Spasms: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatmen...

    Overview A back spasm is an involunt

    Apollo Hospitals
    Bartholin Abscess: Causes, Diagnosis, an...

    The Bartholin glands are present on eac

    Apollo Hospitals
    Bartholin Cysts – All you wanted to Kn...

    Our body consists of multiple glands and

    Apollo Hospitals
    Bell’s Palsy – Symptoms, Causes,...

    Bell’s Palsy is commonly known as Idi

    Apollo Hospitals
    Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BP...

    Overview Most individuals have exper

    Apollo Hospitals
    Beriberi : Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis An...

    Overview Healthy food nourishes our

    Apollo Hospitals
    Bile Duct Cancer

    Liver Transplant is a revolutionary method to cure bile duct cancer. It is a...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Bipolar Disorder: Types, Causes, Symptom...

    Overview Fluctuations in moods like

    Apollo Hospitals
    Bird Flu (Avian Influenza) Infection –...

    As the country still grapples with the

    Apollo Hospitals
    Bladder cancer – Symptoms and Causes

    Bladder cancer is one of the most common

    Apollo Hospitals
    Blighted Ovum: Causes, Symptoms, and Tr...

    Overview When a fertilized egg impla

    Apollo Hospitals
    Blood Clot in the Brain: Symptoms, Cause...

    The brain is considered to be one of th

    Apollo Hospitals
    Blood Clots

    Blood clot help heal both internal and

    Apollo Hospitals
    Blood in your stool? Home Remedies to Re...

    Hemorrhoids, commonly known as piles, a

    Apollo Hospitals
    Blue Baby Syndrome : Symptoms, Causes an...

    Overview Blue baby syndrome is a con

    Apollo Hospitals
    Body Dysmorphic Disorder

    Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a chronic mental illness. An affected person...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Body-Focused Repetitive Behavior (BFRB):...

    Body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRB

    Apollo Hospitals
    Bone Cancer

    Bone cancer is rare and may arise from cells within or around the bone. These...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Botulism is a rare but life-threatening condition caused due to toxins produced...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Boutonniere Deformity: Causes, Symptoms,...

    Boutonnière deformity is a medical con

    Apollo Hospitals
    Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)

    Overview  Numerous diseases are

    Apollo Hospitals
    Bowen’s Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Tre...

    Overview Bowen’s disease is an ear

    Apollo Hospitals
    Bowlegs – Symptoms, Causes & T...

    Overview Bow legs is a type of knee

    Apollo Hospitals
    BPH (Enlarged Prostate)

    BPH stands for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Benign means "not cancer," and...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Brain Aneurysms – Types, Causes, S...

    When most of us think about the word an

    Apollo Hospitals
    Brain Cancer

    In the last hundred years, medicine has seen advances that have not been...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Brain Lesions – Symptoms, Causes, ...

    A brain lesion is a damaged area in the

    Apollo Hospitals
    Brain Tumor

    Brain cancer or tumors is an abnormal growth of cells in the brain. Malignant...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Brain Tumour

    A brain tumour is an abnormal growth of cells (mass of unnecessary cells) in...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Brain-Eating Amoeba : Symptoms, Diagnosi...

    Overview If you are one of those stu

    Apollo Hospitals
    Breaking the Stigma around HPV: All You ...

    HPV infection is caused by the Human Pap

    Apollo Hospitals
    Breast Calcifications – Symptoms, ...

    Breast calcifications are tiny deposits

    Apollo Hospitals
    Breast Cancer

    Breast cancer is the second largest cancer occurring in Indian women. It has...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Breast Milk Jaundice – Causes, Sym...

    Breast milk jaundice is a type of jaund

    Apollo Hospitals
    Breast Pain

    What is mastalgia? Breast pain is also known as mastalgia (in medical...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Brief Psychotic Disorder – Treatme...

    Overview A brief psychotic disorder

    Apollo Hospitals

    Bronchiectasis is a condition wherein the bronchial tubes of the lungs are...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Bronchitis occurs when the inflammation of the lining of the bronchioles of the...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Bunion – Symptoms, Cause and Remedies

    A bunion is a ‘bony bump’ seen at t

    Apollo Hospitals
    Burnout – Stages, Signs, Causes an...

    Are you so worn out or burnout that eve

    Apollo Hospitals
    Can Acromegaly be Life-Threatening?

    Acromegaly is a condition that happens w

    Apollo Hospitals
    Can Gallbladder Stones Go Away Without S...

    The gallbladder is a small-sized organ

    Apollo Hospitals
    Can Peripheral Neuropathy Be Reversed?

    The peripheral nervous system is respons

    Apollo Hospitals
    Caput Succedaneum: Causes, Symptoms and ...

    Overview One may come across a newbo

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    Carcinoma : Symptoms, Causes and Treatme...

    Overview The most common type of can

    Apollo Hospitals
    Cardiac Arrest

    Cardiac arrest is an extreme and sudden medical emergency and condition where...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Cardiac Arrhythmia

    Cardiac Arrhythmia, or an irregular heartbeat, is a serious but treatable...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Cardiomyopathy is a heart muscle disease where the muscle of the heart is...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Caring for a Baby With Marfan Syndrome

    Marfan syndrome or MFS is a genetic con

    Apollo Hospitals
    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that occurs in the hand or wrist due to...

    Apollo Hospitals

    A cataract is formed due to clouding of the area around the lens of the eye. It...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Catatonic Schizophrenia – Symptoms...

    Overview Catatonic schizophrenia is

    Apollo Hospitals
    Causes and Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthri...

    When our joints ache, we often chalk it

    Apollo Hospitals
    Causes and treatment for Muscular Dystro...

    Overview Muscular dystrophy refers to a

    Apollo Hospitals
    Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis: Symptoms, Ca...

    Overview  When blood clots in t

    Apollo Hospitals
    Celiac Disease – Symptoms, Causes ...

    What is celiac disease? Celiac disea

    Apollo Hospitals

    Cellulitis is a common skin infection caused by bacteria like streptococcus and...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Cerebral Infarction- Causes, Symptoms an...

    A cerebral infarction is a medical cond

    Apollo Hospitals
    Cerebral Palsy

    Cerebral palsy (CP) is a neurological disorder of movement and coordination, it...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Cervical Myelopathy

    Cervical myelopathy occurs due to compression of the cervical spinal cord in...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Cervical Radiculopathy

    Cervical radiculopathy is the condition caused by the compression of cervical...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Chagas Disease

    Chagas disease also known as Trypanosomiasis is an infectious inflammatory...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Chicken pox is a viral skin infection caused by varicella-zoster virus. Most...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Overview Chikungunya fever is caused by

    Apollo Hospitals
    Chilblains: Causes, Symptoms & Treat...

    What are chilblains? Chilblains refe

    Apollo Hospitals
    Childhood Obesity

    Childhood Obesity - An Overview Childhood obesity is a serious health problem...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Cholera or watery diarrhoea is an infectious disease. It leads to excessive...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Cholera : Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, P...

    Overview One of the many bacterial d

    Apollo Hospitals
    Cholinergic Urticaria: Causes, Symptoms,...

    Overview Cholinergic urticaria is a

    Apollo Hospitals
    Chorioamnionitis : Causes, Symptoms, Dia...

    Overview Chorioamnionitis is a sever

    Apollo Hospitals
    Choriocarcinoma Cancer: Symptoms, Causes...

    Overview Choriocarcinoma is a rapidl

    Apollo Hospitals
    Choroid Plexus Cyst : Causes, Complicati...

    Overview The choroid plexus is the p

    Apollo Hospitals
    Chronic fatigue syndrome – Causes,...

    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a med

    Apollo Hospitals
    Chronic Kidney Disease

    Also known as chronic kidney failure, Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is the...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Cirrhosis of the liver

    A cleft palate is a condition seen in newborn babies. It is an opening or a...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Claustrophobia: Causes, Symptoms, and Tr...

    Claustrophobia is an anxiety disorder i

    Apollo Hospitals
    Cleft Palate

    Cirrhosis is an advanced stage of scarring or fibrosis of the liver and is...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Cleft Palate – Causes, Symptoms, C...

    Cleft Palate/ lip usually occurs when t

    Apollo Hospitals
    Colon Cancer

    Q. WHAT IS COLON CANCER? A. Colon is the last part of human digestive system...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Color Blindness

    Color blindness is also known as 'color deficiency' and 'poor color vision'. It...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Colorectal cancer

    Colorectal cancer, also called rectal cancer, bowel cancer, or colon cancer, is...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Colorectal Polyp

    A colorectal polyp is a small clump of cells that develop on the inner lining...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Coma : Causes, Types and Diagnosis

    Overview  Coma is a term people

    Apollo Hospitals
    Common Cause of Sudden Cardiac Dysfuncti...

    Sudden Cardiac Dysfunction/Arrest is pro

    Apollo Hospitals
    Common Causes of Ankle Pain

    What Are the Possible Causes of Your Ank

    Apollo Hospitals
    Common cold

    Common cold is a viral infection of the respiratory tract mostly affecting the...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Common Neurological Emergencies

    In fact, acute neurological illness is one of the common causes for admission...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Common spine problems and ways to deal w...

    The spine forms the primary support stru

    Apollo Hospitals
    Complete Heart Block (Third-degree Atrio...

    Heart block or AV Bundle Block is a disturbance in the heart’s electrical...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Complexities and associations of Fibromy...

    Medical science has come far in recent y

    Apollo Hospitals
    Concussion (Traumatic Brain Injury)

    A concussion is a traumatic brain injury (TBI) that is caused by a blow to the...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Congenital Heart Disease

    There are 150,000-200,000 children born each year with congenital heart disease...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Congenital Heart Diseases

    What are birth defects in the heart? Birth defects in the heart or Congenital...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with An...

    Overview Congenital Insensitivity to

    Apollo Hospitals
    Congestive Heart Failure: Symptoms, Caus...

    Heart failure is quite different from a heart attack. Heart failure is not a...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is an infection or inflammation of the...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Constrictive Pericarditis: Causes, Sympt...

    Overview When a patient suffers from

    Apollo Hospitals
    Contact dermatitis

    Contact dermatitis is an itchy rash that occurs when skin comes in contact with...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Contact Dermatitis: Causes, Symptoms, an...

    Contact dermatitis is a form of eczema t

    Apollo Hospitals
    Conversion Disorder in Adults

    What is Conversion Disorder? ‘Func

    Apollo Hospitals
    COPD – All you Want to Know

    Are you or your loved ones keep coughing

    Apollo Hospitals
    Coronary Artery Disease in Women

    Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is a major killer heart disease in both men and...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Coronary Bypass Surgery in India

    Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting or CABG as it is more popularly known is...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Could the Pain in Your Legs Be Sciatica?...

    Sciatica is a common condition that aff

    Apollo Hospitals
    Critical Congenital Heart diseases – T...

    Congenital Heart Diseases(CHD) are the m

    Apollo Hospitals
    Crossfit Knee Injuries

    Are Knee Injuries in CrossFit Common? As

    Apollo Hospitals
    Cryptococcal Meningitis: Symptoms, Cause...

    Overview Three layers of a protectiv

    Apollo Hospitals
    CSF Leak (Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak): Cau...

    Overview Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) i

    Apollo Hospitals
    Cushing Syndrome

    When there is a high level of the hormone cortisol in the body for long periods...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Cystic fibrosis

    Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disorder that affects the lungs and digestive...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Cysticercosis, popularly known as Tapeworm [Taenia solium] infection, is a very...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Cystocele: Meaning, Symptoms and Causes

    Introduction By definition, a cystoc

    Apollo Hospitals
    Cytokine Storm – An Overview

    Cytokine storm is a physiological respo

    Apollo Hospitals
    De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis: Sympt...

    Overview A tendon is a kind of fibro

    Apollo Hospitals
    Dealing with Crohn’s Disease

    Overview of Crohn's Disease Crohn’s di

    Apollo Hospitals
    Degenerative Disk Disease : Causes, Symp...

    Overview Degenerative disc disease (

    Apollo Hospitals
    Dehydration – Signs, Symptoms, Cau...

    Introduction Dehydration occurs wher

    Apollo Hospitals
    Delicious Food Recipes for People Who Ha...

    Dysphagia is a medical term used for so

    Apollo Hospitals
    Delirium: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, P...

    Overview In delirium the brain trips and

    Apollo Hospitals
    Delusional Disorder – Types, Sympt...

    Overview Delusional disorder, previo

    Apollo Hospitals

    Overview The word ‘dementia’ describ

    Apollo Hospitals
    Dengue Fever

    डेंग्यूचा ताप -

    Apollo Hospitals
    Dengue Fever – Symptoms, Causes, a...

    The first few spells of rainfall in Hyderabad has led to a rise of Dengue Fever...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Dental abscess

    A dental abscess is a pocket of pus usually caused by a bacterial infection....

    Apollo Hospitals
    Dental Plaque

    Plaque develops when food containing sugars and starches, such as milk, cola,...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Depression (Major Depressive Disorder) &...

    Depression is a common and serious menta

    Apollo Hospitals
    Dermatographia – Causes, Symptoms, Tre...

    What is Dermatographia? Dermatograph

    Apollo Hospitals
    Deviated nasal septum

    A deviated septum occurs as a result of the thin wall known as the nasal septum...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Diabetes Care in the Elderly: A Pragmati...

    Dr Ravi Sankar ErukulapatiMBBS, MRCP (

    Apollo Hospitals
    Diabetes Insipidus

    Diabetes Insipidus is a very uncommon disorder which causes an imbalance of...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Dialysis- A treatment for advanced Renal...

    Overview You have two kidneys, each of w

    Apollo Hospitals
    Diaper Rash: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment...

    Introduction Diaper rash is a common

    Apollo Hospitals
    Diet and Nutrition for Kidney Patients

    Overview Your kidneys are small in size

    Apollo Hospitals
    Diet for Jaundice: Foods to Eat and Avoi...

    Jaundice is a disease that is caus

    Apollo Hospitals
    Different Kinds of Breast Tumors – Kno...

    Overview A tumor is a lump of abnormal t

    Apollo Hospitals
    Different Types of Scleroderma and How t...

    A scleroderma is a disease that hardens

    Apollo Hospitals

    Diphtheria is a severe bacterial illness affecting the mucous membranes of the...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Disorders Associated With Low Dietary Fi...

    A balanced diet containing all types of

    Apollo Hospitals
    Dissociative Identity Disorder – T...

    Overview Dissociative identity disor

    Apollo Hospitals

    Diverticulitis is caused as a result of diverticula - small, bulging pouches...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Diverticulosis is a condition in which pouches called diverticula appear on the...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Don’t Underestimate the Risk: The ...

    Unravelling the Mystery of Sudden Cardi

    Apollo Hospitals
    Don’t Let Type2 Diabetes Control You

    Overview Diabetes is a metabolic disease

    Apollo Hospitals
    Down Syndrome

    Down syndrome is a genetic disorder arising out of abnormal cell division and...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Dracunculiasis (Guinea worm disease)

    Dracunculiasis or popularly known as Guineaworm disease is an infection caused...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Drug allergy

    A drug allergy is an abnormal reaction of your immune system to a medication....

    Apollo Hospitals
    Drug withdrawal

    In order to understand drug withdrawal, we must first understand the concept of...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Dumping Syndrome: Treatment, Symptoms an...

    Do you feel full after having a stomach

    Apollo Hospitals
    Dust Mite Allergies: Causes, Symptoms, T...

    Overview Dust allergy (also called d

    Apollo Hospitals

    Dysentery is an intestinal inflammation that usually takes place in the in the...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Dysentery (Loose Motions): Causes, Sympt...

    Generally considered a disease of the mo

    Apollo Hospitals

    Dyslexia is a learning disorder distinguished by difficulty in reading owing to...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Dyspareunia or Painful Intercourse ̵...

    Painful intercourse or dyspareunia is t

    Apollo Hospitals
    Dystonia: Types, Symptoms, Complications...

    Overview  Multiple disorders ma

    Apollo Hospitals
    E.coli (Escherichia coli) – Sympto...

    Escherichia coli (E.coli), present in t

    Apollo Hospitals
    Ear Infections – Types, Symptoms, ...

    Acute otitis media is a term that refer

    Apollo Hospitals
    Early Detection Is Key To Cure Gallbladd...

    Gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped organ on the right side of our abdomen —...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Early Warning Signs Of Ovarian Cancer

    Ovaries are the female reproductive glan

    Apollo Hospitals

    Ebola virus causes hemorrhagic fevers an illness identified with severe...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Ectopia Cordis: Types, Symptoms, Causes,...

    Overview Ectopia Cordis (EC) is a ra

    Apollo Hospitals
    Ectopic Pregnancy

    An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a normal fertilized egg implants anywhere...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Overview The term "eczema" is deriv

    Apollo Hospitals
    Edwards Syndrome

    Edwards Syndrome depicts a group of birth defects due to the presence of added...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Electrolytes: Definition, Imbalance Symp...

    Overview Electrolytes are chemical s

    Apollo Hospitals
    Embolic Stroke

    An embolic stroke occurs when a blood clot that forms in the body breaks loose...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Empty Sella Syndrome: Types, Symptoms, C...

    Overview Empty Sella Syndrome (ESS)

    Apollo Hospitals

    Encephalitis is swelling of the brain which is a condition caused due to viral...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Encephalopathy can be defined as a disease that affects the function or...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Encephalopathy: Types, Causes, Symptoms,...

    Overview  Encephalopathy is a c

    Apollo Hospitals

    Overview Endocarditis is termed as infla

    Apollo Hospitals
    Endometrial Cancer

    Endometrial cancer originates in the uterus. The uterus is the concave,...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Endometrial Polyp

    Endometrial polyps or uterine polyps are growths attached to the interior wall...

    Apollo Hospitals

    It is a condition in which tissue that usually lines the inside of the uterus...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Endometriosis Diet: Foods to Eat and Avo...

    Overview Endometriosis occurs when t

    Apollo Hospitals
    Enlarged Heart- Diagnosis and Treatment

    An enlarged heart (cardiomegaly) is a s

    Apollo Hospitals
    Eosinophilia: Definition, Causes, Sympto...

    Eosinophils are white blood cells that

    Apollo Hospitals
    Epididymitis Symptoms, Causes and Treatm...

    Epididymitis is the inflammation of the

    Apollo Hospitals

    Epiglottitis occurs when the epiglottis (a small cartilage lid covering your...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Overview Epilepsy is a neurological (central nervous system) disorder.

    Apollo Hospitals
    Erectile Dysfunction

    Erectile dysfunction, more commonly known as impotence, can be defined as an...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Esophageal Cancer

    Esophageal cancer occurs in the esophagus, which is a long, hollow tube that...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Esophageal varices

    Esophageal varices which occur mostly in people with serious liver malfunction,...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Essential Tremor: Causes, Symptoms, Diag...

    Overview Essential tremor is a neuro

    Apollo Hospitals
    Everything about Piles (Hemorrhoids): Sy...

    Inflammation of the blood vessels in the walls of the anus and rectum is known...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Everything You Need to Know About Anal A...

    An anal abscess is a painful condition

    Apollo Hospitals
    Everything You Need To Know About Cervic...

    Cervical spondylitis and lumbar spondyl

    Apollo Hospitals
    Everything You Need to Know about Chroni...

    Overview COPD stands for Chronic Obs

    Apollo Hospitals
    Everything You Need to Know About Fifth ...

    Fifth disease, also known as Erythema I

    Apollo Hospitals
    Everything You Need to Know About Omicro...

    Overview The Omicron variant of coro

    Apollo Hospitals
    Everything you need to know about Patent...

    Patent Ductus Arteriosus or PDA is a he

    Apollo Hospitals
    Everything You Need to Know about Pulmon...

    What is Pulmonary Fibrosis? Pulmonar

    Apollo Hospitals
    Everything You Want to Know About Ringwo...

    Ringworm, also known as dermatophytosis

    Apollo Hospitals
    Everything you Wanted to know about Thro...

    Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lo

    Apollo Hospitals
    Ewing’s Sarcoma: Symptoms, Causes, Dia...

    Overview Ewing sarcoma is a rare bon

    Apollo Hospitals
    External Hemorrhoids – Causes, Sym...

    Hemorrhoids (also known as piles) are b

    Apollo Hospitals

    Arthritis developing in children below

    Apollo Hospitals
    Fat embolism

    A procedure by which fat tissue passes into the bloodstream and settles within...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Fatty Liver Disease

    Why is the liver important? The largest internal organ in the body, the liver...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Febrile Seizures in Children

    What are Febrile Seizures? Febrile s

    Apollo Hospitals
    Feeling a burning sensation in stomach? ...

    Overview Do you experience a burning sen

    Apollo Hospitals
    Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Types, Symptoms,...

    Overview When a pregnant woman drink

    Apollo Hospitals

    Fibroadenomas are solid, non-cancerous (usually painless) breast tumours...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Fibromyalgia is a condition that affects the muscles and soft tissue. It is a...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Fight Sleepwalking (Somnambulism) and Ha...

    Somnambulism, also commonly known as sle

    Apollo Hospitals
    Food Poisoning

    Food poisoning is caused by consumption of germ-infested and contaminated food....

    Apollo Hospitals
    Food Poisoning – Causes, Symptoms ...

    What is Food Poisoning? Food poisoni

    Apollo Hospitals
    Foot Pain and Numbness Could Be Signs of...

    Neuropathy – An Overview The human ner

    Apollo Hospitals
    Fournier’s Gangrene – Sympto...

    What is Fournier’s Gangrene? Fourn

    Apollo Hospitals

    Frostbite is an injury that occurs by freezing of the skin and tissues beneath....

    Apollo Hospitals
    Gallbladder cancer

    The gallbladder is a small, oblong organ on the right part of the abdomen, just...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Gallstones are toughened deposits of digestive juices that can form in the...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Ganglion Cysts

    Ganglion cysts are non-cancerous lumps that most commonly develop along the...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Gangrene is the death of body tissue due to a lack of blood flow or a bacterial...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Gas Gangrene – Symptoms, Causes, T...

    Overview Gas gangrene is a deadly form o

    Apollo Hospitals

    Gastritis is a collection of conditions with one thing in common: swelling and...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Viral gastroenteritis (often called stomach flu) is an intestinal infection...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Gastrointestinal Fistula – Everyth...

    Overview Gastrointestinal fistula (GIF)

    Apollo Hospitals
    Genital Herpes – All you wanted to kno...

    Genital Herpes is a sexually transmitted

    Apollo Hospitals

    Giardiasis is an infectious disease that occurs in the small intestine. Giardia...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Gingivitis can be defined as a common and mild form of gum disease, also known...

    Apollo Hospitals
    GIST – Is it a Cancer?

    Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GISTs)

    Apollo Hospitals

    Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, which is...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Glioblastoma: Types, Symptoms, Causes, T...

    Overview  Glioblastoma is a rar

    Apollo Hospitals
    Goiter (Enlarged Thyroid): Types, Sympto...

    Overview Goiter is a condition of th

    Apollo Hospitals

    The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck, just...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Gonorrhea Also known as the 'clap' or 'drip', gonorrhoea is a sexually...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Gonorrhea : Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis,...

    What is gonorrhea? Gonorrhea, otherw

    Apollo Hospitals

    Gout is a complex form of arthritis characterised by sudden and severe attacks...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Gout: Symptoms, causes, and treatment

    Overview It is a form of arthritis t

    Apollo Hospitals
    Graves’ disease

    Graves' disease also called toxic diffuse goiter or Flajani-Basedow-Graves...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Graves’ Disease: An Overview

    Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorde

    Apollo Hospitals
    Gray Baby Syndrome : Symptoms, Causes an...

    Overview All pregnant women want the

    Apollo Hospitals
    Gullain – Barre Syndrome

    Guillain-Barre syndrome or GBS is a rare disorder in which the body's immune...

    Apollo Hospitals
    H3N2 Virus (Influenza A): Symptoms, Diag...


    Apollo Hospitals

    Haemophilia is a rare genetic condition of spontaneous deep bleeding, where the...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hammer Toe: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagno...

    Hammer toe is a foot deformity caused b

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hantavirus: Precautions for Prevention

    Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, is an in

    Apollo Hospitals
    Head Injury & Treatment

    Head Injury is a general term used to describe any trauma to the head, and most...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Headache – Causes, Symptoms, Diagn...

    Headache is one of the most common medical conditions that affect everyone at...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Heart and Chest Pain – Causes &...

    When we hear the word emergency, one of the most striking associations we tend...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Heart Attack In Children

    Heart attack is a raging topic in India as we Indians are genetically prone to...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Heart Failure

    Heart failure is a progressive disorder in which damage to the heart results in...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Heart Transplant Rejection

    The human heart beats around 100,000 times in a day and pumps about 5,000...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Heartburn is that burning sensation in our throat or chest that occurs when...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hemochromatosis (Iron Overload) – ...

    What is hemochromatosis? Hemochromat

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hepatitis A: Symptoms, Causes, Preventio...

    Overview Hepatitis A is a highly tra

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hepatitis B

    Why is the liver important? The largest internal organ in the body, the liver...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hepatitis B

    Hepatitis B is an infectious disease cau

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hepatitis C

    Hepatitis C is the most common contagious, blood-borne viral liver disease....

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Types, Symptom...

    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the m

    Apollo Hospitals

    A hernia is a condition where an inside organ pushes out through an opening...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Herpangina is a common illness seen in children during summer. It is a viral...

    Apollo Hospitals
    High Hemoglobin Count

    Hemoglobin is a protein found in your b

    Apollo Hospitals
    High Risk Pregnancy: Definition, Causes,...


    Apollo Hospitals
    Hip Arthritis – Symptoms, Diagnosi...

    You worked all day long. Now, at night,

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hip Tendinitis

    Hip tendinitis is also known as 'trochanteric bursitis'. Bursitis is an...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hirsutism – Causes, Symptoms and T...

    Hirsutism is the development of dark or

    Apollo Hospitals
    Histamine Intolerance: Causes, Symptoms ...

    Overview Histamine intolerance occur

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Disease: Causes, Sy...

    Overview Hodgkin’s lymphoma, also

    Apollo Hospitals
    How can Varicose veins be treated

    Varicose Veins - Symptoms & Signs Va

    Apollo Hospitals
    How Crohn’s disease symptoms differ fr...

    Introduction Crohn’s disease is a

    Apollo Hospitals
    How do you know if you have developed Ly...

    Overview Lymphoma refers to cancer t

    Apollo Hospitals
    How Does Cold Weather Affect the Eyes?

    Overview A drop in temperature outsi

    Apollo Hospitals
    How Does Drug Abuse Affect Your Brain?

    The human brain is one of the most compl

    Apollo Hospitals
    How Does Obesity Relate To Chronic Kidne...

    Obesity is characterized as a lifestyle

    Apollo Hospitals
    How is Conjunctivitis Related to COVID-1...

    Since the outbreak of coronavirus COVID

    Apollo Hospitals
    How is COVID-19 Pneumonia Treated?

    COVID-19 is an infection caused by a vi

    Apollo Hospitals
    How is Guillain Barre Syndrome Detected?

    Guillain Barre Syndrome, commonly c

    Apollo Hospitals
    How long does it take to Show signs of M...

    Contracting a viral infection is a caus

    Apollo Hospitals
    How Much Calorie Do I Need Per Day?

    The calories required per day depend on

    Apollo Hospitals
    How severe can allergy reactions become?

    The human body may be allergic to a var

    Apollo Hospitals
    How Sick Is Too Sick To Go To School?

    Whenever your child is experiencing real

    Apollo Hospitals
    How Simple Hygiene Can Help Prevent Salm...

    Salmonellosis is a foodborne bacterial

    Apollo Hospitals
    How To Avoid The Most Common Winter Illn...

    Overview Winter comes every year and wit

    Apollo Hospitals
    How to manage ears with Otosclerosis

    Overview: Otosclerosis is one of the mos

    Apollo Hospitals
    How to Manage Progressive Ataxia

    Ataxia is a group of neurological disord

    Apollo Hospitals
    How to rid yourself of GERD fast?

    Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

    Apollo Hospitals
    Huntington’s Disease: Symptoms, Ca...

    Overview Huntington's disease is a n

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hyaline Membrane Disease

    Also called Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS), Hyaline membrane disease (HMD)...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Hydrocele is a condition wherein watery fluid accumulates around the testicles....

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hydrocele Treatment in Babies: How does ...

    A hydrocele is a swelling in the scrotu

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hydronephrosis : Symptoms, Causes & ...

    Even slight damage to the kidney can cau

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Symptoms, Causes...

    Overview For some women, pregnancy i

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hyperglycaemia – Why blood sugar level...

    Overview Hyperglycaemia is a condition w

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hyperhydration : Symptoms, Causes, Treat...

    Overview Drinking adequate water is

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hyperlordosis : Exercises, Symptoms, Cau...

    Overview Hyperlordosis, also called

    Apollo Hospitals

    Hypertriglyceridemia is a common condition of elevated triglyceride levels...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hyperuricemia – Symptoms, Causes, ...

    Hyperuricemia is a common condition in

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hypoglycaemia: When blood sugar levels f...

    Overview Characterised by abnormally low

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hypoglycemia: Why It’s So Much Wor...

    Hypoglycemia is a specific condition wh

    Apollo Hospitals

    Potassium is one of the electrolytes re

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hyponatremia: Associated Facts

    Hyponatremia means that the amount of s

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hypophosphatemia: Symptoms, Treatments, ...

    Hypophosphatemia is a condition in whic

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hypopituitarism: Symptoms, Causes, Diagn...

    Overview A pituitary gland is a kidn

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hypospadias Explained: A Complete Guide

    Hypospadias is a common medical conditio

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hypothalamus: Symptoms, Causes and Treat...

    Overview  The hypothalamus is a

    Apollo Hospitals

    The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones & it is situated below Adam’s...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Hypotonia (Muscle Weakness): Signs, Caus...

    Hypotonia means decreased muscle tone.

    Apollo Hospitals
    Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura

    It is a rare bleeding disorder wherein there is a low platelet count in the...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Immune Thrombocytopenia – Causes, ...

    Overview Immune thrombocytopenia is a co

    Apollo Hospitals
    Impetigo – Treatment, Types, Cause...

    Impetigo is a very contagious skin infe

    Apollo Hospitals
    Implantation Bleeding: Causes, Symptoms ...

    Overview Spotting shortly after ovul

    Apollo Hospitals
    Imposter Syndrome: Definition, Symptoms,...

    Overview The senior sales manager of

    Apollo Hospitals
    Increased Intracranial Pressure (ICP): S...

    Overview Most individuals experience

    Apollo Hospitals
    Inflammatory Bowel Disease – Know what...

    Inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) is a gro

    Apollo Hospitals
    Insomnia – Causes, Symptoms, Diagn...

    Insomnia or sleeplessness is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Insulinoma: Definition, Causes, Symptoms...

    Overview An insulinoma is a small tu

    Apollo Hospitals
    Interim Health advisory on the 2019 Nove...

    The World Health Organization (WHO) says

    Apollo Hospitals
    Intestinal Obstruction – Factors, ...

    Introduction An intestinal obstructi

    Apollo Hospitals
    Irritable Bowel Syndrome | IBS Symptoms,...

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome (or IBS), is a

    Apollo Hospitals
    Is Cerebral Palsy Reversible? Know the f...

    Cerebral palsy (CP) refers to a group o

    Apollo Hospitals
    Is Gestational Diabetes A Threat To The ...

    Gestational diabetes is a condition that

    Apollo Hospitals
    Is Hyperhidrosis Due To An Underlying Di...

    Hyperhidrosis is a condition that leads

    Apollo Hospitals
    Is It Possible to Have Sexual Intercours...

    Peyronie’s disease is a disorder cause

    Apollo Hospitals
    Is Wegener’s Granulomatosis an Aut...

    Overview of Wegener's Granulomatosis

    Apollo Hospitals

    Jaundice, also known as icterus, is the yellowish pigmentation of skin and...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Keep your Liver healthy to avoid Esophag...

    Overview: Esophageal varices are abn

    Apollo Hospitals
    Klebsiella Pneumoniae infection – ...

    What is Klebsiella pneumoniae infection

    Apollo Hospitals
    Klinefelter Syndrome or XXY Syndrome ...

    Chromosomes are responsible for carrying

    Apollo Hospitals
    Knee Arthritis – Causes, Symptoms ...

    Introduction knee Arthritis is one o

    Apollo Hospitals
    Knee Cartilage Injury

    Cartilage is the white, flexible but firm connective tissue, which covers the...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Know Why Respiratory Tract Infection is ...

    Overview As the temperatures slowly

    Apollo Hospitals
    Know Your Hepatitis Risk

    Hepatitis is not a disease that affects

    Apollo Hospitals
    Labyrinthitis: Symptoms, Causes, Tests a...

    Overview Among the many conditions t

    Apollo Hospitals
    Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis: Symptoms,...

    Overview Langerhans cell histiocytos

    Apollo Hospitals
    Latex Allergy: Types, Symptoms, Causes, ...

    Overview Latex allergy is a reaction

    Apollo Hospitals
    Learn about Lipoma and its treatment

    What is Lipoma? A lipoma is generally de

    Apollo Hospitals
    Leigh’s Disease: Causes, Symptoms,...

    Overview There are many medical cond

    Apollo Hospitals
    Leprosy – Symptoms, Types, Diagnos...

    What is leprosy? The bacterium, Myco

    Apollo Hospitals

    Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease caused by exposure to dirty water during...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Leptospirosis: Types, Causes Symptoms, ...

    Overview Leptospirosis is a bacteria

    Apollo Hospitals
    Lesser-Known Causes of Tooth Cavities: P...

    Damage caused to the tooth, leading to a

    Apollo Hospitals
    Lifestyle changes to adapt when you have...

    Cystic fibrosis or CF is a hereditary c

    Apollo Hospitals
    Lip Tie (Lip Frenulum) : Symptoms, Cause...

    Overview The tissue situated at the

    Apollo Hospitals
    Lipedema – Symptoms, Causes and Tr...

    Unwanted fat is something that nobody wa

    Apollo Hospitals

    A lipoma is a slow-growing, fatty lump of harmless mass that is not cancer and...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Listeria Monocytogenes: Symptoms, Treatm...

    Listeria is a severe food-borne bacteri

    Apollo Hospitals
    Liver Cancer

    Unrestrained growth and spread of unhealthy cells in the liver is called Liver...

    Apollo Hospitals
    LIVER CANCER – Answers to Commonly Ask...

    Dr Muralidhar Nambada MS (General), DNB

    Apollo Hospitals
    Liver Cirrhosis

    The liver is the largest organ within the human body. It has many vital...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Liver Cysts: Types, Symptoms, Causes, Di...

    Overview Liver cysts are fluid-fille

    Apollo Hospitals
    Liver Failure

    Why is the liver important? The largest internal organ in the body, the liver...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Long QT syndrome

    Overview Long QT Syndrome is a disorder

    Apollo Hospitals
    Long-term Health Effects of COVID-19

    COVID-19 symptoms can sometimes persist

    Apollo Hospitals
    Low Hemoglobin Count

    Hemoglobin is present in your red blood

    Apollo Hospitals
    Lumbar Radiculopathy

    Any injury, pain, muscle weakness, tingling and numbness that results in an...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Lupus and Coronavirus – The Link

    Lupus is a systemic autoimmune disease

    Apollo Hospitals
    Lymphatic Filariasis

    Lymphatic Filariasis (commonly known as elephantiasis and abbreviated as LF) is...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Lymphatic Filariasis – A Disease Cause...

    Overview: Lymphatic Filariasis, also kno

    Apollo Hospitals
    Lymphocytosis (High Lymphocyte Count)-Ca...

    Lymphocytosis refers to the increase in

    Apollo Hospitals
    Lysosomal Storage Diseases : Types, Caus...

    Overview A group of more than 50 rar

    Apollo Hospitals

    Malaria is a life-threatening disease transmitted by a mosquito bite. The...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Male Infertility – Don’t give up. Ev...

    Payal and Abhishek Goyal were married fo

    Apollo Hospitals
    Manic Episodes : Symptoms, Causes, Metho...

    Overview  Mania is a period of

    Apollo Hospitals
    Marburg Virus Disease (MVD): Transmissio...

    Overview Marburg virus disease (MVD)

    Apollo Hospitals

    Measles or rubeola is a viral infection that affects the respiratory system....

    Apollo Hospitals
    Measures to be taken in Order to Avoid U...

    An infection in any part of the urinary

    Apollo Hospitals
    Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS): Caus...

    Meconium is the first stool the newborn

    Apollo Hospitals
    Melanoma: Why Do You Need An Early Diagn...

    Melanoma is a specific kind of skin canc

    Apollo Hospitals
    Memory Loss

    Information is stored in different parts of your memory. Information stored in...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Meningioma is a tumor that forms in the meninges around the brain and rarely in...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Meningioma: Types, Causes, Symptoms and ...

    Overview The human brain is protecte

    Apollo Hospitals
    Menorrhagia: Symptoms, Causes and 5 Meth...

    Menorrhagia is described as heavy bleedi

    Apollo Hospitals
    Microcephaly: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Risk ...

    What is Microcephaly? Microcephaly i

    Apollo Hospitals
    Migraine – Causes, Symptoms, Diagn...

    A migraine is a neurological condition or disorder which is characterized by...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Milk Allergy – Symptoms, Causes an...

    Overview You may be surprised to fin

    Apollo Hospitals
    Mitral Valve Disease

    OVERVIEW Mitral valve which is also know

    Apollo Hospitals
    Molar Pregnancy : Types, Causes, Symptom...

    Overview A molar pregnancy is also c

    Apollo Hospitals
    Mold Allergy : Symptoms, Causes and Trea...

    Overview People with mold allergy re

    Apollo Hospitals
    Monkeypox Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Tre...

    Overview Monkeypox cases have been r

    Apollo Hospitals
    Monkeypox: Should Indians be Worried?

    Overview Following the global outbre

    Apollo Hospitals
    Monophobia – Symptoms, Causes, Com...

    Overview The intrusive fear of being

    Apollo Hospitals
    Monsoon Diseases : General Precautions a...

    Quick and simple tips to rain-proof

    Apollo Hospitals
    Moro Reflex (Startle Reflex) in Newborn ...

    Overview Parents may observe their b

    Apollo Hospitals
    Motor Neurone Disease (MND): Types, Caus...

    Overview Daily activities such as ch

    Apollo Hospitals
    Mouth Ulcers – Causes, Symptoms, Diagn...

    The mouth is lined by what is called as

    Apollo Hospitals
    MRSA Infection

    MRSA infection is caused by a bacterium

    Apollo Hospitals
    Multifocal Motor Neuropathy: Causes, Sym...

    Overview  Many diseases exist t

    Apollo Hospitals
    Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, Type 1 [ME...

    Some diseases rarely occur in the human

    Apollo Hospitals
    Multiple System Atrophy – Causes, ...

    Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a rare

    Apollo Hospitals
    Mumps – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

    Mumps is a viral infection, which spread

    Apollo Hospitals
    Muscle Atrophy- Causes, symptoms, and tr...

    What is muscle atrophy? Muscle atrop

    Apollo Hospitals
    Muscle spasms – Causes, Symptoms, ...

    Muscle spasms are painful muscle contra

    Apollo Hospitals
    Muscle Strains – Causes, Symptoms ...

    Overview A muscle strain is a common

    Apollo Hospitals
    Myelodysplastic Syndrome : Types, Sympto...

    Myelodysplastic Syndromes are a rare co

    Apollo Hospitals
    Myelofibrosis; Causes, Symptoms & Tr...

    Overview The term myelofibrosis mean

    Apollo Hospitals
    Myocardial Ischemia – Causes, Symp...

    What is Myocardial Ischemia? Myocard

    Apollo Hospitals
    Myocarditis – Causes, Symptoms and...

    Overview  Inflammation in the m

    Apollo Hospitals
    Myoclonus – Causes, Symptoms and T...

    Overview  Myoclonus is when we

    Apollo Hospitals
    Myofascial Pain Syndrome: Causes, Sympto...

    Overview  Almost all of us have exp

    Apollo Hospitals
    Myositis: Types, Symptoms, Causes, Diagn...

    Overview Myositis is a disorder that

    Apollo Hospitals
    Nail Fungus

    Nail fungus, also known onychomycosis,

    Apollo Hospitals
    Narcolepsy – Causes, Symptoms And ...

    People suffering from narcolepsy often

    Apollo Hospitals
    Nasal Septum Deviation – Symptoms, Cau...

    Overview Nasal septum deviation is a

    Apollo Hospitals
    Natural and Home Remedies for Migraine H...

    Overview According to the Migraine R

    Apollo Hospitals
    Neck Sprain – Causes, Symptoms, Di...

    What is a neck sprain? The seven bon

    Apollo Hospitals
    Neonatal Tetanus

    Tetanus is a deadly disease that attacks the nerves and muscles of the body. It...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Neuroblastoma is a cancer most common in children under 5 or younger which...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Neurodermatitis – Symptoms and Causes,...

    Neurodermatitis is a non-life-threateni

    Apollo Hospitals

    Neurofibromatosis is a genetic condition that usually causes benign...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) Disease: Symp...

    Overview Neuromyelitis Optica is an

    Apollo Hospitals
    Neuropathic Pain : Causes, Treatment, an...

    Overview A shooting or burning pain

    Apollo Hospitals
    Neurosis: Symptoms, Causes, Types and Tr...

    Neurosis, also known as psychoneurosis

    Apollo Hospitals

    Overview Neutropenia is a medical co

    Apollo Hospitals
    Newborn Jaundice – Causes, Symptom...

    The skin and eyes of a newborn may seem

    Apollo Hospitals
    Nicotine Dependence – Causes Sympt...

    Overview Nicotine is a highly addict

    Apollo Hospitals
    Niemann-Pick – Causes, Symptoms an...

    Niemann-Pick disease  is a progres

    Apollo Hospitals
    Nightmare Disorder – Causes, Sympt...

    Nightmare disorder is one where recurre

    Apollo Hospitals
    Nonallergic Rhinitis – Causes, Sym...

    In nonallergic rhinitis, patients exper

    Apollo Hospitals
    Noonan Syndrome – Causes Symptoms ...

    Overview Noonan syndrome is a geneti

    Apollo Hospitals
    Norovirus Infection – Causes Sympt...

    Overview Norovirus infection is a vi

    Apollo Hospitals
    Nummular Eczema: Causes, Symptoms, and D...

    Nummular eczema is a condition in which

    Apollo Hospitals

    Overview Obstructive Sleep apnea is a co

    Apollo Hospitals
    Optic Neuritis – Causes, Symptoms ...

    The optic nerve is very important for t

    Apollo Hospitals
    Oral Thrush – Causes Symptoms And ...

    Overview Oral thrush is a condition

    Apollo Hospitals
    Orchitis – Causes, Symptoms and Tr...

    Orchitis is an inflammation caused in o

    Apollo Hospitals
    Orthostatic Hypotension or Postural Hypo...

    Orthostatic hypotension is a kind of lo

    Apollo Hospitals
    Osgood-Schlatter Disease – Causes,...

    Osgood-Schlatter disease is responsible

    Apollo Hospitals
    Osteogenesis Imperfecta

    Osteogenesisimperfecta (OI) is a condition mostly genetic and inherited from...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Osteopenia (Bone Loss)

    Bone loss or Osteopenia occurs when the body does not create a new bone as...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Osteosarcoma – Causes, Symptoms an...

    What is Osteosarcoma? Cells are the bas

    Apollo Hospitals

    The abnormal growth or remodelling of the bone in the middle ear and thereby...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Outwit Poison Ivy: Is It Communicable?

    A Poison ivy rash is an allergic reactio

    Apollo Hospitals
    Ovarian Cyst: Causes and Symptoms

    Introduction An ovarian cyst is a so

    Apollo Hospitals
    Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome –...

    Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS

    Apollo Hospitals
    Paget Disease of Bone – Causes, Sy...

    Paget's disease is a bone illness that

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pain At Pressure Points? You May Have A ...

    Stress fractures are minute cracks in y

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pancreatic Cancer and Its Symptoms Intro...

    Cases of pancreatic cancer in India are

    Apollo Hospitals
    Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma (Cancer): Sy...

    Overview Your heart rate, blood pres

    Apollo Hospitals
    Paralysis – Causes, Symptoms and Types...

    Overview The human nervous system is

    Apollo Hospitals
    Paranoid Schizophrenia: Symptoms, Causes...

    Overview Paranoid schizophrenia is c

    Apollo Hospitals

    Paraplegia is a spinal cord injury that paralyses the lower limbs. It is a...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Parkinson’s Disease

    Overview Parkinson's disease is a neurod

    Apollo Hospitals
    Patent Ductus Arteriosus

    Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a condition in newborns of a persistent...

    Apollo Hospitals
    PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) and PC...

    PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) is a medical condition in women, where the...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pectus Carinatum – Symptoms, Risk ...

    What is Pectus Carinatum? Pectus Car

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pediatric Brain Tumor – Causes, Sy...

    A pediatric brain tumor refers to the a

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pediatric Cancer

    In India, out of every one million population, 150 children are diagnosed with...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea

    Overview Obstruction of the upper ai

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pediculosis Capitis

    Pediculosis capitis, also known as head lice, are tiny insects that are found...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pediculosis Capitis: Prevention and Trea...

    Overview: Pediculosis capitis, more comm

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pelvic Organ Prolapse- Causes, Symptoms ...

    What is Pelvic organ prolapse? Pelvi

    Apollo Hospitals
    Penicillin Allergy – Causes, sympt...

    penicillin allergy: Penicillin was disc

    Apollo Hospitals
    Peptic Ulcers, and What Action Can Be Ta...

    A peptic ulcer (commonly known as a sto

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pericarditis – Types, Symptoms, Causes...

    Pericarditis is an inflammation of peri

    Apollo Hospitals
    Perineal Tear (Vaginal Tear): Causes, Sy...

    Overview A vaginal tear or a perinea

    Apollo Hospitals
    Peripheral Artery Disease

    OVERVIEW Peripheral artery disease which

    Apollo Hospitals
    Peritonitis – Symptoms, Causes, Di...

    What is Peritonitis? Peritonitis is

    Apollo Hospitals
    Persistent Depressive Disorder Dysthymia...

    What is Persistent Depressive Disorder

    Apollo Hospitals
    Persistent Post-concussive Symptoms (Pos...

    Overview Many injuries cause permane

    Apollo Hospitals
    Perthes disease: Causes, Symptoms, and T...

    Perthes disease is a hip disorder that

    Apollo Hospitals
    Phenylketonuria (PKU) – Symptoms, ...

    Phenylketonuria, also known as PKU, ref

    Apollo Hospitals
    Phyllodes Tumor (Breast): Symptoms, Caus...

    Overview Numerous newspapers, magazi

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pilonidal Cysts – Symptoms, Diagno...

    pilonidal cysts is a fluid-filled sac o

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pinworm Infection – Symptoms, Caus...

    What is a Pinworm infection? A pinwo

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pituitary Tumors – Symptoms, Cause...

    When an abnormal growth of cells occurs

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pityriasis Rosea: Causes, Symptoms, Diag...

    Overview Most of us have gone throug

    Apollo Hospitals
    Placenta Accreta – Symptoms, Cause...

    Placenta accreta is a severe condition

    Apollo Hospitals
    Placenta Praevia

    Placenta praevia is a condition which occurs in pregnant women ,when the baby's...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Placental Abruption – Causes, Risk...

    Overview The placenta is an organ de

    Apollo Hospitals
    Placental Insufficiency : Symptoms, Caus...

    Overview The placenta is an organ th

    Apollo Hospitals
    Plague: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

    Overview Plague, a severe bacterial

    Apollo Hospitals
    Plantar Warts Symptoms, Prevent And Tre...

    Overview Plantar warts are common am

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pneumonia – Causes, Symptoms and T...

    Pneumonia is a lung infection that causes the air sacs in one or both lungs to...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pneumonitis – Symptoms, Causes and...

    Overview Pneumonitis is a common hea

    Apollo Hospitals
    Polio – Symptoms, Causes, Vaccine ...

    Overview Polio is a life-threatening

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pollen Allergy : Types, Symptoms, Causes...

    Overview Flowers, trees, grass, and

    Apollo Hospitals
    Polycythemia Vera: Causes, Symptoms and ...

    Overview Polycythemia vera is a rare

    Apollo Hospitals
    Polymyositis – Diagnosis, Treatmen...

    Polymyositis is an autoimmune muscular

    Apollo Hospitals
    Popliteal Artery Aneurysm – Treatm...

    Overview The popliteal artery that s

    Apollo Hospitals
    Porphyria: Types, Symptoms, and Treatmen...

    Introduction Porphyria refers to a r

    Apollo Hospitals
    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) &#...

    What is PTSD? Post-Traumatic Stress

    Apollo Hospitals
    Posterior Cortical Atrophy – Sympt...

    Overview Posterior cortical atrophy

    Apollo Hospitals
    Posterior Vaginal Prolapse (Rectocele) &...

    Overview Posterior Vaginal Prolapse

    Apollo Hospitals
    Postherpetic Neuralgia – Symptoms,...

    Overview Postherpetic neuralgia

    Apollo Hospitals
    Postpartum Preeclampsia – Symptoms...

    Overview Postpartum Preeclampsia is

    Apollo Hospitals
    Power Nap : Napping Benefits, Length, an...

    Overview  It’s known that bab

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pre Menstrual Syndrome – Causes, S...

    Overview Pre menstrual syndrome (PMS) is

    Apollo Hospitals
    Precocious Puberty – Causes, Sympt...

    Overview  When a child’s body

    Apollo Hospitals
    Prediabetes – Causes, Symptoms and...

    Overview  When you have a highe

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pregnancy After Miscarriage: Causes and ...

    Overview Pregnancy brings happiness

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pregnancy Hemorrhoids: Causes, Risks &am...

    What are Pregnancy Hemorrhoids? Hemo

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pregnancy Stretch Marks: During and Afte...

    Overview A pregnant woman experience

    Apollo Hospitals
    Premature Birth: When Does it Become a N...

    A pregnancy lasts for approximately 280

    Apollo Hospitals
    Premature Ejaculation – Causes, Sy...

    Overview  Also called rapid eja

    Apollo Hospitals
    Presbyopia – Causes, Symptoms and ...

    Overview  Presbyopia is an eye

    Apollo Hospitals
    Prescription Drug Abuse – Causes, ...

    Overview Prescription drug abuse is

    Apollo Hospitals
    Preterm Labor – Symptoms And Treat...

    Overview Preterm labor occurs when u

    Apollo Hospitals
    Preventive Health Check-ups – A smart ...

    Many of us live a hectic life today be i

    Apollo Hospitals
    Primary Biliary Cholangitis -Symptoms, C...

    Primary biliary cholangitis is a diseas

    Apollo Hospitals
    Primary Lateral Sclerosis (PLS) – ...

    Primary lateral sclerosis or PLS  

    Apollo Hospitals
    Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis – C...

    What is Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis?

    Apollo Hospitals
    Proctitis – Causes, Symptoms and T...

    The rectum is the tube  connected

    Apollo Hospitals
    Progeria: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatmen...

    Overview Progeria is a condition tha

    Apollo Hospitals
    Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopat...

    Overview  Progressive multifoca

    Apollo Hospitals
    Progressive Supranuclear Palsy – C...

    Overview Progressive supranuclear pa

    Apollo Hospitals
    Prolactinoma – Symptoms, Causes an...

    Overview Prolactinoma is a nonmalign

    Apollo Hospitals
    Prolapsed Bladder – Causes, Sympto...

    prolapsed Bladder is when the ligaments

    Apollo Hospitals
    Prolapsed Hemorrhoids – Symptoms, ...

    Hemorrhoids can become prolapsed and pr

    Apollo Hospitals
    Prostate Cancer

    You may have heard about prostate glands, Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) tests...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Prostatitis is an inflammation or infection of the prostate gland. It affects...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Prostatitis – Causes, Symptoms, Ri...

    Prostatitis is a condition where the pr

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pseudobulbar Affect – Causes, Symp...

    Overview Pseudobulbar affect (PBA) i

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pseudocholinesterase Deficiency

    Pseudocholinesterase (PCE) is an enzyme

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pseudogout – Symptomsc Causes And ...

    Pseudogout is a medical condition that

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pseudomembranous Colitis – Causes,...

    Overview Pseudomembranous colitis is

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pseudopregnancy (False Pregnancy) : Symp...

    Overview Pregnancy is usually an exc

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pseudotumor Cerebri – Causes, Symp...

    Overview Do you often have pain in y

    Apollo Hospitals
    Psoriasis – Types, Symptoms, Cause...

    Overview Psoriasis is a skin condition

    Apollo Hospitals
    Psoriatic Arthritis: Types Symptoms Caus...

    Introduction Arthritis is the term u

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pubic Lice – Symptoms, risk Factor...

    Pubic lice are about 1.8-millimeter lon

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pulmonary Valve Disease – Causes, ...

    Overview The human heart is divided

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pulmonary Valve Stenosis

    The pulmonary valve is situated between

    Apollo Hospitals
    Pyoderma Gangrenosum – Causes, Sym...

    Overview Pyoderma gangrenosum 

    Apollo Hospitals
    Q Fever – Symptoms, Causes And Tre...

    Q fever is a bacterial infection that i

    Apollo Hospitals
    Rabies – Introduction, Causes, Symptom...

    Overview Immediately linked to the bite

    Apollo Hospitals
    Radiation Enteritis – Symptoms, Ca...

    Radiation therapy is used widely to tre

    Apollo Hospitals
    Radiation Sickness – Symptoms, Cau...

    Radiation sickness is an illness result

    Apollo Hospitals
    Ramsay Hunt Syndrome (RHS) – Sympt...

    Ramsay Hunt syndrome  or herpes zo

    Apollo Hospitals
    Raynaud’s Disease – Symptoms...

    Raynaud's disease occurs when the small

    Apollo Hospitals
    Reactive Arthritis – Symptoms, Cau...

    Reactive arthritis, also known as Reite

    Apollo Hospitals
    Reactive Attachment Disorder – Cau...

    Overview Reactive attachment disorde

    Apollo Hospitals
    Rectal Cancer – Causes, Symptoms a...

    Overview Rectal cancer is a type of

    Apollo Hospitals
    Rectovaginal Fistula – Symptoms, C...

    When an abnormal connection develops be

    Apollo Hospitals
    Recurrent Breast Cancer – Causes, ...

    Overview Breast cancer that returns

    Apollo Hospitals
    Red Blood Cell Count High (RBC): Causes,...

    Red blood cells (RBCs) are the bright,

    Apollo Hospitals
    Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD): Symp...

    Overview  Imagine experiencing

    Apollo Hospitals
    Renal Artery Stenosis – Symptoms, ...

    Renal artery stenosis narrows one or mo

    Apollo Hospitals
    Retinal Detachment – Causes, Sympt...

    Overview  Retinal Detachment is

    Apollo Hospitals
    Retrolisthesis : Types, Symptoms, Causes...

    Overview Lumbar retrolisthesis occur

    Apollo Hospitals
    Rett Syndrome – Causes, Symptoms A...

    Rett syndrome is one of the rarest neur

    Apollo Hospitals

    Rhabdomyosarcoma is a type of cancer th

    Apollo Hospitals
    Rheumatic Fever – Causes, Symptoms...

    Rheumatic fever is an inflammatory cond

    Apollo Hospitals
    Rheumatic Heart Disease & Fever

    Rheumatic fever is a relatively serious illness and complication which happens...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Extreme and prolonged vitamin D deficiency can lead to the condition of soft...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Rickets: All You Wanted to Know

    Overview Rickets can be thought of a

    Apollo Hospitals
    Road Traffic Accident | Traffic Injuries

    Road Traffic accidents or RTAs are as grim as any other medical emergency and...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

    Overview Rocky Mountain spotted feve

    Apollo Hospitals
    Roseola Infantum: Symptoms, Treatment an...

    Overview Roseola is a contagious vir

    Apollo Hospitals
    Rotator Cuff Tendinitis

    The rotator cuff is a group of tendons and muscles in the shoulder, connecting...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Rotavirus – Causes, Symptoms and T...

    What is Rotavirus?  Rotavirus i

    Apollo Hospitals
    Rule Out Heart Palpitations Before They ...

    Heart palpitations are when your heart s

    Apollo Hospitals
    Rumination Syndrome

    Introduction Rumination syndrome cau

    Apollo Hospitals
    Ruptured Eardrum (Perforated Eardrum)

    Introduction An opening or tear in t

    Apollo Hospitals
    Ruptured Spleen: Symptoms, Causes, Treat...

    The Spleen is an organ in our body loca

    Apollo Hospitals
    Sacroiliitis : Symptoms, Causes, Treatme...

    Overview The sacroiliac joints conne

    Apollo Hospitals
    Sarcoma – Causes and Symptoms

    Sarcoma is the common term for a broad

    Apollo Hospitals
    Scabies: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

    Scabies is an itchy skin condition that

    Apollo Hospitals
    Scalp Folliculitis – Causes, Sympt...

    What is Scalp Folliculitis? Follicul

    Apollo Hospitals
    Scarlet fever – Causes, Symptoms a...

    Scarlet fever is an infection character

    Apollo Hospitals

    Schistosomiasis, also known as bilharziasis , is caused by parasitic worms....

    Apollo Hospitals
    Schizoid Personality Disorder

    A Schizoid personality disorder is an uncommon mental condition of social...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Schizoid Personality Disorder: Symptoms,...

    A schizoid personality disorder is a me

    Apollo Hospitals

    Schizophrenia is a mental illness characterized by abnormal social behaviour...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Schizophreniform Disorder – Sympto...

    Overview The doctor may diagnose a p

    Apollo Hospitals
    Schizotypal personality disorder –...

    A schizotypal personality disorder is a

    Apollo Hospitals

    Scoliosis is a condition which is characterized by a curve in your spine. The...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Scorpion Sting

    Scorpion stings are painful. Many may go through minor problems like swelling,...

    Apollo Hospitals

    Scurvy is a disease which occurs due to the lack of vitamin C in your diet ...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Seborrheic Dermatitis – Types, Cau...

    Dermatitis is a skin condition that is

    Apollo Hospitals
    Seborrheic Keratosis : Causes, Symptoms ...

    Overview Seborrheic keratosis is a t

    Apollo Hospitals
    Secondary Hypertension – Causes, S...

    The single most highest contributor to

    Apollo Hospitals
    Selective IgA Deficiency : Symptoms, Cau...

    Selective IgA deficiency is an immunode

    Apollo Hospitals
    Self-injury/cutting – Warning Sign...

    Overview Non-suicidal Self-injury/cu

    Apollo Hospitals
    Separation anxiety disorder – Caus...

    Separation anxiety disorder is a condit

    Apollo Hospitals
    Septate Uterus : Symptoms, Causes and Tr...

    Overview A woman’s uterus is divid

    Apollo Hospitals
    Septic Arthritis – Causes, Symptom...

    Overview Septic arthritis is a painf

    Apollo Hospitals
    Serotonin Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, Di...

    Overview Serotonin syndrome, also kn

    Apollo Hospitals
    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)

    Overview Severe Acute Respiratory Sy

    Apollo Hospitals
    Shaken Baby Syndrome – Causes, Sym...

    Overview The shaken baby syndrome is

    Apollo Hospitals
    Sheehan’s syndrome – Symptom...

    Overview In Sheehan's syndrome, wome

    Apollo Hospitals
    Shigella Infection – Causes, Sympt...

    Introduction  Shigella infection is

    Apollo Hospitals
    Short Bowel Syndrome – Causes, Sym...

    The bowels in the human body are made u

    Apollo Hospitals
    Signs and Symptoms of Low Blood Pressure

    Introduction Simply said, blood pres

    Apollo Hospitals
    Signs of Lactose Intolerance That You Sh...

    Lactose intolerance occurs when small in

    Apollo Hospitals
    Signs You Might Have Throat Cancer

    People might be astonished when informed

    Apollo Hospitals
    Silent Hypoxia or Happy Hypoxia in COVID...

    Overview As doctors and healthcare w

    Apollo Hospitals
    Sinusitis – Types, Causes, Symptoms an...

    Those who suffer from inflamed sinuses c

    Apollo Hospitals
    Sjogren’s syndrome – Symptoms and ca...

    Sjogren’s Syndrome is an autoimmune d

    Apollo Hospitals
    Skin Allergy – Types, Causes, Symp...

    Overview When the immune system react

    Apollo Hospitals
    Skincare Tips for Combating Rosacea

    Rosacea is a common skin condition wher

    Apollo Hospitals
    Sleep-related eating disorders – S...

    Overview In sleep-related eating dis

    Apollo Hospitals
    Small Bowel Prolapse or Enterocele ̵...

    Overview Small bowel prolapse, also

    Apollo Hospitals
    Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma (SLL): Causes...

    Overview Every person has a type of

    Apollo Hospitals
    Snake Bites

    A physical puncturing wound caused by the fangs of a venomous/non-venomous...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)-...

    It is entirely normal to feel a little

    Apollo Hospitals
    Soft Palate Cancer- Causes, Symptoms and...

    Your soft palate is situated at the upp

    Apollo Hospitals
    Solitary Rectal Ulcer Syndrome – C...

    Overview Solitary rectal ulcer syndr

    Apollo Hospitals
    Somnambulism (Sleepwalking)

    Sleep walking or somnambulism is a common behavior disorder among children...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Spinal Cord Injury

    Spinal cord injury can be one of the most perilous injuries that can happen to...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Splenomegaly (Enlarged Spleen): Symptoms...

    Splenomegaly refers to a condition wher

    Apollo Hospitals
    Spondyloarthritis: Types, Causes, Sympto...

    Overview  Spondyloarthritis (or

    Apollo Hospitals
    Spondylolisthesis – Types, Symptoms an...

    This tongue- twister called spondylolist

    Apollo Hospitals
    Sprained Thumb

    A sprained thumb is an injury of an important ligament in the thumb and is also...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Staph Infections: Symptoms, Causes, Trea...

    Staph Infections are caused by a group

    Apollo Hospitals
    STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) : Sy...

    Overview An infection that is sexual

    Apollo Hospitals
    Stickler Syndrome

    Stickler Syndrome is a serious health d

    Apollo Hospitals
    Stillbirth : Types, Symptoms, Causes, ...

    Overview  When women lose their

    Apollo Hospitals
    Stomach Cancer

    The stomach as an organ receives and contains food before breaking down and...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Stomach Ulcers

    Stomach ulcers (also known as peptic ulcer disease) are painful sores which...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Strep Throat – Causes, Symptoms an...

    Strep throat is a bacterial infection w

    Apollo Hospitals
    Stress – Types, Symptoms, Causes, ...

    Overview A blood test, going on a so

    Apollo Hospitals

    A stroke also referred to as a cerebral vascular accident is found to be the...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Stroke – Types, Symptoms and Treat...

    A stroke, or brain attack, is caused by the sudden loss of blood flow to the...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

    The subarachnoid space (SAS) refers to

    Apollo Hospitals
    Subconjunctival Hemorrhage (Broken Blood...

    Overview A subconjunctival haemorrha

    Apollo Hospitals
    Subdural Hematoma

    Due to a head injury as a result of accidents, falls or blows to the head,...

    Apollo Hospitals
    Subdural Hematoma: Types, Symptoms, Caus...

    Overview  Head injuries are dan

    Apollo Hospitals
    Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

    Parents of newborn babies try their bes

    Apollo Hospitals
    Suicide and Suicidal Thoughts

    Suicide is said to be an act of taking

    Apollo Hospitals