Verified By Apollo Hospitals September 17, 2024
Diverticulosis is a condition in which pouches called diverticula appear on the wall of the large intestine (colon). These pouches may not disclose any symptom and vary from being very small (5 to 10 mm) in diameter to larger ones and become more likely with age.
In a low fiber diet, the colon must apply more strain than normal to move small and hard stool. A low-fiber diet also can add to the time stool remains in the bowel, leading to the high pressure.
Majority of people do not exhibit symptoms of Diverticulosis. Patients might have had diverticulosis for years together by the time the symptoms exhibit. And over time, some patients get an infection in the pouches (Diverticulitis).
In many cases, it is identified only when tests such as x-ray or colonoscopy are performed to find the cause of some other medical condition or during a physical examination.
The best way to care for diverticulosis is to avoid constipation. The patient is advised to:
This treatment may help lessen the development of new pouches (diverticula) and minimize the risk for diverticulitis
A fiber rich diet, lots of fluid intake, and regular exercising may help avoid diverticulosis
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