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    Latest M guard stent technology saves a 27 year old from acute heart attack ! Apollo Hospital first to introduce the technology in Chennai !

    Posted by Apollo Hospitals | 12 May,2011

    Team of super specialist doctors headed by Dr. G. Sengottuvelu, Senior Consultant & Interventional Cardiologist, Apollo Hospitals, used a specially designed mesh covered stent (M GUARD STENT) to capture the 80% blood clot that was formed in his right coronary artery that had migrated down to all the small branches in the downstream which led to acute heart attack.

    Dr. Sengottuvelu said, “”Dukahram a 27 years old male, glass factory worker with strong family history of premature heart attack (his father had a heart attack at the age of 45 years), was diagnosed with an acute heart attack, and found with blood clot in his right coronary artery that migrated down and unusually blocked all the small branches in the downstream, risking his life. This latest technology the M guard stent was useful in trapping the blood clot without any further breaks, the device also gave us a high procedural success with low rates of clot dislodgement into distal branches during the deployment””. He also added, “”M guard stent helped us to complete the surgery within 20 minutes, thereby reducing the complications and the risk involved in the surgery ensuring quick recovery of the patient””.

    In order to clear the clots in the small vessels, the clearway catheter another recent technology was introduced through which a strong anti clotting drug was injected directly to dissolve the clot. This unique M guard stent proves very effective in preventing further clot dislodgement.

    Acute heart attacks are increasingly seen in younger population particularly smokers. There is an urgent need to educate public on the importance of early arrival in the hospital after the onset of chest pain. Acute Heart Attack (Acute myocardial infarction) is on the rise in young adults and carries a significant morbidity, psychological effects, and financial constraints for the person and the family particularly when it occurs at a young age. The protection offered by young age has been slowly taken away by the increased prevalence of risk factors for CHD in adolescents such as smoking, obesity, and lack of physical activity. Better prognosis among young adults is achieved when early appropriate treatment is offered and saving more muscle mass from permanent damage by using these newer devices.

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    Posted by:Apollo Hospitals
    12 May,2011
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