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    HomeApollo EventsNewsApollo releases Patient Safety Declaration!

    Apollo releases Patient Safety Declaration!

    The Third International Congress on Patient Safety was held in Hyderabad on the 6th and 7th September, 2013.

    Dr . Damodar Bachani represented the Ministry of Health and Dr. R K Jain represented the Ministry of Railways.

    The declaration is as follows:

    • Every hospital shall have a person designated for patient safety.
    • Every hospital shall have a patient safety committee with representatives from medical services, nursing, engineering, housekeeping, pharmacy and infection control that shall meet every quarter.
    • Every hospital shall train all its employees on patient safety issues.
    • Every hospital shall educate its patients on patient safety issues.
    • Every hospital shall have a policy and an implemented system on reporting of adverse events within the organization.
    • Every hospital shall collect rates for the following patient safety indices:
      • Hospital acquired infections
      • Patient falls
      • Pressure ulcers
      • Needle stick injuries
      • Medication errors
    • All hospitals shall join hands to form a National Patient Safety Network for sharing of the best practices in patient safety. Every hospital shall endeavour to prevent Never Events listed by the National Quality Forum.

    Dr. Prathap C Reddy, the visionary founder Chairman of Apollo Hospitals Group has been the force behind the Third International Congress on Patient Safety, his dedication towards the well being of the patients has been supported by 156 healthcare organizations. The Apollo hospitals Group would always strive to put the patients and their wellbeing first.

    For more details, please write to us on

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