With rising instances of accidents involving Children in the City, Doctor’s at Apollo Children’s Hospital (ACH) are making efforts to educate stakeholders on how many of these mishaps can be avoided by taking simple precautions. On the occasion of completing its 4th anniversary, ACH has issued a safety booklet among parents of patients on safety measures that parents can take at home to help prevent their children from getting hurt.
Given the lifestyle we live today, it’s only natural for parents to get busy with their daily schedules requiring them to leave their children unattended or in someone else care for long hours. However, if simple measures can be adhered to, and children are made to understand how to take care of themselves when among strangers, a lot of mishaps can be avoided. Some precautions that parent can take include:
- Ensure kids are not left unattended while in the kitchen. Keep them away from hot objects like coking vessels and heating water
- Ensure that balconies and stairs inside home are child safe
- Ensure that Electrical wirings/sockets are sealed. Children need to be made aware on dangers involving fire or electricity
- Ensure that toxic items such as disinfectants and insecticides are kept locked away or at a height not reachable by children
- Ensure that medicines administered to Children are of the right dosage. If there are variations in the same medicine for adults and children, ensure the ones meant for children are used
- Ensure that children are not left unattended around pools of water. Even a bucket filled with water can prove to be dangerous for a toddler
- While commuting with Children, ensure they are wearing helmets if on bikes and are seated at the backseat with seatbelts if driving. While riding cycles, make it a practice for them to wear knee pads and helmet
- Monitor TV / Internet usage to control viewing habits. Instances of cybercrimes involving children are on the rise and parents need to keep a close watch to safeguard their child’s privacy
- Educate Children on how to tell difference between normal human contact and unusual contact that can make them feel uncomfortable. Encourage them to say no to experiences that make them feel uneasy and even gather attention by shouting / crying, if found cornered
- Above all, be prepared for emergencies by keeping first aid in handy. Doctor’s number and ambulance number should be on speed dial
Addressing parents and children at the Hospital, Dr. Indira Jayakumar Senior Consultant, Pediatric Emergency and ICU, Apollo Children’s Hospital said “”A lot of the cases that come to us today are sadly instances which could have been easily prevented if the child was attended to or sensitized about personal safety. Children, given their curiosity and amicability, often find themselves in situations that can make them very vulnerable and susceptible to harm. While some situations can’t be averted, there are others that care providers need to be cognizant of. While at home parents should take ample safety measures, school administration should ensure there is first aid provision and teachers are trained in administering them.””
Child Safety awareness drive is yet another initiative from the stable of Apollo Hospital Groups to ensure children in the city are safe. Since all stakeholders involved need to be held accountable, Apollo Hospitals with support from Chennai Traffic Police has been conducting road accident safety awareness and emergency first aid administration training by paramedics for School Van Drivers and Auto Drivers who ferry school children.