While still considered an innovative and highly skilled technique, robotic prostate removal surgery seems to have paved its place as a widespread prostate cancer treatment. Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals in their effort to increase awareness about the advantages of Robotic Surgery as a better treatment for various cancers, organised an interactive session with world renowned urologist Prof ProkarDasgupta who shared his expertise and insights on the advancement of robotics globally.
A noted authority in academic urology for the past seven years within the Division of Immunology, Infection and Inflammatory Diseases (DIIID), Guy’s Hospital, King’s College London School of Medicine, Prof. ProkarDasgupta has pioneered modern robotic urological surgery in UK, following in the footsteps of John Wickham. His team is recognised internationally for the Guy’s robotic cystoprostatectomy technique for bladder cancer and is the leading European group amongst the International Robotic Cystectomy Consortium (IRCC). He conducted the first randomised controlled trial of robotic urology in collaboration with Johns Hopkins Hospital. A further innovation is the description of a minimally invasive method of delivering Botulinum toxin to refractory overactive bladders (Dasgupta technique). He is the Urological Foundation Mentor in Robotic Surgery.
“Robotic surgery has a lot to offer to prostate cancer patients,” said Prof Dasgupta. “It is more precise, minimally invasive, heals faster and has the best clinical outcomes for treatment of these Cancers. In the hands of highly experienced surgeons, patients are seeing very positive results. I have seen over the past couple of years that the ability to treat and counsel patients have significantly improved with robotic surgery because of its accuracy and results it yields post-surgery. With a robotic prostatectomy, the benefits include a high prostate cancer cure rate and reduced urinary continence and impotence.”