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    HomeAcademics & ResearchClinical ResearchRecognition of Published Papers

    Recognition of Published Papers

    Recognition of Published Papers

    Apollo Research

    Apollo Hospitals encourages consultants, junior Medical staff, DNB trainees and nursing staff to undertake research activities in their areas of expertise. Apollo supports the effort of its staff and recognizes their achievements in publishing research papers with cash award and citation from Chairman.

    Policy on “Recognition of Published Papers” was institutionalized in the year 2009 to encourage an academic and research milieu in the organization by recognizing published papers in reputed peer reviewed journals by consultants, junior medical staff, DNB trainees and nursing staff.

    Papers are recognized based on impact factor and merit of research.

    506 papers of Apollo Group consultants were recognized either with a cash awards along with citation or only with citation from Chairman during 2020.

    Year wise number of papers received from consultants for recognition is given below:

    Years Number of published papers received from consultants across the group % increase year-wise (Baseline: 2009-10) % increase year-wise (Baseline: last year data)
    2010-2011 46 48% 48%
    2011-2012 43 39% -7%
    2012-2013 103 232% 140%
    2013-2014 121 290% 18%
    2014-2015 163 426% 35%
    2015-2016 263 748% 61%
    2016-2017 304 880% 16%
    2017-2018 314 913% 3.28%
    2018-2019 369 1090% 17.51%
    2019-2020 506 1532% 37.12%

    List of total published papers recognized for Apollo Group Consultants

    Policy on Recognition for Published Papers

    To encourage an academic milieu in the organization by recognizing publication of papers in reputed peer reviewed journals by consultants, junior medical staff and nursing staff.

    UPDATED ON 20/01/2025

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