Total Knee Replacement and Repair of Non Union fracture distal femur at Apollo Hospitals, Chennai
By Dr. Madan Mohan Reddy
Senior Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon
Apollo Hospitals, Chennai
67 year old female patient came to Apollo Hospitals Chennai, complaining of knee pain and difficulty in walking. She had a history of trauma 16 years back which was treated with a cast and immobilization. She was evaluated with an X-ray and blood tests. Her standing knee X-ray showed mal united fracture distal femur with severe Osteoarthritis. She was taken up for Total Knee Replacement. Intra operatively it showed a non-union fracture distal femur. The fracture was then fixed and a Total knee Replacement was done. Patient was started on partial weight bearing walking from the next day and full weight bearing after 3 weeks.

UPDATED ON 20/01/2025
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