Dr. Shiva Reddy award for academic excellence in Ophthalmology, Hyderabad, India.
Diplomate National Board, Internal Medicine
United Kingdom Medical Licensing Exams (PLAB 1 and PLAB 2)
United States Medical Licensing Exams Step 1, 2 (CK & CS), 3, ECFMG certified.
Text Book:
Primary Author for eight chapters and primary editor for “Epidemiology for Advanced Nursing Practice”; Jones and Barlett Publishers; Copyright Year: 2012; Publication Season: Spring 2011; ISBN:9780763789961).
Research Articles:
S I Haider, T M Hunt, K Macha. Caecal Diverticulitis. International Journal of Colorectal Diseases. 2004, Mar; 6(2):130-1.
Kruger BJ, Toker KH, Radjenovic D, Comeaux JM, Macha K. School nursing for children with special needs: does number of schools make a difference? J Sch Health. 2009; 79: 333-342.
Book chapters
Macha, K. & Shores, R. (2016). Benzodiazepines and Drug Interactions. In M. Welliver, N. Bruton-Maree & D. Welliver, Drug/Drug Interactions (1st ed.). Chicago: American Association of Nurse Anesthetists.
McDonough, P. J., Loriz, L., Macha, K (2009). Learning Styles and Their Effects on Clinical Instruction, Clinical Education, A Resource for Nurse Anesthesia Educators.
“Adrenergic Agonists and Antagonists” Authors: John P. McDonough, Kiran Macha, Lilia Loriz; Pharmacology for Nurse Anesthesiology, 2010, Jones and Barlett Publishers, ISBN: 9780763786076;
Master of Public Health Internship Project:
“Duval County Morbidity Statistics Report, 2002-2006,” Epidemiology Program, Duval County Health Department, Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
Languages spoken