Wilms Tumours Treatment in Bangalore
Kidney cancer, also called the Wilms tumour, is nearly often detected in young patients. For kids with kidney tumours, this condition accounts for around 90% of cases. Typically, there is just a single tumour on one kidney; however, tumours on both kidneys (bilateral) or more than one cancerous lesion on one kidney might occur. Sometimes a collection of lesions/tumours that are present from birth forms the Wilms tumours, and these are referred to as congenital syndromes. It is almost usually detected before the age of ten and is somewhat more frequent in girls than in boys.
Symptoms of Wilms Tumours
Wilms tumour warning signs & symptoms include:
- A firm lump or swollen region in a child’s stomach or belly. The lump or swelling can hurt, but it typically doesn’t.
- Hypertension or high blood pressure and as a result, the children may get nosebleeds, headaches, and blood in their eyes.
- Abdominal pain.
- Fever
- Blood in the urine
- Anaemia or low amount of Red Blood Cells (RBCs)
What causes Wilms’ tumour is still unclear. When cells experience DNA alterations, this cancer develops. The instructions that inform cells what to do are stored in their DNA. The changes that occur instruct the cells to divide swiftly and grow uncontrollably. As part of their normal life cycle, healthy cells die, whereas cancer cells continue to exist and grow. With a Wilms tumour, the modifications result in the formation of affected kidney cells that eventually grow into a tumour. Rarely, yet possible, Wilms tumour risk might rise due to DNA mutations that parents pass on to their kids.
Diagnostic Services at Apollo Hospital, Karnataka
A doctor may ask about family history and do the following tests to diagnose a Wilms tumour:
Complete Physical Test – The doctor will keep an eye out for any evidence of Wilms tumour.
- Blood & Urine Tests – These laboratory tests can reveal how effectively the kidneys are functioning.
- Imaging Test – Kidney imaging tests can be performed & assessed to determine whether a child has a kidney tumour. Ultrasound, CT or MRI scans, as well as chest X-rays, are the imaging tests that are recommended by the doctor.
Staging the Cancer
The medical team may suggest further testing to determine whether cancer has spread and its extent after identifying a Wilms tumour. If the cancer has progressed past the kidneys, a bone scan, chest X-ray, or chest CT scan might reveal this.
Treatment options are influenced by the cancer’s stage.
- Stage 1 – One kidney alone contains cancer. Surgery can completely eliminate it.
- Stage 2 – The cancer has spread to adjacent fat or blood arteries in addition to the kidney. Still, all of it can be removed surgically.
- Stage 3 – Cancer has gone beyond the kidneys to neighbouring lymph nodes, which are tiny organs that combat infection. It might have also spread to other areas of the abdomen. Cancerous cells may leak within the abdomen before or during surgery, or surgery may fail to remove all of the cancer.
- Stage 4 – The cancer has progressed from the kidney to other parts of the body, including the lungs, liver, bones, and brain.
- Stage 5 – Cancer cells can be present in both kidneys. Each kidney tumour is staged independently.
The treatment for a Wilms tumour is determined by how far the disease has progressed. Surgery, Targeted Therapy, Chemotherapy, and Radiation therapy are all treatment options that are adopted by the medical professionals at Apollo Hospitals, Karnataka.
Surgery – Surgery to remove all or a portion of a kidney might be the first step in the treatment of Wilms tumour. A sample of it is submitted to a lab for analysis to determine if the tissue is cancerous & what kind of cancer is present in the tumour. Surgery options for a Wilms tumour include:
- Removing a kidney’s part.
- Kidney and surrounding tissue removal
- The whole or partial removal of both kidneys.
Chemotherapy – Chemotherapy kills cancer cells throughout the body by using strong medications. Wilms tumour treatment often requires the use of many medications to eradicate cancer cells. The medication is injected into a vein. Chemotherapy side effects vary depending on the drugs used. Nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, hair loss, and an increased risk of infections are typical adverse side effects.
Radiation Therapy – Radiation treatment may be given to some patients. This therapy employs powerful energy beams to eliminate cancer cells. Protons, X-rays, and other forms of energy are possible. Nausea, diarrhoea, fatigue, and sunburn-like skin irritation are examples of potential side effects of this therapy. After surgery, radiation therapy may be administered to certain kids to eradicate any remaining cancer cells.
Side Effects of the Wilms Tumour Treatment
There is a high risk of adverse effects in those who have cancer or who have had cancer therapy. Several possible adverse consequences are:
- Hair Loss
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Bleeding and Bruising
- Tiredness
- Swelling
- Loss of Appetite
- Depression
- Delirium
- Cancer Pain
Even among people getting the same medication, these side effects vary from person to person.
Outlook for Wilms Tumour
Most children with a Wilms tumour have a positive prognosis. When a tumour has a favourable histology, up to 90% of children can be treated. The likelihood of cure is decreased if the tumour has an unfavourable histology. The patient will visit the doctor on a regular schedule once the cancer treatment is over to ensure their continued health.
Why choose Apollo Hospitals, Karnataka?
The Department of Uro-Oncology at Apollo Hospitals, Karnataka, has embraced a multidisciplinary approach to patient treatment. You will have access to some of the top oncology experts thanks to our ongoing collaboration with professionals in allied medical fields. The Department features some of the most advanced equipment and procedures for diagnostic screenings, cutting-edge treatment modalities, and compassionate patient care.