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    Parkinson’s Disease Management

    Parkinson’s Disease Management

    What is Parkinson’s Disease?

    Parkinson’s disease is a progressive condition that affects both the movement and mood of the affected individual. This condition arises when the brain’s nerve cells are unable to produce ample dopamine, which is an important chemical responsible for smooth muscle control and movement control. Symptoms of Parkinson’s vary but typically include a combination of resting tremors, muscle stiffness, slowed movements, and postural changes, all of which can impact daily activities like dressing and cooking.

    Parkinson’s Disease Management at Apollo Hospitals, Karnataka

    At Apollo Hospitals, we have a team of healthcare professionals, including the best neurologists in India, who diagnose the condition thoroughly and provide personalised treatment plans. Our specialists work together with the non-medical staff to provide comprehensive care to patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease, and help improve their quality of life.

    When to see a doctor for Parkinson’s Disease Management

    Individuals with Parkinson’s disease may experience several symptoms. When these symptoms start impacting their daily life, it’s important that they consult with an experienced neurologist for diagnosis and treatment. These symptoms include tremors, which involve involuntary shaking, typically starting in one hand or fingers and occurring even at rest. Bradykinesia, or slowness of movement, can make it difficult for patients to perform their daily tasks and restrict their range of motion. Muscle stiffness and inflexibility, known as rigidity, cause discomfort and limit the patient’s mobility, affecting the limbs, neck, or trunk. Postural instability may also occur, causing balance difficulties and an increased risk of falls, especially in the more advanced stages of the disease.

    Individuals may experience reduced coordination, which results in a lowered ability to perform motor tasks due to muscle stiffness and slowness. Freezing, a temporary inability to perform tasks, often occurs during walking or when facing obstacles. Reduced arm swing while walking, micrographia (smaller and harder-to-read handwriting), and speech changes, including softer, slurred speech, are also common in Parkinson’s disease.

    Additionally, individuals with Parkinson’s may show an expressionless face, excessive drooling, constipation, reduced sense of smell, sleep disturbances, depression, anxiety, and cognitive changes, which can cause impaired memory and thinking abilities.

    If you’re facing these issues, reach out to the team at Apollo Hospitals to consult with our expert neurologists today.

    Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease

    At present, the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease relies typically on the symptoms the patient is experiencing. Unfortunately, there is no definitive diagnostic tool like X-rays or blood tests that can confirm the presence of this condition. However, noninvasive diagnostic imaging techniques, such as Positron Emission Tomography (PET), can provide valuable information to help doctors diagnose the condition.

    Some standard methods used for diagnosing Parkinson’s include:

    • Assessment of Medical History: The foremost and integral part of the diagnostic process involves understanding the patient’s medical history. This includes assessing factors such as the use of certain medications, a history of head trauma, or a previous stroke, etc.
    • Identification of Key Symptoms: One fundamental criteria for detecting Parkinson’s disease is the presence of at least two out of the three primary symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. These symptoms include tremors, bradykinesia (slowness of movement), and rigidity in the body. The presence of a combination of these symptoms plays a vital role in diagnosis.
    • Ruling out other Neurological Conditions: A thorough examination is done to confirm that no other neurological signs that could point to conditions other than Parkinson’s are present. This step helps rule out conditions that can mimic symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
    • Response to Medications: A vital aspect of the diagnostic process is the patient’s response to the medications commonly used to manage Parkinson’s disease. A positive response to these medications can help with the diagnosis, as many individuals with Parkinson’s experience an improvement in their symptoms when such medications are used.

    Parkinson’s Disease Management

    Parkinson’s disease can not be cured, however, certain medications and surgical methods can help manage the symptoms. Medication is generally suggested in the initial phase, while surgery is suggested in more advanced stages of this disease. In addition, lifestyle changes and physical therapy may also help.


    Medications help manage walking, movement, and tremors by increasing or substituting for dopamine. Dopamine levels are low in Parkinson’s patients, but it can’t be directly given to the brain. However, medication benefits may begin to become less prominent over time. Side effects can include nausea, lightheadedness, and dyskinesia. Some medications may have side effects like hallucinations, sleepiness, and compulsive behaviours.


    A surgical procedure called Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is performed in serious cases of parkinson’s disease. DBS is primarily offered to those with advanced Parkinson’s disease who don’t respond well to medication. It helps stabilise medication fluctuations, reduce involuntary movements (dyskinesia), tremors, and rigidity, ultimately improving mobility. It involves implanting electrodes into a specific brain region, connecting them to a generator near the collarbone. This generator emits electrical pulses to alleviate Parkinson’s disease symptoms.

    While the surgery helps in symptom relief, it should be noted that it carries risks like infections, strokes, etc. DBS is effective in cases of dyskinesia. Also, it’s important to understand that this surgery does not prevent the disease from progressing. The purpose is symptom management only.

    Treatment at Apollo Hospitals, Karnataka

    Apollo Hospitals provides all-round, and round-the-clock care to individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, among other neurological conditions. We house the best neurologists in India. They tailor specialised treatment plans according to the requirement of the case, and utilise advanced medical technology for the diagnosis and treatment of the condition.

    Our hospitals are equipped with the latest technology to provide the most advanced treatment solutions to patients suffering from different neurological conditions. We put together a holistic environment for patients, and provide compassionate care to all. To consult with our expert neurologists for parkinson’s disease management, reach out to our team today.

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