Verified By September 29, 2021
In this article, we’ll discuss the function of the kidney and how does it work? The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs in our lower abdomen. They pass liquid body waste through urine and also filter blood to keep it clean.
Key functions of the kidney include:
Each kidney contains about 1 million nephrons, which are responsible for the right and left kidney function. They take blood vessels, filter and help pass waste through urine and send back blood to the heart.
Kidneys perform various important works for our body to be stable and healthy, but due to the toxins and wastes they encounter, the kidney may get infected with various problems.
As the kidney is in direct contact with toxins and wastes so it gets affected, here is how we can understand whether the kidney has a problem. It’s important to eat a balanced diet and stay hydrated to promote kidney function and maintain overall health.
These are a few common symptoms which suspect a person to have a kidney problem. In case you notice any of the symptoms, contact a nephrologist or urologist. Depending on your situation, the doctor may do a kidney function test to make a diagnosis.
The kidneys are important organs that affect many body parts directly including the heart so keeping them healthy is one of the important work to do.