Verified By Apollo Psychiatrist June 3, 2023
Phantom pain is a pain that feels like it is coming from a body part that no longer exists. Scientists once believed this post-amputation phenomenon was a psychological issue. But experts later recognized that these are real sensations, originating from the spinal cord and the brain.
Phantom pain is a type of perception that a person experiences related to a limb or an organ of the body that is no longer a physical part of the body. Phantom pain can also arise following nerve avulsion or due to an injury to the spinal cord. These sensations are recorded most commonly following the amputation of a leg or an arm. However, they can also arise following the removal of a breast, teeth, or an internal body part.
The characteristics of phantom pain typically include:
The pain of a phantom limb often occurs shortly following amputation. It can also start months or years later. If you have undergone amputation and you are suffering phantom limb sensations, consult your doctor as soon as possible.
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Though the exact cause is uncertain, it seems to emanate from the spinal cord and brain. During scans like PET or MRI, the parts in the brain that had been connected neurologically to the nerves of amputated limb show some activity when the person feels phantom pain.
After amputation, areas of the brain and spinal cord also lose signals from the amputated limb and adjust to this detachment in irregular ways like pain.
Research also show that after amputation, the brain may remap that part of your body’s sensory circuitry to another part of your body. So when that part is touches, it feels as if the removed limb is being touched.
There are numerous types of sensations a patient can feel. These are:
In less critical cases where minor digits are amputated, the sensation can be described as a tingling feeling as opposed to a sensation of pain. Not everyone who has an amputation develops phantom pain.
Some doctors recommend regional anesthesia to patients as the risk of developing phantom pain is higher for those who have experienced pain in the limb before amputation. This method increases the chance of pain reduction immediately following surgery and decreases the risk of lasting phantom limb pain in the long term.
There are numerous methods through which the treatment of phantom limb pain is possible. Doctors may give prescription medication to reduce limb pain. Some antidepressants or antiepileptics have been proven to have a useful effect in reducing phantom limb pain. Some physical methods such as light massage, hot and cold therapy, and electrical stimulation have often been used with variable outcomes.
There are several different treatment options for phantom limb pain presently being studied by researchers. Many treatments do not address the problem well and are therefore unsuccessful. However, some treatment options have been proven to lessen the pain in some patients.
Phantom limb pain arises more commonly in patients who also suffer longer periods of stump pain and is more likely to decrease as the stump pain decreases.
Phantom pain eventually goes away with time. Several patients find that their pain has reduced by about 75% or more within a period of 2 years after amputation.
Several experts believe that phantom pain may be explained partly as a response to mixed signals from the brain.
They too experience discomfort and pain after a limb is lost.
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