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Pacemaker implanation
HomePacemaker Implantation

Pacemaker Implantation


A pacemaker is a tiny device that is implanted in the chest to assist in the control of the heartbeat. It’s used to keep the heart from becoming overly sluggish. A pacemaker must be implanted in the chest through minor procedure. A cardiac pacing device is another name for a pacemaker.

Their primary function is to keep your heart rate in check. They can be temporarily implanted to cure a sluggish heartbeat following a heart attack, a medicine overdose, or surgery. They can also be permanently implanted to treat heart failure or to slow down the heartbeat. An electronic pacemaker implanted in your chest mimics the functions of your natural pacemaker. It is divided into two sections –

Pulse generator – This device has a battery and electrical circuitry that regulates the rate at which electrical pulses are sent to your heart.

Leads, commonly known as electrodes, are the components that make up a circuit. The job of these flexible leads, which are insulated wires that are implanted in the chambers of your heart, is to send electrical pulses that regulate your heart rhythm.

Signs & Symptoms
  • A heartbeat that is unusually quick. Tachycardia is another name for this condition.
  • A heartbeat that is unusually slow. Bradycardia is another name for this condition.
  • A heart block occurs when the heart beats irregularly as a result of erratic electrical signals.
  • Single chamber Pacemaker- This type normally sends electrical impulses to your heart’s right ventricle.
  • Dual chamber Pacemaker- This type sends electrical impulses to your heart’s right ventricle and right atrium, allowing you to control the timing of contractions in both chambers.
  • A biventricular pacemaker- It is a device that regulates the heart rate in both Biventricular pacing, commonly known as cardiac resynchronization therapy, is a treatment for heart failure and irregular heartbeats. This pacemaker stimulates both bottom heart chambers, allowing the heart to beat more rapidly.
  • Bluetooth assistant pacemaker-Because its technology enables for tablet-based programming and app-based remote monitoring, the Bluetooth enabled pacemaker enables access to information at any time and from any location. As a result, patients’ hospital visits for follow-up check-ups are greatly reduced.
  • Using an endocardial approach- It’s done in a pacemaker or electrophysiology lab. To numb the area, a local anaesthetic is used. Following that, the pacemaker and leads are installed through a chest incision. The lead is put into a vein through an incision and then directed through the heart using a fluoroscopy system. The lead tip is attached to the heart muscle, and the other end is inserted into a pocket made under the skin in the upper region of the chest.
  • Using epicardial approach- In adults, the epicardial technique is less common, but it is more common in youngsters. General anaesthetic is used to put you to sleep during this surgical operation. The lead tip is linked to the heart muscle, and the other end of the lead is put in a pocket formed beneath the skin in the belly by the surgeon.

A pacemaker can be used to help your heart beat at a normal rate or rhythm if you have a problem that impairs it. A pacemaker can help you feel better and avoid issues. However, not everyone with these signs needs a pacemaker. Your doctor can assess if a pacemaker is a viable solution for you based on a review of your medical history and the results of many tests.

When to seek a doctor

To know more, Request a consultation with our Heart Specialist at Apollo Hospitals Lucknow.

Helpline no-8429029838 or 8429021812

Doctor’s Profile

Dr. (Col) Ajay Bahadur

Senior Consultant
Interventional Cardiology





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