Verified By September 29, 2021
The kidney plays a vital role in the human body. Kidney filters the blood of our body and this filtration process removes toxins, waste and excess fluid from the blood. Healthy kidney also produce urine, produce hormones, control blood pressure and keep bones strong.
Chronic kidney disease starts due to the various comorbidities and improper lifestyle of any person. It’s a progressive disease that causes irreversible damageto kidney over time and may get worse which leads to kidney failure.
A kidney friendly diet, managing health conditions such as diabetes and hypertension and avoid smoking may help your kidney function better and longer, even when you have kidney disease.
Now it comes when someoneis diagnosed with End Stage Renal Disease/ Kidney failure, people have only 2 choices left:
Dialysis is a continuous process which can help people live but needs to done in a continuation, whereas kidney transplant is the best option for end stage renal disease patient to live a happy life again without dialysis, but with few precautions.
Haemodialysis is a machine process under which complete blood from the human body is filtered by machine because your kidneys are not capable enough to do so. This dialysis process starts with once in a week and in severe cases, alternate days.
Kidney transplant is the best option to adopt; this gives you freedom from dialysis process and even makes your life happy and fit.
In today’s world, success of transplant ranges from 90-95% which is huge. Even if accepter blood group doesn’t match with donor. There are options for ABO incompatible transplant with almost equal results.
In case anyone is suffering from End Stage Renal Disease/ Kidney failure, suggest them to arrange a kidney donor and get a kidney transplant done by renowned experts.
It’s the best way to get rid of dialysis problems and make your life even happier and comfortable.