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World Physiotherapy Day

September 19,  2017

On the Ocassion of World Physiotherapy Day on 8th September, the theme was’ Physical activity for life’.We organised an activity in our atrium from 10am to 12pm.Physiotherapists of Apollo Inpatient facility,Wellness,Apokos,College of Physiotherapy and periphery Apollo hospitals were present.It started with:

  • CEO sir,MS, consultant’s and patient’s message about the importance of physiotherapy and regular exercices to the all the employees and the public gathering.
  • Cake cutting
  • To emphasize on the theme activities like static cycling,Zumba dance,skipping, touching the toes,squatting,balancing on vestibular ball and balance master,planks were organised in which CEO sir,consultants,employees and people from public gathering also participated.