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World Diabetes Day (14th & 15th Nov 2014)

March 28,  2017

On the occasion of world diabetes day Apollo sugar clinic has organized a two day screening and awareness camp (14th and 15th Nov 2014) at Apollo hospital jubilee hills. As the total number of diabetic population is increasing in our country, we have organized this camp to sensitise people on lifestyle modifications to prevent onset of diabetes. Camp included

Screening of Blood Sugars: this helps to people to be aware of their health condition

Body Fat Analysis: To aware people on their body composition to prevent obesity which can be one of the causes for metabolic syndrome.

Healthy Way To Diabetes: Diet education by our in house dietician team to educate people on the importance of diet and its modifications to prevent or manage blood sugar levels

Diabetic Education: Helping people understand the impact of uncontrolled blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes related complications