Home Doctors Speak – Videos The Complete Guide to Hair Transplant: FUE Vs FUT | Dr. Shahin Nooreyezdan | Plastic Surgeon

The Complete Guide to Hair Transplant: FUE Vs FUT | Dr. Shahin Nooreyezdan | Plastic Surgeon

The Complete Guide to Hair Transplant: FUE Vs FUT | Dr. Shahin Nooreyezdan | Plastic Surgeon | Apollo Hospital

In this video, we delve into the two main methods of hair transplants, which are FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation). FUE involves extracting single follicular units from the back of the head and transplanting them to the front. Alternatively, FUT involves removing a strip of scalp containing hair follicles, which are then dissected to extract individual follicles for transplantation, resulting in a scar at the back of the head.The procedure is conducted under local anesthesia and is painless once the anesthesia takes effect. Afterward, a dressing is applied for 72 hours, followed by a surgical cap for a week.The recovery is generally uncomplicated, with the donor area healing within 10 days and appearing presentable within 3 weeks. Note, the transplanted hairs fall out within 2-3 weeks as scabs – this is normal. We advise against scratching any itchiness to avoid damaging the new follicles. Gentle washing can commence after 10-12 days.Results become apparent around the 3 month mark, with full results being visible between 7-9 months. It’s important to note that though transplanted hairs are permanent, additional transplants may be required down the line if you experience further hair loss.The cost varies, typically between 2 to 4.5 lakhs, dependent on the number of grafts and the type of procedure. Your medical team will only need to make adjustments to blood thinners before the surgery for your safety. For increased safety, we recommend undergoing the procedure in a hospital setting to effectively manage any potential complications. Please watch the video for further details.(0:00) Intro (0:06) Two methods for hair transplants (0:24) FUT method for hair transplants (0:44) Combining FUT and FUE techniques (1:08) Hair transplant is a painless procedure (1:21) Recovery process after a hair transplant (1:39) Donor area healing after 10 days (2:15) When to start washing hair after transplant (2:31) Transplanted hair shafts fall off in 3 weeks (2:46) Final results seen at 7-9 months (3:48) Stopping blood thinners before transplant (4:36) Outro

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