Dr. Vijayant Devenraj is a Cardio Thoracic & Vascular Surgeon based in Lu
Dr. Vijayant Devenraj is a Cardio Thoracic & Vascular Surgeon based in Lucknow having 16+ years of experience. Dr Viajayant was a Former faculty & Asso.Professor in Dept of CTVS (Lari cardiology) KGMU Lucknow. His expertise lies in Beating heart coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG), Heart Valve replacement/ repair surgery ( AVR/MVR/DVR/ TVR), Congenital Heart Disease surgery (ASD/VSD/TOF/PDA), MICS (Minimal invasive cardiac surgery), Aortic surgery and Vascular surgery (Bentall, Aneurysm/ Trauma & Laser surgery for varicose veins), TAVI (Transcatheter aortic valve implantation), Lung surgeries etc. Dr. Vijayant is an ECMO Expert. Under his credit, there are both national and international publications. He is actively invited as a guest speaker in scientific meetings, CDE’s and worldwide conferences to talk about Heart conditions.
Recent Advances in the field of Cardiac Surgery including Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery Trans Catheter Valve Implantation (TAVR) Awake Surgeries etc.