"Proton therapy, administered over 6-7 weeks helps reduce the dose to all neighbouring critical structures."


The oropharynx is the upper part of the throat. It has 3 parts, the right and left tonsil, the posterior wall as the posterior part of the tongue, called base tongue.

Cancers of the oropharynx usually present as a lump felt in the throat, foreign body sensation, one sided sore throat and, or deviation of the tongue. Occasionally, they may present as a lump in the upper neck or a change in voice.

Cancers of this region are usually squamous cell cancers. Lymphomas and other types of cancer may also occur rarely. The usual cause in India is the tobacco habit though in other parts of the world, the most common cause is infection by the Human Papilloma virus (HPV). Oropharyngeal cancers caused by HPV infection have better outcomes than tobacco related cancers.


  • Throat pain
  • Ear pain
  • Altered speech
  • Painful swallowing
  • Blood in sputum
  • Bad breath
  • Hoarseness of voice


Claire Young

“"From Bedforshire, UK to Chennai, India for one of the most precise cancer treatment, Proton Beam Therapy. To top it all warmth, love & respect radiates all around."”

Claire Young

Breast Cancer Winner • United Kingdom

Mr. Juan Francisco

““10, 135 miles in search of the most advanced treatment for my brain tumor. Back to Chile after a successful treatment to enjoy life with Mayte, my soulmate.””

Mr. Juan Francisco

Brain Tumor Survivor Chile

Ms Sabdhan

““Covid and Cancer, the 2 big Cs in my life, I did not look beyond Apollo Proton Cancer Centres. Now I am living life to the fullest.””

Ms Sabdhan

Mauritius Breast Cancer Winner

Ms.Aurelia Warimu

“"My battle against brain tumor, and an entire hospital battling for me. Proton Beam Therapy and the expertise of a holistic team ensured that I won over it.””

Ms.Aurelia Warimu

Brain Tumour Survivor Kenya

Mr Mohammed Jamal Uddin

““ My search for an optimal treatment led me to the lung cancer management team at Apollo Proton Cancer Centre. This was a decision taken by me and the family, we decided to fight this together. We found a suitable ally in Apollo.” ”

Mr Mohammed Jamal Uddin

Lung Cancer Survivor Bangladesh

Mrs. Mary Wanja Ndirangu

““ The most advanced treatment options for my cancer was in Europe, US and India. I chose India and Apollo Proton Cancer Centre because of the faith reposed in proton therapy by my oncologist. I can’t thank him enough for guiding me to the right place.””

Mrs. Mary Wanja Ndirangu

Bone Cancer Winner East Africa