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    HomeProceduresWhat are the Indications of C SECTION?

    What are the Indications of C SECTION?

    What are the Indications of C SECTION?


    Cesarean section has become very common operation.

    Due to inadequate knowledge and the flowering myth mills, people are generally afraid when going into a caesarean section. This article will explain what a c section is and why you must not be scared.

    What is a c section surgery?

    A Caesarean or C section is the surgery that helps deliver a baby through an incision over the abdomen and uterus. It can either be elective or happen as an emergency. There are multiple reasons for the same, including the baby’s abnormal position or health issues in the mother.

    ● Elective c section.

    In this case, c section delivery is decided beforehand. The doctor decides the procedure’s time and date, and it may also happen without labor pain. Usually, it takes 30 minutes to deliver via the elective caesarean section.

    ●  Emergency c section.

    If a few complications occur during the time of delivery, the doctor can recommend an emergency c section. These may include a threat to the mother or child and inappropriate positioning of the child during labor.

    What are the indications/ causes for a c section delivery?

    There are multiple reasons why the doctor recommends a c section.

    Here are the determinants of a C-section.

    • Mother’s health condition.

    Sometimes the mother’s body is incapable of enduring the labor pain due to various health concerns. Heart issues,,lung conditions,brain diseases, or genital herpes during delivery are reasons to opt for a caesarean section. Sometimes there is a mismatch between the baby’s head size and the pelvic size (cpd), thereby necessitating a C section.

    • Inadequate progress in labor.

    Labour pain is the indication of the uterus getting ready to give birth. Sometimes, the pain does not escalate. Hence, the uterus opening too is not large enough for the baby to come out, leading to a c section.

    • Baby’s health deteriorates.

    Your doctor will continuously monitor the baby’s heartbeat throughout the labor. In case there is fetal distress, an emergency caesarean section becomes the best option.

    • Multiple fetuses  in the womb.

    When a woman is carrying twins, triplets, or more babies, it becomes crucial to conduct a c section. In some cases, one of the babies may be in an abnormal position making vaginal delivery difficult.

    • Abnormal positioning of the placenta.

    The placenta covers the cervix opening; vaginal delivery becomes nearly impossible in such cases. Hence, the doctor advises a C-section.

    • Umbilical cord prolapse.

    The umbilical code may slip ahead of the baby during the delivery time, forcing the doctors to opt for a C-section.

    • Previous c section.

     A vaginal delivery may be possible even when the first baby comes through the caesarean section. However, doctors can also recommend the c section surgery according to the reason for which the first one was performed . If it is a an issue of pelvic disproportion for example , it may be required to perform a C section for all births .

    • Other obstructions.

    A fibroid that obstructs the birth canal or a condition wherein the baby’s head is too large leads to a c section.

    When to see the doctor after performing a c section?

    The doctor will give you a set of instructions to follow after the surgery. These include the following:

    • Gentle cleaning of the incision.
    • Usage of a heating pad to ease the pain.
    • Drinking a lot of fluids.
    • Supporting your abdomen
    • Eating fiber-rich foods.
    • Taking smaller portions of food at frequent intervals.

    Your doctor will need to check the incision after 1 week of the delivery. Other than that, you must have a look at the wound and contact the doctor in the following conditions:

    • If your incision seems to be too red and swollen
    • There is discharge from the wound.
    • You experience severe pain.
    • There is heavy bleeding through the wound.
    • The wound is hot to touch.

    What are the risk factors for a c section delivery?

    There are complications during vaginal delivery that land the mother into an emergency c section. Here are the risks that may lead to an emergency c section. The labor does not progress as it should.

    • Elderly mothers and very young mothers.
    • Big babies and small for date babies(growth restricted).
    • Abnormal positions.
    • Medical complications in mother.

    What is the treatment/ recovery process after a caesarean section delivery?

    There is anesthesia involved in the surgery,(usually spinal) but you will be awake during the procedure and hold the baby right away. Later, the nurses check for blood pressure, heart pressure, and breathing issues.

    After continued monitoring for 2to 4 days, the mother and child are usually given a discharge from the hospital. The doctor gives instructions to help the mother cope with the surgery.

    ● Rest

    Doctors advise new mothers to take enough rest. For the first few weeks,  avoid lifting heavy weights other than the baby. You can do small jobs and walk around.Avoid bending.Do not hesitate to seek help when needed.

    ● Opt for pain relief

    The first few days of bringing a newborn home are difficult. A c section makes it more challenging, there could be some pain at the incision, which subsides with time.

    What are the complications of a c section delivery?

    Childbirth carries a risk of complications. A c section, too, can have some risks that include the following:

    • Heavy bleeding.
    • Infections.
    • Adverse effects of anesthesia.
    • Injury to the baby.
    • Breathing issues in the baby.
    • Damage to organs during the procedure.
    • Problems in future deliveries.
    • Inflammation of the uterus.

    How to prevent a c section?

    You might come across much advice on preventing a c section. Before getting into all those, understand that your doctor would have a good reason to decide on a caesarean section.


    C section has its pros and cons, but it is essential to save the mother and the child at crucial times. Follow your doctor’s directions for easy recovery, and you will be back to your regular self soon.

    Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

    Q1. How much time is needed to recover from the c section?

    A1. It takes around six weeks to heal from the c section. It is essential to follow the hospital guidelines to ease the recovery process.

    Q2. Is there an alternative for a c section?

    A2. Your doctor can explain the plan for your delivery and why C section may have been suggested. Please educate yourself with all options.

    UPDATED ON 20/01/2025

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