Verified By April 19, 2023
A liver transplant is a surgical procedure performed to replace a damaged, diseased, or failing liver with a healthy liver from a donor. It is a complex procedure that requires a thorough evaluation to determine if a patient is eligible for the transplant.
Here is who can undergo a liver transplant:
It is worth noting that just because a patient meets the eligibility criteria for a liver transplant does not guarantee that they will receive one. The availability of donor livers is limited, and individuals must be prioritized according to medical need. Liver transplant candidates require thorough evaluation, including laboratory tests, imaging studies, and consultations with various medical specialists. This evaluation helps to determine the patient’s eligibility for a transplant and guide the patient and their medical team towards the best course of treatment.
Consult the best liver transplant surgeon in Mumbai.
In conclusion, liver transplant is a viable treatment option for patients with serious liver diseases. However, it is a complex surgical procedure that requires a thorough evaluation to determine the best candidate for the transplant. Liver transplant candidates must be evaluated by a multidisciplinary team of medical professionals, including liver specialists, surgeons, and transplant coordinators, to ensure the best possible outcome for the patient.
September 30, 2020