Verified By Apollo Doctors October 17, 2023
Wheezing is the shrill, rattling, or coarse whistling sound that people make when they experience difficulty in breathing due to a partially constricted airway. It can occur due to respiratory illnesses, such as acute bronchitis. However, the most common causes of wheezing include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. It is important to note that babies’ airways are narrower wheezing is more common in babies. Children under two are also vulnerable to a common but easily treatable condition known as bronchiolitis. It may also be due to heart failure.
Wheezing can be relieved with a variety of treatments. The doctor will evaluate the wheezing to determine the cause, which can be due to conditions such as asthma, severe allergies, long-term bronchitis, emphysema, or COPD and recommend suitable treatment options.
You must contact a doctor when you are experiencing wheezing for the first time and do not know the cause of the attack. You can also seek medical help for any breathing-related issues or if your chronic wheezing is unmanageable.
Wheezing is typically caused by asthma. However, it can be due to a range of other issues, including:
Wheezing can affect anyone. However, some risk factors can make a person more vulnerable to wheezing, such as certain hereditary health conditions. People must avoid these risk factors as they may help improve wheezing. The patient must also avoid triggers whenever possible, including pollen and other allergens.
The treatment for wheezing is dependent on its underlying cause. In severe cases, patients suffering from wheezing may need hospitalization to improve their breathing if wheezing is severe or interfering with their breathing. Prescription anti-inflammatory medicines can help reduce inflammation and excess mucus in the airways for certain lung conditions. These medications are generally available in the form of inhalers. However, they are also available in the form of nebulizers.
Asthma is manageable with medications, such as inhalers to reduce inflammation and open your airways (a bronchodilator, for example). Inhaled corticosteroids and pills like montelukast are anti-inflammatory medications used to treat asthma.
Bronchitis is treated with bronchodilators to open the airways and antibiotics may also be used to treat bacterial infections . The patients take the medicines through an inhaler or pills. Mucolytic drugs can assist in thinning the mucus in the lungs so that it becomes easier for people to cough it out.
Other causes of wheezing may need specific treatments. Your treating doctor will recommend a plan to treat the underlying cause of the condition and soothe your symptoms to help feel better faster.
People can take some measures to prevent wheezing, including:
Wheezing can be a symptom of some health conditions, including asthma, COPD, and heart conditions. Wheezing is usually treated by addressing the underlying disease, including inhaled medications, tablets, or injections. If they are treated properly on time, most bouts of wheezing can be quickly managed.
When wheezing is accompanied by shortness of breath, hives or if a patient’s face or throat is swollen, the patient must seek immediate emergency medical care.
Doctors perform a physical exam and ask patients about their medical history and symptoms. The physical exam can include auscultation (listening to the lung sounds with a stethoscope). The tests include blood work (with the likely inclusion of arterial blood gases), chest x-ray, and lung function tests.
People can try the following breathing exercises:
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