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      Home Oncology What is the main cause of neck cancer?

      What is the main cause of neck cancer?

      Cardiology Image 1 Verified By December 14, 2023

      What is the main cause of neck cancer?
      What is the main cause of neck cancer?

      Verified by Dr. Anil D’Cruz , Sr. Consultant & Director Oncology, Apollo Cancer Centres and Dr. Sataksi Chatterjee, Consultant Oncology, Apollo Cancer Centres, Navi Mumbai.

      Head and neck cancers are India’s commonest cancer, accounting for about 25 % of all cancers in our country. These cancers encompass a group of malignancies that arise in the oral cavity, in the throat, behind the nose and behind the nose, the base of tongue, the tonsil, the larynx, which is the voice box, and the upper part of the food pipe. These cancers arise from the lining of the head and neck area and treatment significantly impacts on the patient’s cosmesis and function, that is the ability to speak, swallow, and breathe.

      Thyroid and salivary gland and some other cancers of the neck also come under the realm of head and neck cancers. But generally, when we say head and neck cancers, it is those cancers that arise from the epithelium or lining of these areas. While the exact cause of neck cancer remains unclear, several factors have been identified as contributing to its development. By and large, these cancers are also known as squamous cell cancers and are primarily caused because of the use of tobacco.

      Tobacco Use

      Smoking cigarettes and using smokeless tobacco products are significant as well as independent risk factors for neck cancer. Tobacco in any form or in any quantity can cause cancer in a susceptible individual. Data has shown that most people who take to the tobacco habit do so by the age of 20 to 25. The harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke and smokeless tobacco can directly damage the cells lining the throat and mouth, increasing the likelihood of uncontrolled cell growth. It’s also important to understand that areca nut, betel nut or supari are carcinogenic. And even among those people who only take the betel nut can get cancer without tobacco.

      Research has suggested that quitting tobacco smoking for a short period of time (one to four years) results in a head and neck cancer risk reduction of about 30 per cent compared with current smoking, reduces the risk of laryngeal cancer by 60 per cent after 10–15 years and after 20 years can reduce the risk of developing oral cavity cancer to the level of a never smoker.

      Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

      Recently, particularly in the West, many of these throat cancers are being caused by a virus called human papilloma virus (HPV), the same virus that causes cervical cancer in women, which used to be the number one cancer in the Indian woman. HPV is known to be sexually transmitted. Those people who have multiple partners and predisposed to oral sex have a higher incidence of HPV related cancers. These cancers have a better outcome as compared to the conventional tobacco related cancers and primarily affect the oropharynx, that is the tongue and the base of the tongue.

      Alcohol Consumption

      Excessive alcohol consumption is another established risk factor for neck cancer. Alcohol is also known to be an etiological factor for head and neck cancers. Alcohol with tobacco increases the risk exponentially. And hence, it is important that people understand that having both habits together is very, very dangerous. Alcohol can irritate the cells lining the throat and mouth, making them more susceptible to the damaging effects of other carcinogens, such as those found in tobacco products.

      Other Risk Factors

      • Age: Neck cancer is more common in older individuals, with the incidence increasing after age 55.
      • Diet: A diet low in fruits and vegetables and high in processed foods may increase the risk of neck cancer. People who do not have a diet rich in chemo preventive agents, that is vitamin A, C and E are more susceptible.
      • Hereditary: Certain hereditary conditions such as Fanconi’s anemia, dyskeratosis congenita could also lead to head and neck cancer.
      • Epstein-Barr virus (EBV): EBV, a common virus that causes mononucleosis, is associated with an increased risk of certain types of neck cancer.

      Early Detection and Treatment

      Early detection of neck cancer is crucial for improving treatment outcomes and survival rates. Symptoms of neck cancer can include:

      • Persistent sore throat
      • Difficulty swallowing
      • Hoarseness or changes in voice
      • Lump in the neck
      • Unexplained weight loss

      If you experience any of these symptoms, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional promptly for evaluation and diagnosis. Early detection enables timely treatment, which often involves surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.

      Neck cancer is a serious but preventable disease. These cancers are preventable by avoiding harmful abuse of substances, tobacco and alcohol, eating a healthy diet and meticulous mouth cleaning. Another important cause of these cancers among non-tobacco users is sharp teeth or ill-fitting dentures. So, if you have sharp teeth or ill-fitting dentures, please get them attended to rather than rubbing on the tongue or cheek. It can predispose to cancers.

      Consult our experts, Dr. Anil D’Cruz, Sr. Consultant & Director Oncology, Apollo Cancer Centres and Dr. Sataksi Chatterjee, Consultant Oncology, Apollo Cancer Centres, Navi Mumbai for head and neck cancer treatment and prevention.

      Call 022 6280 6280 for an appointment.

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