Verified By Apollo General Physician July 8, 2023
The coronavirus pandemic has been around for more than a year now. Researchers are conducting various studies to better understand this virus and come up with ways to treat it. The virus is changing its form and becoming more life-threatening as days go by. Recently, some parts of the world have come across the COVID ‘long-hauler’.
Amongst most people the COVID -19 symptoms last for around 2 to 3 weeks. According to a recent article in the Journal of the American Medical Association and a study done by some scientists, there is one more category of patients. These are about 10% out of the total infected cases and they continue to face symptoms for more than a month. They are known as‘long-haulers’ of coronavirus. This group consists of both the types of patients — with mild symptoms and with severe symptoms.
This condition can affect all categories of people including young, old, ones who have been hospitalized once, those who were not hospitalized before, those who have dealt with chronic conditions, or even healthy people.
The symptoms suffered by long-haulers of coronavirus are not consistent. They cover a wide range of symptoms. The most common include:
While fatigue is the most common symptom amongst all, there is one more unusual symptom in long haulers – Brain Fog. The patients suffering appear to be confused and forgetful. They lose their concentration.
If you face long-haul symptoms mentioned above, first, trace the category of symptoms affecting you. If it is respiratory, then you need to work on the allocation of your energy, take proper rest and be calm.
If you feel exhausted, then you need to take a good amount of rest.
If you tested positive a month ago and cannot yetyou have symptoms , you must visit the doctor. Look out for the following symptoms that have lasted for over a month:
If, besides these all symptoms, you are also facing anxiety or depression, it is a must to visit your doctor If you forget things or remain confused and face the above symptoms, you must go see a doctor.
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The symptoms of the long-haul COVID-19 persist for more than one month at least. Research is being conducted about this particular type of virus infection and as of now, not much details have been traced.
Sometimes you could have recovered and tested negative, but the symptoms go one for 2 to 3 months. There may be two reasons for long-COVID as suggested by experts. Firstly, it is possible that even after two weeks, the virus persists in small amounts in the body of the patient. The pathogens may not have left the body fully even after the patient tests negative. Secondly, there may be a lack of an immune system response even after the virus has left the body.
As this is a new form of coronavirus, medical professionals are still researching the treatment of long COVID. They have given some recommendations for people who are experiencing this:
As per the above discussion, ‘long COVID is a new term introduced in the story of the coronavirus pandemic. Research is still going on and you must take care of your body and do whatever you can to boost your immune system. Always remember that your body is an asset and needs to be taken care of. Don’t lose hope and keep working on your body.
Even if you experience the symptoms of long COVID , there is no need to be frightened. Try to manage the symptoms by having a good amount of sleep and taking proper rest. You can do yoga and exercises as well. Somehow, if you are still not able to cope up with the symptoms, then make an appointment with a doctor and follow his recommendations and suggestions.
Q1: How are the doctors treating the long haulers presently?
The doctors suggest the patients go through behavioral, pulmonary, cardiovascular, and neurological testing. They are recommending the patients to drink fluids, take rest and sleep and eat well. on.
Q2: People of what age have the highest chances of suffering from the long-haul coronavirus?
It is difficult to answer this presently. The average age can’t be predicted for now. Hospitals are still analyzing data to find this detail. Based on analysis done by researchers, it is found that 10% of people age 18-49 and 22% of the people having age above 70 are more likely to suffer from the long COVID-19.
Q3: Will vaccines help the long-haulers of coronavirus?
It is too early to promise the results of the vaccine on long-haulers of coronavirus. Researchers are monitoring the pre and post-vaccination symptoms and collecting blood samples to study the immune response of the vaccines..
Q4: Can children suffer from long COVID-19? Yes, this condition is being found in people irrespective of age, so children are also likely to develop long COVID-19.
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