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      Prostate cancer facts and Treatment

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      Prostate cancer facts and Treatment

      Prostate cancer

      Before Treatment of Prostate Cancer, we should have to know – What is prostate cancer? How dangerous is it? What does it mean for men? Learn these answers and more by reading our article.

      Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer found in men, but it’s not always fatal. Over 200,000 new cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed in 2018 around the globe. Prostate cancer affects men because their male sex organs produce fluids that help semen become thicker. The prostate gland also produces hormones that affect blood pressure and other body functions.

      A man’s health begins in his body. Therefore, any problems related to the male genital organs are significant to address. Men experiencing discomfort or pain in their groin area should consult their doctor immediately. The first step in treating prostate issues is determining whether they are benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancers). For instance, if you notice blood between your legs, call your doctor.

      The prostate gland is a walnut-shaped organ located at the base of the penis. It produces fluid, nourishing sperm cells as they travel down the penis during ejaculation.

      If you are already diagnosed with prostate cancer, then don’t worry – there are many treatments available. There are two types: medical and surgical. Medical therapies include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and surgery. Surgical procedures can remove the prostate gland entirely or focus on only one side of the gland.

      What Is Prostate Cancer?

      Prostate cancer is one kind of cancer that starts in your prostate gland. Most prostate cancers begin in small glands inside the prostate called prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN), which is not cancer. The PIN is a precursor lesion of prostate cancer.

      How Does Prostate Cancer Spread?

      Once prostate cancer has spread to distant body parts, it becomes challenging to treat. Metastasis means that cancer has left its original site and spread through the bloodstream or lymph system. This usually happens when cancer cells break away from the primary tumour, enter the bloodstream, and attach to nearby tissues and organs. These cells may grow into new tumours elsewhere in the body.

      Spread of Prostate Cancer

      There are several ways that prostate cancer spreads throughout the body. One way is via the venous system. When cancer cells leave the prostate, they are carried along with other bodily fluids and waste products. They can collect around veins and arteries and form new tumours.

      Another way is through the lymphatic system. Lymph nodes are small bean-sized structures near significant organs like the heart, lungs, and kidneys. Some lymph nodes are part of the immune system, while others store extra white blood cells, antibodies, and antigens. Once cancer cells enter the lymph system, they circulate among the nodes until they reach a node where they start growing again. Eventually, some of those cells will continue travelling through the lymph system and land somewhere else in the body.

      Another way that prostate cancer spreads is via the urinary tract. As urine passes through the urethra during urination, it flows past the prostate. Sometimes cancer cells can pass through the walls of the urethra and move into the bladder, where they can cause trouble. Other times, cancer cells can make their way up into the bladder neck and block the opening of the urethra.

      What Causes Prostate Cancer?

      Although no single factor causes prostate cancer, certain conditions, habits, and behaviours increase the risk of developing it. These factors include age, race, ethnicity, and gender. Age. Older men are more likely than younger men to develop prostate cancer. African Americans are twice as likely to develop prostate cancer than Caucasians. And Hispanic men are at higher risk for prostate cancer than non-Hispanic Caucasian men.

      Family history

      Men who have a close relative — such as a father, brother, son, uncle, cousin, nephew, or grandson — diagnosed with prostate cancer before age 70 are at greater risk of getting prostate cancer.

      Genetic factors

      Researchers think genetic factors play a role in prostate cancer development. A gene mutation can trigger cancer by making cells divide much faster than usual. Another type of gene mutation triggers the production of proteins that promote cell growth. Still, other mutations cause abnormal genes to stick together and become attached to DNA strands.


      Smoking increases the chances of developing prostate cancer by increasing exposure to toxic chemicals called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). PAH is found in cigarette smoke and grilled meats, and charred vegetables.

      Drinking alcohol

      Drinking one alcoholic beverage a day appears to raise the risk of prostate cancer slightly. Heavy drinking, defined as five or more drinks per week, appears to be associated with an even higher risk of developing prostate cancer.

      Treatment of Prostate Cancer 

      Treatment of Prostate Cancer depends on several things: the stage of the tumour, how old you are, your general health, and whether your doctor thinks surgery would help. In many cases, treatments may involve drugs, radiation, hormones, and surgery. Each treatment option has benefits and risks. You may need to visit the top hospital in Delhi for the treatment of prostate cancer. Your doctor will discuss all options with you to decide what might work best for you and it is better to choose the best hospital in Delhi for the treatment.


      Surgery removes the prostate gland and any tumor or nearby tissue affected by cancer. Most men choose this technique if they have localized prostate cancer. Localization means that only part of the prostate is affected. If a man chooses this approach, he will need to stop having erections for a few weeks after surgery. He may also experience incontinence during this period.


      Radiation uses high-energy x-rays to destroy cancerous tissue. It treats cancers that haven’t spread yet. This technique works well when the cancer is confined to just one area. But doctors use this approach less often now because newer treatments allow them to kill fewer healthy cells while treating cancer.


      In this procedure, cancerous tissues are frozen using liquid nitrogen. The freezing process damages cancer’s blood supply. Doctors then remove the damaged areas. This technique doesn’t affect sexual function. You may need to visit top hospital in Delhi for this treatment

      Hormonal Therapy

      Some types of prostate cancer increase and spread throughout the body. For these aggressive forms, chemotherapy or radiation isn’t practical. Instead, doctors give patients hormonal therapy. These medications block testosterone from reaching the cancer cells. Blocking hormones at this point slows down the growth of cancer. Side effects include loss of sex drive, temporary impotence, fatigue, nausea, and hot flashes.


      Chemotherapy is used to treat certain advanced forms of prostate cancer. Like radiation and hormonal therapy, it targets rapidly growing cancer cells. Some side effects are like those seen with radiation and hormonal therapy. Others include hair loss, mouth sores, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, fatigue, weakness, and weight gain. The best hospital in Delhi provides this service.

      Bone Marrow Transplantation

      Bone marrow transplants take stem cells from someone else and inject them into the patient. The new stem cells make new blood cells that fight against cancer. Newer techniques let doctors extract stem cells from people without harming their immune systems. Doctors can then add genetic material to make the stem cells attack cancer cells.

      Top Hospital in Delhi for Prostate Cancer Treatment

      There are many hospitals in Delhi. However, the list of the top hospital in Delhi based on cost efficiency and quality of services are named below:

      • Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals
      • Fortis Escorts Heart Institute
      • Max Super Specialty Hospital
      • Sir Ganga Ram Hospital
      • Medanta-The Medicity,
      • Narayana Multispecialty Hospital

      Apollo hospital is a top hospital in Delhi that provide world-class medical treatments for Prostate Cancer patients and offer a wide range of services, including specialized surgeries, diagnostic tests, radiotherapy, hormone therapies, and palliative care.

      Best hospital in Delhi for Prostate Cancer Treatment

      The best hospital in Delhi for prostate cancer treatment is Apollo hospital, Delhi. They have an excellent urologist, radiologists, pathologists, and surgeons. Their team provides quality and compassionate care for all kinds of cancers. They also offer complete diagnostic testing and screening for various diseases.

      They specialise in treating complex cases of cancer such as Prostate Cancer. We use state-of-the-art technology to diagnose and treat prostate cancer.

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