Verified By Dr Akshaya Kumar Sahoo June 11, 2023
The bone-building reaches its peak during the years of adolescence, but then suddenly it slows down after the age of 25. Due to this natural bone loss, it becomes difficult to perform high-impact, bone stimulating exercises such as carrying heavy weights, jumping, etc after the age of 50. This adds up to an increased risk of osteoporosis, bone breaks, and fractures.
Women are more prone to bone loss and other bone-related diseases when compared to men. They start to lose bone mass in their 30s. Building strong bones for women is an important aspect, especially when you grow old. However, you can add bone-strengthening foods to your diet to keep your bones healthy.
Studies say that out of the 10 million Americans who have osteoporosis, nearly 80% are women, taking the figure to 8 million. Moreover, about one in every two women aged 50 or more will likely fracture a bone(s) due to osteoporosis or a bone disease.
When it comes to building healthy bones, there are two key nutrients: Calcium & Vitamin D. While Calcium helps in supporting your bones & teeth structure, Vitamin D improves calcium absorption & helps bone growth. Here is a list of food for strong bone, which will help you ladies build stronger bones and increase bone strength for a stronger tomorrow. Find these nutrients in your bone strengthening foods and you are good to go.
Most people get their vitamin D through exposure to sunlight, but certain foods, like yogurt, are mound with vitamin D. Apart from helping with calcium absorption, vitamin D plays a vital role in maintaining bone health. Studies say that adults and kids with vitamin D deficiency are more prone to bone loss and bone conditions than those with sufficient vitamin D. One cup of yogurt can be a creamy way to get your daily calcium.
Eggs contain just 6% of daily vitamin D. But it is advisable to eat an egg every day for stronger bones. Just don’t opt for egg whites as the vitamin D is in the yolk. Research shows that women who consume good amounts of high-quality protein have better bone density and are less susceptible to bone damage.
Don’t eat dairy products? Spinach will be your new favorite way to get calcium. One cup of cooked spinach contains almost 25% of your daily calcium, plus fiber, iron& vitamin A.
Think of bone-building &minerals and calcium first comes to mind. Our skeleton is largely made of calcium, but there are other minerals which play a key role as well. As a matter of fact, 50% of the body’s magnesium is present in our bones. According to a study conducted of more than 70,000 women, it was found that women who consumed 400mn of magnesium a day had a higher (2% to 3%) bone density than women who had half the quantity. Low levels are linked to fragile bones and calcium loss, research shows. All seeds are good magnesium sources, but pumpkin seeds outshine the rest.
Potassium isn’t necessarily known for aiding bone health. It’s a mineral that helps nerves and muscles communicate and also help cells get rid of waste. But potassium may also neutralize acids that eradicate calcium from the body.
Eating healthy and leading a healthy life is not just beneficial for your outer body strength but also helps in building stronger bones in women for a healthier and happier tomorrow.
MBBS, DNB(Orthopaedics), Senior Consultant -Orthopaedics, Apollo Hospitals, Bhubaneshwar