Verified By June 12, 2024
Any cancer that starts developing in the glands or organs of the thoracic cavity or the chest is known as thoracic cancer. For example, lung cancer is a common thoracic cancer that is highly prevalent among men and women. Like any other type of cancer, thoracic cancer symptoms also depend on the location of the tumour and its impact on the body part and its nearby areas.
The thoracic cancer symptoms may vary from person to person. It depends on the type of cancer and the tissue it is affecting. Moreover, it also depends on the stage of cancer. There might be few symptoms in the early stages, which can be more difficult to diagnose until it reaches the advanced stage.
When the tumour is large, it can result in blocking significant airways or can result in a buildup of fluid around the lungs. It can also result in pain in the chest or shortness of breath. Therefore, it is critical to immediately consult your doctor if breathing difficulty interferes with your regular life
If you are someone who smokes regularly, then keep track of the smoker’s cough. It is also essential to note any changes to the chronic cough, especially for smokers. If you feel a difference in the chronic cough, you should consult a doctor to get yourself tested immediately.
Keep a check on any new cough that comes in. Any cough from a respiratory infection or cold will disappear in a few days. But if the cough lingers, it can be a sign of thoracic cancer. Moreover, it is also critical to get tested if the cough lingers, becomes more frequent, gets deeper, produces blood, or sounds hoarse.
Coughing blood or Hemoptysis is a common symptom of thoracic cancer. But it can be a symptom of any other medical condition, including infections or blood vessel issues. Cancer can impact blood vessels when it gets severe or spreads to nearby areas. Therefore, there is a high chance that patients with thoracic cancer will cough up blood or bloody or rusty mucus. It is essential to immediately check with a healthcare professional if you throw up blood or rusty mucus.
Another common symptom in patients with thoracic cancer is chronic fatigue. It is a regular worn-down feeling that the patient feels. With thoracic cancer, the body works extra hard to fight cancer. And this can impact the level of the patient’s energy, making them feel lethargic. Fatigue can also be a result of cancer treatment. But if you think chronic fatigue impacts your daily life, consult a doctor
When you speak, the vocal cords make sound by closing and opening, resulting in vibrations. But when thoracic cancer develops around the laryngeal nerve, the vocal cord must also bear the impact. And this can result in hoarseness in the voice, and the voice might feel that it has changed. But having voice hoarseness doesn’t mean having cancer, as it is a symptom of other conditions like laryngitis. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor to get more details.
Thoracic cancer can result in pain in the body, including the chest, back, and shoulder. But chest pain is the most common symptom of thoracic cancer. It can also happen if you continue coughing throughout the day. Therefore, you should assess if the pain is limited to one area or occurs in the chest. Metastasized chest wall or impact on the lymph nodes can also result in discomfort or pain in your chest.
Most people with thoracic cancer will start developing a very high calcium level in their bodies. The condition is also known as hypercalcemia. But when the calcium level increases in the blood, it can result in indigestion or belly aches. Moreover, It can make you feel constipated or uneasy. The patient might feel like not eating or drinking anything. The hormone change can also make the patient feel nauseous with cramps
During cancer, most of the body’s energy goes away in fighting the cancerous cells. Moreover, these cancerous cells also take away much power from the body. Thus, the patient might feel extremely weak if they have thoracic cancer. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult a doctor if you continue feeling weak without any explanation. Weakness can also be highly prevalent during thoracic cancer treatment as most of the body focuses on eliminating cancer.
Any unexplained weight loss of around 5 kgs can be a symptom of any type of cancer, including thoracic cancer. This is because while having cancer, most cancerous cells use much energy resulting in a drop in weight. Moreover, it can also be because of how the body starts using and extracting points from the food. Therefore, you should immediately consult a doctor if you notice a change in weight if you do not intend to shed weight.
Different signs and symptoms can be scary, like wheezing, chest pain, etc. But you must understand that these symptoms do not always indicate thoracic cancer and can be a sign of another condition. Moreover, early detection is crucial for the best cancer care. Thus, it is always best to contact a doctor at the earliest if you face any of the above symptoms or something related.