Verified By Apollo Neurologist March 15, 2023
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disorder affecting the central nervous system. It affects the brain and the spinal cord and can cause permanent nerve damage.
In multiple sclerosis, the immune system attacks the myelin sheath that covers and secures the nerve fibers. Myelin sheath helps nerves to conduct electrical signals quickly and efficiently. When the myelin sheath gets damaged, it creates a scar or sclerosis. With progressive lesions and injuries, the nerve fibers get damaged. It causes inflammation and swelling, hindering the normal functioning of the body.
Multiple sclerosis is of four types. It also defines the stages. They are:
Symptoms vary from individual to individual.
If you have a few of the abovementioned signs and symptoms, you must get diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. There is no permanent cure for this disorder. An early diagnosis and treatment can aid in fast recovery from immune attacks, alter the course and control the symptoms.
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There are no specific diagnostic tests for Multiple Sclerosis. Meanwhile, a diagnosis often depends upon ruling out other conditions. Your doctor my probably start with a thorough examination and medical history. Your doctor may then suggest:
Blood tests: to exclude other diseases with symptoms similar to Multiple Sclerosis.
Spinal tap (lumbar puncture): in which a small cerebrospinal fluid’s sample is removed as it can show in antibodies that are linked to Multiple Sclerosis and rule out other conditions.
MRI: which many reveal areas of Multiple Sclerosis (lesions) on your spinal cord and brain.
Evoked potential tests: in which an electrical signals produced by your nervous system are record in response to stimuli.
Multiple sclerosis cannot be cured. The treatments get done to reduce the symptoms and slow down the progression of the disease. Also, mild symptoms do not need any treatment.
To treat attacks, the doctor may suggest corticosteroids or plasma exchange. Corticosteroids involve oral and intravenous medications. Plasma exchange is also known as plasmapheresis. In this method, plasma are removed from the blood cells. These blood cells are then mixed with albumin before putting it back into the body.
For primary progression type of multiple sclerosis, Ocrelizumab is the only FDA-approved disease-modifying therapy (DMT). Treatment options for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis include oral and injectable medications. The oral medications include Dimethyl fumarate, Diroximel fumarate, Fingolimod, Cladribine, Siponimod, and Teriflunomide. The injectable medications include Glatiramer acetate and Interferon-beta medications. There are also infusion treatments available to treat multiple sclerosis-like Natalizumab, Ocrelizumab, and Alemtuzumab. Other than medications, physical therapy, and muscle relaxants have proved to be helpful for the treatment.
The type of treatment to opt for depends upon the stage, and your doctor may suggest the best option as per your stage or type of MS.
The life expectancy of patients with multiple sclerosis has improved over the years. It has happened due to novel treatment approaches, better healthcare facilities, and lifestyle changes. It can even turn out to be life-threatening. Although, this happens very rarely.
The risk factors include the family history of multiple sclerosis, low vitamin D levels, female gender, certain viral infections, smoking, and autoimmune disorders.
Complications like depression, paralysis of legs, epilepsy, muscle spasms, mood swings, and problems with bladder, bowel and sexual function may arise due to multiple sclerosis.
Multiple sclerosis does not have a permanent cure, but the symptoms and problems arising may be managed by early diagnosis and proper treatment.
The content is medically reviewed and verified by highly qualified Neurologists who bring extensive experience as well as their perspective from years of clinical practice, research and patient care