Verified By Dr Kaushik Reddy September 17, 2023
If you suffer an injury and experience pain in a certain part of your body, it can be difficult to determine on your own whether it is a sprain or a fracture. You may have difficulty determining if it is fractured (broken) or sprained. This is normal as symptoms of both the conditions overlap with each other. However, generally, a fracture tends to be more painful compared to a sprain, and the pain may last longer.
You may need have to see a doctor and get an X-ray done to determine if you have a broken bone or sprain . An X-ray will show if it is sprain or fracture thus help your doctor determine the treatment plan
Simply put, fractures are broken bones. And, broken bones come with one or more of the following telltale signs:
A sprain is a ligament injury. Ligaments are soft tissues that connect two (or more) bones at a joint, such as the ankle, knee or elbow. While the signs of a sprain are often less obvious than fracture symptoms, there is some overlap:
You can give your injury 3 days to improve if:
If you are injured, follow the RICE acronym for the first 24 – 48 hours to give yourself some relief:
If the swelling gets better and it is less tender within a couple of days, you are most likely OK. But if it does not get better within 2-4 days, then you should see a doctor.”
When it comes to sprains, some adults can tough it out, but kids are not adults. If kids are injured, get them checked out as soon as possible. Kids can injure something called the growth plate, which can affect how they grow over time.
Any Ortho related doctors who can provide a basic evaluation and take an X-ray. Medical facilities that provide these services include:
So, your injuries (including and especially those of your children), should be checked out by a doctor as soon as possible. Any child who is still growing should be evaluated to make sure they do not have a fracture. And, the only way to rule one out is to get an X-ray.
You have to see a doctor immediately if the injury is accompanied by a significant cut or other wound. The wound may need to be addressed separately. It also may need to be treated more aggressively with antibiotics and cleaning.
M.S.ORTHO, Consultant Orthopaedic & Sports Surgeon, Apollo Hospitals, Jubilee Hills