Verified By Apollo General Physician November 15, 2024
Have you ever felt a sharp pain running down your spine? If yes, then you must know how much discomfort and spinal health issues affect your lifestyle. Most people complain about experiencing back pain even after frequent workouts, but they do not realise that it’s not about the quantity but the quality of the workout. How we sit, stand, sleep, and even move affects our posture, which can be that of a friend or a foe.
So, what can we do to tackle this problem? Let’s try to find an answer to this question in this blog. So, let’s start.
To understand how we can manage to change our lifestyle for a pain-free life, it is important to have a basic understanding of our support system, “the spine”. The spine is the bone that supports our back. It is made up of small bones, “33 in number,” called “Vertebrae,” which are connected via intervertebral discs. These intervertebral discs help protect the spine from outside damage and pressure while moving. Vertebrae work as a protector of the spinal cord, which is important for our nervous system.
Vertebrae are divided into three major parts – Cervical, which is the upper vertebrae; Thoracic, the middle one; and Lumbar, the lowermost bones of vertebrae.
1. Maintain a Good Posture
One of the most important ways to protect your spine is to maintain a good posture throughout the day. Poor posture can lead to unwanted strain in your muscles that may result in discomfort and pain. Here is how you can maintain a good posture the whole day:
2. Work in a Comfortable Space
Working in an ergonomic space is very important for you if your back is more prone to pain related to the spine. An uncomfortable work setting can lead to muscle and neck strain if you work on a desk job. Here is how you can make your working environment ergonomic:
3. Prefer Quality Over Quantity in Lifting
If you are a gym enthusiast and love lifting dumbbells and stuff, make sure to do this using proper techniques. Imperfect lifting techniques can lead to sprain, strain, and even herniated discs. Fortunately, mastering lifting techniques is quite simple.
4. Stay Active
Although relaxing is vital for proper health management, being a couch potato will not work either. A lazy lifestyle can contribute to back pain and muscle aches. Regular physical activity like walking, cycling, & swimming can stretch your muscles and prevent muscle pain.
5. Sleep on a Comfortable Mattress
Poor sleep mattresses and sleeping posture are the main cause of issues related to the spine. Having a comfortable sleeping mattress is the best investment you can make to ensure your back stays pain-free.
6. Maintain a Healthy Weight
Excess weight is one of the main causes of spinal pain. The fat around the abdomen puts extra weight on your spine, needing your spine to work extra to hold that extra weight.
You don’t need to drastically change your lifestyle to protect your spine; instead, you have to be mindful of good posture, right movement patterns, and appropriate physical activity. By following these tips above, such as sitting with good posture, lifting properly, staying active, and sleeping well, you can keep your spine fit and pain-free for years to come.
At Apollo Spine Clinic, we have a committed team to give you the lifestyle that you deserve. If you are experiencing spinal discomfort or want to know more about spinal health, reach out to our dedicated team of specialists. We are here to help you!
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