Verified By Apollo General Physician June 11, 2023
For many, summer is a fun time as this season calls for recreational camps/activities, outings to hill stations and celebrations. However, summer-related disorders like sunburns, skin diseases, stroke, sore eyes are also part of this season. With mercury level rising, the risk of heat-related diseases also rises. Some common conditions for sportspersons include heat exhaustion, heat cramps, and heat stroke.
Pregnant women, babies, the elderly and people who are on certain medicines including some medicines can make you to have a raised core body temperature. In addition, overweight people, those who are poorly acclimatized to high temperatures and those who overexert themselves under the sun are also at risk for summer related diseases.
Dehydration: This happens to people who play for a long time in the sun or to workers (such as daily-wage laborers) involved in physical work. And, if these people do not take enough water, it may cause hypertension too. Generally, children tend to get dehydrated with sweat while playing under the sun. Dehydration raises the risk of other summer-related diseases as well because it interferes with the ability of our body to modify temperature. Sticky mouth, thirst, chills, dizziness and low or no urine output are few dehydration symptoms.
Heat stroke: Heat stroke is a common summer illness if neglected can be life-threatening. Heat stroke symptoms include high body temperature, abnormal heartbeat, confusion, arrhythmia and breathing problems.
Food poisoning: Harmful parasites and bacteria are the most common cause of food-borne illnesses. In summer, the warm, humid weather provides a fertile condition for the growth of bacteria leading to food contamination or poisoning.
Urinary Tract Infection: This is another common disease that affects both adults and children in summer. Many women suffer from this during summer. They often do not know that their body is getting dehydrated and therefore, they do not drink enough water making themselves vulnerable to this infection.
Sunburn: Sunburn refers to overexposure of the body to the harmful ultraviolet radiation coming from the sun. This may cause, ache painful rashes on the skin, fatigue including mild dizziness.
Chickenpox: Chickenpox incidence is rising every year as the virus flourishes well in the warm weather and affects the masses.
Diarrhea: Diarrhea is the most common in hot summer months caused by eating spoilt food. Consuming unsafe drinking water and contaminated food results in diarrhea. It can be prevented by consuming hygienically prepared food and clean water.
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