Verified By January 22, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has been scary for people of all ages, but especially for expecting mothers. However, reports suggest that there is no evidence that suggests the virus can be transmitted to the baby in the womb. Additionally, babies are known to experience only mild forms of the disease. Yet, it is imperative for mothers to ensure that they take all the necessary precautions to stay healthy and protect their babies.
Firstly, unlike most people, you may be required to visit your doctor for important check-ups and routine shots. Discuss the precautionary measures with your doctor and ask her/him ways in which you can keep yourself safe during these visits. Many doctors are also offering teleconsultations at this time. See if that is an option for you.
Secondly, practice excellent personal hygiene and social distancing. Avoid touching your face and limit your exposure by staying home as much as possible. Buy groceries and non-perishable items in bulk so you don’t have to step out often.
Thirdly, try your best to eat healthy, stay active and get enough sleep. This may be difficult with limited resources and freedom, but it is the best step you can take to keep yourself and your baby healthy. It is also natural to feel low when you are stuck in the house, so try to practice meditation or pick up an indoor-hobby to keep yourself occupied.
Finally, you should be mindful of any symptoms that may be suggestive of COVID-19. If you find yourself with cold or cough, contact your doctor immediately and follow their instructions. Stay safe!
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