Verified By Apollo General Physician October 3, 2023
Peeling of the skin is usually quite common, especially on the hands, feet, lips, or fingertips.
Peeling of the skin, also called ‘desquamation’, is the shedding of the topmost layer (epidermis) of your skin. It can happen in a small area or on the whole body. It affects all age groups with several causes attributed. Mostly, it goes away when we apply creams or lotions (over-the-counter products). But in some cases, it may require medical treatment depending on the cause of skin peeling. Thus, it is very important to identify the root cause.
Based on the underlying disease or condition associated with skin peeling, various types of symptoms can be seen which not only affect one’s integumentary system (associated with skin and tissues) but also affects the nervous system, immune system, reproductive system, respiratory system, etc. Peeling of skin can be accompanied by symptoms like:
Sometimes, these escalate and lead to more symptoms such as:
If you are not able to find the cause of peeling skin but notice these symptoms, then contact your healthcare provider.
A few disease conditions can also cause peeling of the skin.
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Peeling of the skin can usually be treated at home with moisturizers and by avoiding exposure to an irritant. However, if there are any underlying medical conditions, a prompt diagnosis should be made. Your health care provider will help you find the cause for skin peeling and will be able to diagnose any allergies that you are unaware of. Your doctor will conduct different patch tests to find your allergies.
You should contact your doctor if
Easy lifestyle changes which can prevent skin peeling include:
To minimize any potential complications arising out of skin peeling, it is very important to determine the cause of skin peeling. Peeling of the skin itself can lead to a variety of complications that may worsen the condition.
Although not uncommon, skin peeling can make you extremely uncomfortable as it mostly occurs on your fingertips, feet, or your hands. Take good care of your skin by moisturizing it regularly and avoiding irritants or chemicals. Contact your health care provider for a physical exam if the peeling of the skin is unexplained and persistent. The goal of this clinical evaluation will be to find out the root cause underlying for peeling of the skin. If you or someone you are with is experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms, please seek prompt medical care.
Yes. This can be a cause of skin peeling. If the skin peeling does persist or is painful and itchy, contact your healthcare provider and reveal the recent changes in your environment or lifestyle. Reveal if you are taking any new medication or dietary supplements. This can help the doctor to narrow down the things you are allergic to.
If it persists, seek immediate medical attention from your healthcare provider. Peeling involving mucous membranes can indicate a disease condition or a severe reaction.
Longer exposure to the sun can cause the UV rays to damage your skin. Apply lotions or creams on the affected area to soothe the reddening and itching.
Peeling of skin on the whole body refers to an underlying disease condition. Peeling restricted to any specific part suggests contact with an irritant.
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December 19, 2023