Verified By Apollo General Physician January 1, 2024
The benefits of exercise are known to all of us. But still, it is always neglected in our daily schedule, and we blame it on the lack of time. What if we can sneak fitness into our busy daily lives? If you think it’s impossible, think again, as you may be wrong.
Experts suggest that an average person requires 150 minutes of aerobic exercise weekly. If we split it across a week, it will be around 20 minutes daily. It is a reasonable goal you can set and maintain in a day. Here are some ways you can remain healthy amidst your busy schedules.
Most diseases we get today are lifestyle-related and preventable. We need just a little caution and interest in changing our lifestyle. If you can schedule time for a workout, it is the best. But even if you cannot do it, sneaking in stretches and walks in your day is not hard and not doing it will just be an excuse. Follow the tips given and enjoy a healthy life.
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