Verified By November 30, 2023
Verified by Dr. Agnivesh Tikoo, Consultant Spine Surgery, Apollo Hospitals, Navi Mumbai.
‘Traditional vs Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery’
Conventional spine Surgery is the gold standard for any spine procedure. However, there is always collateral damage/ injury to the muscles / surrounding structures. Minimally invasive Spine Surgery (MISS) is a surgical technique that aims to limit this collateral damage using smaller incisions and minimal muscle dissection to achieve the same desired surgical outcome.
How is it performed?
Minimal invasive surgery is usually performed after making a paraspinal incision and inserting a port/ tube though these incisions to relieve the neural structures of compression. The important components of minimally invasive spine surgery are access (port), illumination (light source) and magnification. It can be achieved by using:
The safety and precision of minimal invasive spine surgery can be further enhanced using Neuro-navigation, Intra-Operative Neuro Monitoring (IONM) and Robotic Assisted Spine Surgery.
What are the benefits?
This approach offers several advantages over traditional or conventional open/ traditional spine surgery, including
This results in significant benefits to patients. The post operative pain is less; therefore, patient can be mobilized early. Less blood loss means quicker recovery and reduced blood transfusion requirements.
The conditions that can be treated with MISS:
How is MISS performed?
Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery is usually performed using smaller paraspinal incisions as compared to midline longer incision in conventional surgery. This is mostly performed under general anesthesia.
What is the recovery time for MISS?
It usually varies with type of procedure, no of levels operated and patient’s pre-existing health status. The recovery time for MISS is usually much shorter than that of traditional open spine surgery. Most patients can go home the next day. In certain cases, it can be done as a day care procedure also. Pain and discomfort in the post op period is much less.
Can all conditions be treated with MISS?
Not all conditions/ diseases of the spine can be treated with MISS. There are certain pathologies which are best approached by conventional techniques. However, the scope of minimal invasive spine surgery is constantly expanding and with the advent of better equipment and instruments, more and more pathologies become amenable to MISS.
How can I find a surgeon who performs MISS?
You may search for the best MIS surgeon around you. Dr. Agnivesh Tikoo, Consultant Spine Surgery, Apollo Hospitals, Navi Mumbai is an experienced spine surgeon with expertise in minimally invasive spine surgeries.
Call 022 6280 6280 for an appointment.
In conclusion, MISS is a safe and effective treatment for a variety of spine conditions. If you are experiencing back pain, talk to our doctor to see if MISS is an option for you.