Verified By March 2, 2023
An open heart bypass surgery gives everyone jitters and anxiety. The time required for surgery, the additional months of recovery and the complications associated with the heart disease and the surgery itself contribute to open heart surgery being feared by most of us. Technology has now made it possible to overcome the disadvantages of an open heart bypass surgery through the revolutionary Minimally Invasive Coronary Bypass Surgery(MICS).
MICS involves taking a small incision(cut) in your chest area near the nipple, through which a long flexible tube-like device is passed to reach the heart. MICS does not require cutting and opening of the chest bone, ribs and muscles. The Heart Lung machine may not be used as the heart need not be stopped during the surgery.
MICS is a boon for patients who need a bypass surgery but are contraindicated for an open heart surgery. Apart from this, some other benefits to be considered here are:
Researchers have identified this procedure to offer better outcomes in terms of reduced surgery and recovery time, reduced risk of long term complications as against death during or after surgery, post-op complications, high risk of wound infection in traditional open heart bypass surgery.
Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai offers state-of-the-art technology for cardiac surgeries with thousands of patients benefitting from Minimally Invasive Coronary Bypass Surgery.
Talk to the best Minimally Invasive Cardiac surgeon in Navi Mumbai now for a detailed overview on Minimally Invasive Coronary Bypass Surgery.