Verified By Apollo Doctors June 22, 2023
In males, testicular torsion means that a testicle (gonad) has rotated, twisting the attached spermatic cord and blood vessels. The restricted blood flow causes abrupt and severe swelling and pain.
Testicular torsion is generally seen in males between 12 and 18 age; however, it can happen at any stage of life.
Testicular torsion normally requires an emergency medical procedure to correct the torsion. If treated immediately, the gonad could be saved. In cases where blood flow has been cut off for a long time, the gonad may be so seriously harmed that it has to be removed surgically.
The twisting movement of the testicle likewise twists the spermatic cord that attaches to the gonad. Inside this cord are vessels that supply blood to the gonad. Torsion can restrict or cut off blood supply to the gonad, and the absence of blood supply makes the gonad swollen and painful.
Severe unexpected pain in the scrotum or one of the testicles is noticed. The pain may increase or decrease, however, it will not disappear totally.
Different manifestations include:
If severe or sudden testicle pain is noticed, seek immediate medical attention. Early intervention can minimize the severe loss or damage of gonad if testicular torsion occurs.
Also, look for immediate clinical assistance if unexpected testicle pain that disappears without treatment is noticed. This can happen when a gonad twists and untwists by itself (irregular torsion and detorsion). Surgery is often required to prevent the condition from arising again.
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Testicular torsion happens when the gonad rotates on the spermatic cord. If the gonad rotates numerous times, blood flow to it could be entirely obstructed.
Why testicular torsion happens is still not clear. Many men who get testicular torsion have an inherited characteristic that permits the gonad to rotate unobstructed inside the scrotum.
Testicular torsion usually happens a few hours after vigorous exercise, following a minor injury to the testicles, or while resting. Cold temperature or fast development of the gonad during puberty likewise may also play a role.
The principal risk factors for torsion are:
Testicular torsion requires immediate consideration as an emergency. When not managed immediately, this condition can cause critical complications. Testicular torsion can cause accompanying difficulties:
Whenever left untreated for over a few hours, the gonad may be seriously harmed, requiring its removal. The gonad can generally be saved if that is treated inside a four-to-six-hour window.
Following 12 hours, there is a 50 percent possibility of saving the gonad. Following 24 hours, the possibility of saving the gonad drops to 10 percent.
The best way to prevent testicular torsion in a male with a high risk of developing it is through a medical procedure to fix the two gonads within the scrotum so they cannot rotate and twist .
In case a testicle is removed, it does not always imply that a man cannot have kids. The other testicle would be able to produce adequate sperm .
A surgical procedure is needed for correcting testicular torsion (detorsion).
During the procedure, your surgeon will make a tiny incision in your scrotum and untwist your spermatic cord and fix one or both of your testicles with the scrotum.
Testicular torsion is a health-related emergency. It is best to get treated at the earliest opportunity. Testicular torsion should be considered as one of the main reasons for acute scrotal pain.
Only one working gonad is required for normal fertility and male features. An individual testicle can make an average volume of sperm and testosterone. Nonetheless, studies reveal that about one-third of victims face low sperm count following a torsion. It can likewise lead to anti-sperm antibodies, which might alter how the sperm work and move. Several studies exhibit that these men could have lower fertility.
Yes, however, this is exceptionally uncommon. Its specific reason is not known.
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