Verified By November 19, 2019
It is a known fact that India’s organ donation rate is one of the lowest in the world for both living and cadaver donors. One of the major reasons for this aremyths associated with the procedure. However, it is vital for us to understand that living donors can lead normal lives after the surgery and even go through an extensive selection process that ensures their well-being post-transplant.
The donor candidate is carefully evaluated by lab tests, a physical examination, and a psycho-social examination to ensure that he/she is healthy todonate, and is making an informed decision. As a result, the risk of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) among donors is low. However, there may be a small increase in the risk of preeclampsia, hypertension, and metabolic diseases such as gout.
Most surgeons generally advise women to complete planned childbearing prior to kidney donation. It has been observed that living kidney donation can increase the risk of gestational hypertension and preeclampsia in some donors, compared toother similarly healthy women. In general, donors demonstrate good quality of life and have a low rate of donation-related regret.