Verified By March 11, 2023
The disease can spread from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth, which are spread when a person with COVID-19 coughs or exhales. These droplets land on objects and surfaces around the person. People can also catch COVID-19 by touching these objects or surfaces, then touching their eyes, nose or mouth. Besides, people can catch COVID-19 if they breathe in droplets from a person with COVID-19 who coughs out or exhales droplets. This is why it is essential to stay more than 1 meter (3 feet) away from a person who is sick.
The airborne route of transmission is under investigation. Of late, this has acquired a ‘superspreader’ status, wherein cases have been implicated through asymptomatic transmission or in some where the mode of transmission is unexplainable.
August 26, 2023
August 26, 2023
August 26, 2023
June 24, 2023