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      Home Obesity How Can an Obese Person Lose Weight

      How Can an Obese Person Lose Weight

      Cardiology Image 1 Verified By June 11, 2023

      How Can an Obese Person Lose Weight

      Obesity is a medical condition where the accumulation of excess body fat takes place to an extent which may have a negative effect on your health. Obesity is a worldwide problem because more than one billion adults around the world, are overweight and about 300 million of them are obese.

       Obesity Treatment

      No two people are alike. As a result, it is important to create a weight-loss plan that best suits and works for you. However, irrespective of the obesity treatment plan you follow, losing weight slowly will be more effective and healthy compared to faster weight loss. This is because over the long term quick weight loss often prompts weight to regain.

      Below listed are the popular obesity treatment options you can consider:

      • Diet
      • Exercise
      • Environmental changes
      • Non-surgical treatment
      • Bariatric Surgical treatment

      Diet for Obesity

      Limiting the number of calories you consume is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. However, the successful long-term weight loss programs don’t consider the actual composition of the diet rather rely more on how many calories should you eat in a day or burn through exercise and daily activity.

      Consult a registered dietician who can help you through an individualized diet plan based on your particular situation. Follow certain basic dietary recommendations which may result in weight loss:

      • Include a variety of foods and healthy juices in your diet to help attain adequate nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.
      • Limit fried food items in your diet, due to it being unhealthy for your health and heart.
      • Sugary food and beverages also shouldn’t be included in your daily diet, as these food products are high in fat and add no nutritional value.
      • Take fats like polyunsaturated and monosaturated as they provide health benefits such as helping to keep the heart healthy.
      • Nuts, seeds and some types of oils, such as olive, safflower, and canola can be a part of a healthy eating plan.
      • Choose whole grains such as brown rice and whole wheat bread rather than white rice and white bread because they are richer in nutrients and higher in fiber, so the body absorbs them more slowly.
      • Include whole-grain rice, bread, and pasta instead of the normal white versions.
      • Consider fruit, nuts, and seeds instead of high-sugar snacks and substitute unhealthy snacks.
      • Consume herb teas and fruit-infused water instead of high-sugar sodas.
      • Get at least five servings daily of a variety of fruits and vegetables as they contain varying amounts and types of nutrients.
      • Avoid super-sized selections when you order take-out food because many restaurant portions are too large for one person.
      • Read food labels carefully and pay particular attention to the number of servings contained in the product and the serving size. 

      Exercise for Weight loss

      Some people lose weight by themselves. But it is always advisable to seek help from a health care provider who will recommend the right type of exercise for you. The goal of exercise plans is to help you lose 1 to 2 kilograms per week.

      Your provider may suggest that you the following ways which can gradually increase your physical activity:

      • Walk every day.
      • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
      • Do errands on foot, if possible
      • Park your vehicle farther away and walk to your destination
      • Go to a spa, gym, or exercise class.
      • Water aerobics classes are especially good if you have back, knee, or joint problems.
      • Do some form of strength training using gym equipment or your own body weight
      • Consult your physician before setting up any exercise plans. 

      Environmental Changes

      Our typical days encourage an inactive lifestyle, and it also takes a bit of effort to become active on a daily basis. The activities that contribute to an inactive, sedentary lifestyle include driving to the office, working at a desk, watching television, which doesn’t require any physical effort as such.

      Here are a few simple changes which you can adapt to increase daily activity and productivity:

      • Avoid the elevator or escalator and take the stairs
      • If possible park the car farther and walk to the store or the office
      • Get dropped one stop before from your bus stop
      • Stop watching the television or video game and head outdoors
      • Wash the car or just take a walk
      • Consider activities such as tennis, roller-blading or hiking
      • Find ways to pack more activity into your day in addition to exercising
      • Take cut fruits and vegetables, to have on hand when you get hungry
      • Avoid the temptation of high-calorie treats like  cake and cookies

      Non-Surgical Treatment for Obesity

      Non-Surgical treatment could be the best treatment option when your other efforts to lose weight have disappointed you. Your physician may suggest a non-surgical treatment, based on your medical conditions and medicine intake.

      The following treatments may include:

      • Intake of medications for treating obesity & malabsorptive surgeries related health issues.
      • Adapt behavioral changes that improvise regular diet and lifestyle habits.
      • Medications that can help address any eating disorders.

      Surgical Treatment for Obesity

      Weight-loss surgery is also known as bariatric surgery, which is a surgical treatment to treat obesity. It is for the people who have failed at conservative measures including diet, exercise, and medication.

      The target group for this Weight-loss surgery includes:

      • People with a BMI greater than 40
      • Men who are 100 pounds above their ideal body weight
      • Women who are 80 pounds above their ideal body weight
      • Persons with another condition precipitated by obesity such as obesity-related Type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea or heart disease.

      But it is best to consider all your options before opting for surgery, ensure you speak to your doctor about all the pros and cons before going ahead with surgical treatment for obesity.

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