Verified By February 24, 2023
Dr. Balakrishna Vedulla
Consultant- Emergency Medicine – HOD
Apollo Hospitals, Visakhapatnam
If perchance you happen to the first responder to encounter a person who has ingested any kind of poison, it is of utmost importance that you remain calm and composed, especially when interacting with the person. Calmness projects control, which helps make the victim more compliant to your requests and interventions.
Firstly, try to find out what sort of poison has been ingested, its quantity, route of intake and time since intake. This will help establish a timeline and a window for the necessary treatment interventions.
Secondly, loosen any clothing, be it a neck tie, belt or tight fitting clothes. Ensure the person is in an adequately ventilated environment, avoid crowding of onlookers, if it cannot be helped advise them to take a step back from the incapacitated person.
Thirdly, call for help! By this point of time you will most likely know the poison, dose ingested and/or the time since ingestion. This information will help the First Medical Responders prioritize their resuscitation and plan ahead for further intervention after ED arrival.
Fourthly, try to take the container or packaging of the alleged poison with the person to the ED. It will make the job of resuscitating and treating the person that much easier and quicker, with minimal chance for wrong antidote administration.
Always be calm and composed, try to keep the person and the family in the loop with the sequence of events as they unfold.