Verified By May 6, 2024
Heat waves are a regular occurrence during the heat of the summer, when temperatures rise and the sun beats down strongly. But do we understand the devastating impact they may have, particularly on pregnant women? Let’s go into this critical issue and analyze why it’s important to understand and prevent the impacts of heat waves on expecting women.
In this blog article, we will take a look at the particular hazards that heat waves bring to pregnant women and provide ways for protecting their health and well-being during high heat events.
Did you know? According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, exposure to extreme heat during pregnancy can increase the risk of life-threatening complications during delivery by 27%! This is why staying cool and informed is crucial during a heat wave.
Now, why is it crucial to discuss and prevent the effects of heat waves on pregnant women? Well, apart from the immediate health risks, heat-related illnesses can also have long-term implications for both the mother and the baby. Complications during pregnancy can lead to preterm birth, low birth weight, and developmental issues in the child for which consultation with the best gynaecologist in Lucknow is a must. By raising awareness and taking preventive measures, we can mitigate these risks and ensure healthier outcomes for both mother and child.
But when are pregnant women most exposed to heat waves? Well, it’s not just during outdoor activities or heatwaves; everyday situations like commuting, working in non-air-conditioned environments, or even spending time outdoors can put them at risk.
Additionally, certain regions are more prone to extreme heat events, further increasing the vulnerability of pregnant women living in those areas.
Heat waves can have detrimental effects on expecting mothers, these risks can be reduced with the right knowledge and precaution. Pregnant women may prevent high heat events and protect the health of their unborn children by being aware of the effects of heat waves and taking proactive steps to remain cool and hydrated. For comprehensive insights and expert guidance, schedule an appointment today to consult with our esteemed obstetricians and gynaecologist at Apollomedics Hospitals Lucknow. Rest assured; we’re committed to providing unwavering support throughout your journey.