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      Home Health A-Z What’s the Difference Between a Regular Prostate Biopsy and Mri Fusion Biopsy

      What’s the Difference Between a Regular Prostate Biopsy and Mri Fusion Biopsy

      Cardiology Image 1 Verified By Apollo General Physician June 12, 2023

      What’s the Difference Between a Regular Prostate Biopsy and Mri Fusion Biopsy

      When it comes to cancer detection, prompt action and diagnosis are necessary to detect and restrict the spread of cancer. A prostate biopsy is a definitive way to diagnose a suspected case of prostate cancer. Traditionally, this specific biopsy is performed by the method of random tissue sampling, which, in some scenarios, can produce false positive results. Using more advanced diagnostic procedures at Apollo Hospitals, Karnataka – MRI Ultrasound Fusion Biopsy, the diagnosis results acquired are more accurate and provide a precise evaluation of cancer staging.

      When Do You Require Prostate Biopsy?
      Prostate biopsy is used to detect the presence of prostate cancer along with the staging or progress of cancer. The prostate gland routinely produces a protein known as “prostate-specific antigen”, or PSA. Abnormal levels of PSA secretion can be a sign of prostate cancer. Certain other physical symptoms may indicate the need for a biopsy to rule out or detect the presence of cancer. Some of those physical symptoms indicating the need for prostate biopsy:

      • Pain or burning while urinating
      • Difficulty urinating
      • Frequent urination
      • Urgency in urination
      • Urinary incontinence.

      Certain imaging and blood tests performed to gather additional information on the region around the prostate gland may also indicate the need for a prostate biopsy. These include:

      • Lump or nodule found in the prostate during Digital Rectal Exam (DRE)
      • Elevated levels of PSA.

      How is Traditional Prostate Biopsy Different From Mri Fusion Biopsy?
      A regular prostate biopsy involves extracting random tissue samples from the prostate gland and then testing in a lab to assess & detect the presence of cancer cells. Sometimes, an extended biopsy may need to be performed, which involves taking additional tissue samples for testing to find out the extent and spread of prostate cancer.

      In the case of highly advanced MRI fusion biopsy at Apollo Hospitals, Karnataka, the concerned area is first scanned under MRI to look for suspected cancerous activity in the area. Then the tissue is removed from the suspected region to be sent for further testing to detect the cancer in the prostate gland. Ultrasound imaging and MRI scan images provide a non-invasive method of identifying suspicious areas in the prostate gland. This helps avoid the requirement of a random sampling of the prostate area while dramatically minimising the chances of a false positive in a biopsy.

      Is Mri Fusion Biopsy Better Than Regular Prostate Biopsy?
      MRI fusion biopsy helps locate the specific area of suspicion for prostate cancer rather than collecting random samples to identify the problem area. It also helps obtain more precise results while greatly minimising the chances of getting a false positive. This helps reduce the time taken to diagnose and treat prostate cancer.

      Early detection and appropriate treatment of cancer is essential. Between a regular prostate biopsy and MRI fusion biopsy, time-saving and area-specific diagnosis is provided by MRI fusion biopsy, which also reduces the chance of a false positive which can happen otherwise in the case of a regular prostate biopsy.

      You can always choose Apollo Hospitals, Karnataka, for MRI Fusion Biopsy. Our state-of-the-art equipment using advanced technology at Apollo Hospitals, Karnataka, for MRI fusion biopsy of the prostate gland region provides precise and accurate diagnosis for prostate cancer. It is performed limited to the suspected area as detected by the MRI scan so that extensive sampling is avoided while keeping in mind the safety and comfort of the patient as well as minimal incision. Through this technique, we can provide the correct diagnosis while reducing the need for repeated biopsies.


      Q1. What Are the Different Types of Prostate Biopsies Performed?
      A prostate biopsy can be performed using the regular invasive method through random sampling of tissues to identify the problem zone in case of transrectal biopsy. Alternatively, in the case of transperineal prostate biopsy, the problem area is identified by doing MRI first and then sampling tissues from the region to test for cancer.

      Q2. What is the Cost of a Regular Prostate Biopsy and Mri Fusion Biopsy in India?
      The average cost of a regular prostate biopsy in India is around INR 4,000 to INR 10,000. It may vary depending on the type of medical equipment used for examination and other factors. The best estimate for your MRI fusion biopsy can be given on the hospital’s website, or you can visit Apollo Hospitals, Karnataka, for better recommendations & price details.

      Q3. What Are the Risks Involved With Prostate Biopsy?
      Some of the risks associated with a prostate biopsy involve the following:

      • Rectal bleeding
      • Blood in the semen for a few weeks after the biopsy
      • Blood in the urine for a few days after the biopsy
      • Infection at the site of biopsy, which can be cured through medicine.

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