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      Home Dermatology Dermatology – Types of skin diseases, causes, symptoms and Treatments

      Dermatology – Types of skin diseases, causes, symptoms and Treatments

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      Dermatology – Types of skin diseases, causes, symptoms and Treatments

      Types of skin diseases are the Conditions that may affect or damage your skin are known as Skin disorders. Rashes, inflammation, itching, and other skin changes can be brought on by these illnesses. Some types of skin diseases might be hereditary, others may be due to person’s lifestyle. There are different different types of skin diseases depends on the individuals.

      A medical professional can frequently identify a skin condition just by looking at your skin. If examining your skin doesn’t reveal any clear answers, your doctor may perform tests like these:

      o Performing a skin sample biopsy
      o Culture, or test to look for bacteria, fungus, or viruses
      o Test your skin with a patch, under a black light, or with a wood light to see how your pigment looks under an ultraviolet (UV) light.
      o Diascopy involves touching a microscope slide to a patch of skin to see if the skin’s colour changes.
      o Dermoscopy is the process of diagnosing skin lesions with a portable instrument called a dermatoscope.
      o Tzanck test, which involves testing blister fluid for the presence of herpes simplex or herpes zoster.

      Pills, lotions, ointments, or lifestyle modifications are the treatment options available for skin conditions.

      As a sensory and excretory organ, the skin also serves important roles in homeostasis, insulation, vitamin D secretion, boosting immunity, UV protection, and prevention from loss of body fluids.
      The layers of epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis, as well as other sublayers, make up the skin. A skin condition may start in one layer of the skin and spread to others, leaving noticeable scars or having significant metabolic implications. Understanding the mechanisms underlying the various skin illnesses is crucial for the best possible care and treatment.

      Types of skin diseases:

      1. Acne
      2. Atopic dermatitis (Eczema)
      3. Shingles (Herpes zoster)
      4. Psoriasis
      5. Skin cancer
      6. Athlete`s foot
      7. Rosacea
      8. Hives
      9. Age or Liver Spots
      10. Vitiligo

      Some of the rare skin disorders are:

      1. Ichthyosis

      Ichthyosis is the types of skin diseases refers to a collection of around 20 skin disorders characterized by skin dryness and scaling. People who have this disorder lose the barrier that prevents moisture from escaping from their skin. Additionally, they produce skin cells too quickly or remove it too slowly. As a result, thick, scaly skin accumulates. Ichthyosis frequently has milder forms.

      Most of its forms are extremely rare. The following are the most common two kinds:

      – Ichthyosis vulgaris: About one in every 250 people are impacted by it. Brown, white or grey scales can be visible on body in early childhood.

      – X-linked recessive ichthyosis: Only men are impacted, with an incidence of 1 in 6,000. Chances of developing testicular cancer may increase. Women are more likely to be carriers and experience labor issues.

      Causes of Ichthyosis:

      Ichthyosis types of skin diseases that is inherited is a hereditary disorder. That indicates that you received it from your parents. The proteins that shield and maintain the moisture of your skin are impacted by ichthyosis gene alterations. They also have an impact on how rapidly your body regenerates or sheds skin cells. Early childhood is when ichthyosis typically manifests. You are more likely to have a serious disease if both of your parents carry the gene than if only one of them does.

      Acquired ichthyosis manifests at adulthood. People who experience it frequently also have other illnesses, such as an underactive thyroid gland, according to doctors who don’t know what causes it. Sarcoidosis, an uncommon condition that results in inflammatory spots inside the body, kidney disease, HIV infection, Hodgkin lymphoma, and other cancers

      A few medications may also cause the condition:

      o Cancer medications like vemurafenib, hydroxyurea (Droxia, Hydrea), and protease inhibitors (a class of medications used to treat HIV infections) (Zelboraf).

      o High cholesterol is treated with Nicotinic acid.

      Symptoms of Ichthyosis:

      The main symptoms are dry, scaly skin. Only a few bodily parts, including the scalp, face, buttocks, legs, and trunk, develop scales.

      The scales may be grey, dark brown, or white. They could be cracked by large or little fissures. In cold, dry weather, dryness and scaling become more severe. Warmer weather typically makes them better.

      Other ichthyosis symptoms include skin redness, blisters, peeling, itchiness, pain, and soreness. The soles of the feet and palms of the hands have lines, and the skin is tight and difficult to move in.
      Eczema is a red, itchy rash that affects many persons with ichthyosis.

      Treatment for Ichthyosis:

      Although there is no cure, treatments can help you manage your dry, scaly skin.
      Every day, apply cream, lotion, or ointment to your skin to increase moisture. Look for a cream that contains lanolin, alpha hydroxy acids, urea, or propylene glycol. Ceramides and cholesterol-containing products also help keep skin moisturized.

      While your skin is still damp after the shower or bath, apply the lotion right away. This will aid in retaining moisture. Additionally, you might try:

      – Take a saltwater bath.

      – Use a pumice stone to scrub your skin.

      – Use a product containing salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or lactic acid to remove dead skin.

      Your doctor might suggest an oral retinoid medication like acitretin (Soriatane) or isotretinoin if the dryness and scaling are severe (Absorica, Claravis, Sotret, and others). Side effects from retinoids can include weakening bones, dry mouth, and upset stomach.

      2. Harlequin Ichthyosis

      Genetic mutation is the reason for this serious skin condition called Harlequin ichthyosis. The majority of the bodies of newborns with this syndrome are covered in extremely thick, rigid skin. Deep cracks separate the huge, diamond-shaped plates that the skin develops (fissures). This skin restricts arm and leg movements in addition to changing the appearance of the eyelids, nose, mouth, and ears. Babies with harlequin ichthyosis may experience breathing problems and respiratory failure as a result of restricted chest movement. Infants with the condition also have eating issues. Harlequin ichthyosis-related skin defects compromise this barrier, making it challenging for affected newborns to balance water loss, maintain a stable body temperature, and fight infections.
      In the first few weeks of life, infants with harlequin ichthyosis frequently undergo excessive fluid loss (dehydration) and acquire infections that can be fatal. After the neonatal stage, the thick skin plates are removed, and the skin becomes reddened and covered in scales.

      Causes of Harlequin Ichthyosis

      Genetic susceptibility to harlequin ichthyosis is inherited via autosomal recessive genes. You can carry the disease without actually having it. There is a 25% probability that a child will have the illness if both parents are carriers. The National Organization of Rare Disorders estimates that 1 in 500,000 people have harlequin ichthyosis.

      Symptoms of Harlequin Ichthyosis

      Harlequin ichthyosis signs and symptoms vary with age and are typically more severe in young children.

      Premature birth is frequently the case for infants with Harlequin ichthyosis.
      Hard, substantial scales covering the entire body, including the face, are typically the first symptom people notice. The scales split open and crack when the skin is tugged tightly.

      – Eyelids turning inside out
      – Eyes not closing
      – Lips pulled tight, leaving the mouth open and making nursing challenging
      – Ears are fused to the head, small hands and feet that are swollen, limited mobility in extremities
      – Difficulties in nursing, problems pertaining to breathing due to tight chest skin
      – Infections in deep skin cracks
      – Dehydration, low body temperature, and high sodium levels in the blood, known as hypernatremia, are just a few of the serious problems that this hardened skin can result in.

      Physical development in children with Harlequin ichthyosis may be delayed. However, they often develop intellectually in line with normal kids their age.
      The skin of a newborn with Harlequin ichthyosis is likely to remain red and scaly throughout life.
      They may also have strange facial characteristics due to stretched skin, decreased hearing from scale building in the ears, difficulty moving their fingers due to tight skin, thick fingernails, recurrent skin infections, and overheating due to scales that prevent perspiration.

      Treatment for Harlequin Ichthyosis

      Improved neonatal facilities have increased chances for infants to live healthier and longer lives. However, prompt, thorough treatment is essential.

      Both dehydration and malnutrition can be avoided with tube feeding. Protection and special lubrication can assist maintain the health of the eyes.

      Additional possible initial treatments.

      – Using retinoids to help shed hard
      – Scaly skin, topical antibiotics to prevent infection
      – Bandaging the skin to prevent infection
      – To aid breathing a tube is inserted into the airway
      – Using lubricating eye drops or protective devices on the eyes
      – Bandaging the skin to prevent infection

      After initial treatment, care (management) becomes a critical component of the equation because there is no cure for Harlequin ichthyosis. And the skin is the key. Apply creams and moisturizers as soon as possible after a shower or bath to get the most benefit.
      Choose products with high levels of hydrating ingredients such as

      o Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs)
      o Lanolin
      o Cholesterol
      o Petrolatum
      o Ceramides

      The AHA lactic acid-containing supplement AmLactin is suggested by several ichthyosis experts. Others advise incorporating a few ounces of glycerin into any lotion to extend the time that the skin remains moisturized. Skin thickness is helped by oral retinoids. Additionally, you should strive to avoid excessive temperatures that can irritate your skin and protect your skin from sunburn.

      3. Scalded Skin syndrome

      The skin infection staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) types of skin diseases is brought on by the bacterium staphylococcus aureus. The outer layers of skin blister and peel as though they have been drenched in hot liquid due to the exfoliative toxin produced by this bacterium. Ritter’s illness, also known as SSSS, is an uncommon condition that affects up to 56 persons per 100,000. Children under 6 are most likely to develop it.

      Causes of Scalded Skin syndrome

      In healthy individuals, the bacteria that causes SSSS is widespread. According to the British Association of Dermatologists, 40% of adults have it without experiencing any symptoms (typically on their skin or mucous membranes).

      When bacteria enter the body through a skin crevice, problems occur. The bacterium’s poison weakens the skin’s ability to stay together. The distinctive peeling of SSSS is then brought on by the separation of the surface layer of skin from the deeper layers.
      A reaction might occur all over the skin when the poison enters the bloodstream. Young children, especially newborns, are most vulnerable because they lack developed immune systems and kidneys that can remove toxins from the body. 98 percent of cases, according to study in the Annals of Internal Medicine journal, involve children under the age of six. Adults with compromised renal function or impaired immune systems are also vulnerable.

      Symptoms of Scalded Skin syndrome

      The classic indicators of an infection such as
      – Fever
      – Weariness
      – Chills
      – Irritability
      – Loss of appetite
      – Weakness
      – Conjunctivitis, usually appear first (an inflammation or infection of the clear lining that covers the white portion of the eyeball)

      Also possible is the emergence of a crusty sore. For babies and young children, the sore commonly occurs on the face, in the area around the umbilical cord stump, or in the diaper area. It can appear anywhere on an adult.

      You might also notice the following when the toxin is released: red, painful skin, blisters that are readily split and can break off in vast sheets, either localized to the area where the bacterium entered the skin or more widely distributed.

      Treatment for Scalded Skin syndrome

      Treatment frequently necessitates hospitalization. The greatest facilities to handle the issue are frequently burn units.

      – Painkillers
      – creams to cover raw, exposed skin
      – oral or intravenous antibiotics to eradicate the infection are the usual forms of treatment.

      Steroids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are not utilised since they may harm the kidneys and immune system.
      Dehydration might become an issue when the blisters drain and ooze. You’ll be advised to hydrate well. Within 24 to 48 hours of the initiation of treatment, healing usually starts. It takes about five to seven days for a full recovery.

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