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      Home COVID-19 COVID-19 and Pregnancy – FAQ Part I

      COVID-19 and Pregnancy – FAQ Part I

      Cardiology Image 1 Verified By Apollo Pulmonologist July 30, 2020

      COVID-19 and Pregnancy – FAQ Part I

      COVID-19 and Pregnancy – FAQ Part I


      The COVID-19 pandemic has taken changed our lives as we knew it. While this is a scary time for all of us, expecting mothers are especially scared for the health of their babies

      As the disease causes severe respiratory distress, along with symptoms like fever, coughand shortness of breath – mothers should especially look for these signs and get in touch with their doctors at the earliest. 

      Q.Are pregnant women at a higherof COVID-19?

      There is no evidence that indicates pregnant women develop worse symptoms as compared to the general population. The large majority of pregnant women are likely to experience mild to moderate symptoms. However, women who have an underlying conditions like asthma or diabetes may witness their symptoms get worse.

      Q. Is COVID-19 communicable from a pregnant woman to the foetus?

      Up until now there are no reported cases of a baby contracting the disease during pregnancy or delivery. Additionally, the virus was not found in samples of amniotic fluid or breastmilk. Still, mothers are advised to take strict precautions during breastfeeding to ensure the safety of the baby.

      Q. What effect will coronavirus have on my baby if I am diagnosed with the infection?

      Till date there is no evidence that suggests an increased risk of miscarriage in women suffering from COVID-19. It is also unlikely for the baby to develop abnormalities due to the virus. However, it has been reported that a few women in China gave birth prematurely after getting the virus, but it still unclear if this was a result of the disease.

      Q.How can pregnant women protect themselves from getting COVID-19?

      Pregnant women should practice good hygiene avoid infection:

      • Clean hands oftenwith soap and water for at least 20 seconds every time you visit a public place, blow your nose, cough or sneeze. A sanitizer can be used if you don’t have access to soap and water at the time.
      • Ensure to clean items like your mobile phones, wallet and keys after getting back home. Avoid touching your eyes, noseand mouth with unwashed hands.
      • Avoid contact with sick people
      • Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezingwith a tissue, disposing them immediately, or use the inside of your elbow
      • Always wear a facemask when you are around people, in a public place,a public vehicle or before you enter a healthcare facility
      • Disinfect surfaces like tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks with soap or 60% hand sanitizer.

      Q.What steps shouldpregnant women take if they have been exposed to COVID-19?

      If you are pregnant notice symptoms like fever,sustained cough, get in touch with your medical team at the earliest. Based on your symptoms, the doctor will suggest a safe course of action youand decide if you need to visit the hospital to get tested. If you are diagnosed with the virus, you will be kept and treated in isolation to prevent others from contracting the disease.


      The content is verified and reviewd by experienced practicing Pulmonologist to ensure that the information provided is current, accurate and above all, patient-focused

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