Verified By Apollo Pulmonologist December 26, 2020
Person with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection may increase the risk of spreading the same to others at vaccination site. For this reason, infected individuals should defer
vaccination for 14 days after symptoms resolution.
It is believed that mutations may not interfere with the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine. In fact, the slow and mild nature of the mutations of the novel coronavirus is good news for a vaccine.
Researchers say that the virus is still so similar now to the initial sequence that differences are unlikely to matter in terms of the vaccine.
Vaccines, in general, tend to target an early version of the virus. Usually, an older strain of a virus will preserve enough features that it will provide immunity against a whole group of variants.
Currently, the rush is on and there are over 120 groups all over the world working on a vaccine for COVID-19. Before a vaccine is released for use, the safety of the vaccine needs to be ensured. It is also essential to ascertain if the vaccine will elicit enough of an immune response. Like drugs, potential vaccines have to pass through clinical trials.
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