Verified By August 8, 2020
Bone cancer is a very rare condition that can arise from the cells within or around the bone. When one is suffering from bone cancer the cells arise de novo, which is the first occurrence of cancer in a body and then can multiply aggressively till the entire bone is destroyed. These cancer cells can further spread throughout the body via blood circulation and affect multiple organs like the lungs, other bones, or tissues. The tumours can grow to large sizes and can impair the functions of the body or even lead to death. Here’s all you need to know about the disease and its treatment.
Depending on the cell of origin, bone cancer can be categorised into different types. Some of the most common types of bone cancer include:
Both these types of bone cancer are more common in children who are between 5 and 20 years of age.
Then there are cancers like Multiple Myeloma and Chondrosarcoma, which are more common in late adults and people in their old age. Cancers that arise in other parts of the body, like the breasts, thyroid, lungs, etc., can also spread to the bone, and are referred to as Secondary (or Metastatic) Bone Cancers.
While the symptoms may vary, some of the most common signs that patients with bone cancer show include:
Tumours that arise from the spine may cause weakness in the hand, foot, or even lead to paralysis.
It is not very easy to detect bone cancer and that is why the diagnosis of the same is often delayed. As bone cancer is a rare disease, the general population is not much aware of it. However, early detection is essential when it comes to bone cancer management and it is important that people are able to consult with concerned doctors at the earliest.
For making the correct diagnosis, a thorough examination and investigation are essential. X-ray, CT scan, MRI scan, PET scan, and bone scan are some of the tests that one may be asked to undergo. A biopsy is also one of the most important investigative tests that may be performed by the treating surgeon for a confirmed diagnosis.
Earlier, bone cancer was considered an incurable condition. Procedures such as amputations were performed to offer patients some relief. Since then, many advancements have been made in cancer management. As the high-end investigation modalities like MRI and PET scans have made diagnosis easier, various limb salvage procedures are also available for upper limb, lower limb, and pelvic cancers.
Today, there are also several reconstruction techniques that are available, including Allo Bone Graft, Megaprosthetic Replacement, Vascularized Fibula, Rotationplasty, etc. For children who suffer from bone cancer, special implants are also available including expandable megaprosthesis.
Patients who have metastatic bone cancer can undergo palliative surgeries to relieve them of pain and to help improve their function and quality of life.
These days, a multimodality approach is suggested for the treatment of bone cancer and can include chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery. While chemotherapy can be used to prevent cancer from spreading, radiotherapy can be used as an adjuvant to the surgery.
With newer skills and technologies, early diagnosis and treatment of cancer have been made possible and the cure rates have risen from 25% to 70% in recent times. If a patient presents late with extensive bone cancer and spread, where curing them may not be possible, treatment is focused on helping improve their function and to reduce pain so their quality of life may be improved.
June 16, 2022