Verified By Apollo Gastroenterologist June 11, 2023
In this blog, you will get an insight into the causes & symptoms of Appendicitis. Also, learn about the best Appendicitis treatment in India.
The appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix. An appendix is a small, worm-shaped pouch present at the beginning of the large intestine. It is usually 5 to 10 cm long. The function of the appendix is unknown but some scientists say that it acts as a storehouse for good bacteria. Others believe that it is a useless remnant from human evolution. The position of the appendix varies between individuals.
Appendicitis is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention. It is also the most common cause of abdominal surgery. Appendicitis can occur at any age and equally affects both men and women. However, it is slightly more prevalent in men who are 15 to 25 years old. Recent studies have shown a reduction of the number of cases of appendicitis in western countries. The incidence in Asian and African countries may be lower. But actual figures from these countries are not available. The prevalence of appendicitis is low in cultures where a high-fiber diet is consumed regularly.
Appendicitis occurs when a blockage of the appendix causes it to be infected and inflamed. The appendix becomes swollen, infected and painful in this situation. The inflammation can also spread to the body structures surrounding the appendix.
The resulting pain and symptoms can mimic other conditions like urinary tract infection or stomach ulcer. However, appendicitis is an emergency condition that requires immediate treatment. Diagnosis of appendicitis relies heavily on the experience of the doctor. The diagnosis is made from the physical signs of the patient and investigations. Pain in the right lower region of the abdomen is the most common symptom associated with appendicitis. Investigations like ultrasound and laboratory tests are carried out for further evaluation and for clear observation of appendicitis. Treatment of appendicitis involves medications to control the infection and removal of the appendix by surgery. Surgical removal of the appendix is called an appendectomy. If appendicitis treatment is delayed, then the patient may develop complications like perforation, abscess and peritonitis.
Appendicitis symptoms form a classic triad of stomach pain, vomiting, and fever. But this typical presentation may not be presented in all cases.
Abdominal pain is the most common symptom of appendicitis. Typically, the pain starts in the middle of the abdomen and later shifts to the lower right side, where the appendix is usually located. The pain may worsen if the area where the appendix is located is pressed or while coughing or walking. In acute appendicitis, the affected individual experiences excruciating pain that causes him to bend his body by folding his legs to the chest.
The anatomic position of the appendix varies considerably between individuals. The location of the pain associated with appendicitis and the associated symptoms can also vary accordingly. An inflamed appendix near the urinary bladder may irritate the bladder and cause painful urination. If the appendix extends behind, inflammation can irritate the nerves and muscles behind and cause difficulty in walking.
Appendicitis symptoms vary among different individuals and according to the duration of the inflammation. Depending on the duration of symptoms and the presence of complications appendicitis may be classified as acute, chronic, recurrent or complicated appendicitis.
Acute appendicitis occurs when symptoms appear suddenly and with severe intensity. It lasts for 24 to 48 hours. This is the most common reasons for abdominal surgery in appendicitis.
It occurs when the inflammation of the appendix remains undiagnosed and the symptoms last for up to 3 weeks. The symptoms may appear and disappear. Usually, chronic appendicitis is diagnosed when the intensity of pain increases and the patient presents like acute appendicitis.
It is diagnosed when a patient has multiple episodes of lower abdominal pain due to appendicitis.
If left untreated, the infected or inflamed appendix will either burst or perforate spilling the infectious material in the abdominal cavity. Complicated appendicitis occurs when an appendix bursts due to increased pressure within it or when the appendix loses all its blood supply and becomes gangrenous. An appendicular abscess is formed when pus collects within a sac in the region near the appendix.
An appendix with abscess can also perforate or explode. The infectious material can spread within the abdominal cavity and cause peritonitis (inflammation inner wall of the abdomen).
Appendicitis is diagnosed by a doctor by taking a patient’s history, physical examination and by conducting investigations.
During the physical examination, the doctor checks the vital signs such as blood pressure, body temperature, rate of respiration and heartbeat. The doctor would also conduct a detailed examination of the abdomen and locate the site of pain. Patients with appendicitis have a fever, increased heart rate, pain in the right lower abdomen, and reduced movement of the intestines.
Medications are prescribed to patients with mild appendicitis. Some of the medications, which your doctor may prescribe you if you have mild appendicitis, are:
Appendicitis treatment primarily consists of surgical removal of the appendix (appendectomy). The surgeon will remove the appendix by using one of the two methods: open or laparoscopic surgery.
a) Open appendectomy
During an open appendectomy, a single incision is made in the lower right area of the abdomen to remove the appendix. However, this technique has been widely replaced by laparoscopic surgery.
b) Laparoscopic appendectomy
Laparoscopic surgery requires smaller incisions and is less invasive. The surgeon makes three small incisions (each 1/4 – 1/2 inch) and inserts a laparoscope (a tiny telescope connected to a video camera) through a cannula into one of the incision. It helps the surgeon to have a magnified view the internal organs on a television monitor. Several other cannulas are inserted through the other incisions and the appendix is removed. Laparoscopic surgery nvolves smaller incisions and the recovery period is shorter.
Pain medications and antibiotics may be prescribed after the surgery.
If a patient is scheduled for an appendectomy, he or she has to follow these suggestions to prevent complications:
No long-term complications are associated with an appendectomy. You can resume your work 2 to 6 weeks after the surgery. However, it is important to follow a healthy lifestyle for good health.
No. Mild appendicitis can be treated with antibiotics and painkillers. However, patients with severe appendicitis need surgical removal of the appendix to prevent further complications and infections.
You should consult a physician, a general surgeon, or a gastroenterologist for appendicitis.
Appendicitis may happen around the second or third trimester of pregnancy. It may cause a fetal loss due to exposure to infectious fluids. The diagnosis and treatment remain the same for a pregnant patient and any other patient. However, additional care will be required. The surgeon, general physician, and gynecologist will closely monitor the patient.
Meckel’s diverticulitis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), inflammatory diseases of the right upper abdomen, right-sided diverticulitis, kidney diseases, and ectopic pregnancy are some of the conditions that mimic the symptoms of appendicitis.
Apollo Hospitals has the best appendicitis treatment doctors in India. To find out the best appendicitis doctors in your nearby city, visit the links below:
Appendicitis doctors in Bangalore
Appendicitis doctors in Chennai
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